This just happened

P1P1 --> Whip of Erebos

After seeing Ordeal of Purphoros and Arena Athlete come to me far later than they should have, I was fairly settled in RB.

In pack 3, a Chromanticore wheeled to me like 10th pick. It was too tempting...

My pool:

Arena Athlete
2 Nyxborn Eidolon
Satyr Rambler
Reckless Reveler
2 Fellhide Brawler
2 Nyxborn Rollicker

Herald of Torment
Ashiok's Adept
Kragma Butcher
Flamespeaker Adept

2 Forsaken Drifters
Borderland Minotaur
Cyclops of One-Eyed Pass
Ill-Tempered Cyclops

2 Grey Merchant of Asphodel
Pharagax Giant
Marshmist Titan
Archetype of Finality
Abhorrent Overlord

Ordeal of Purphoros
Claim of Erebos
2 Epiphany Storm
2 Rise to the Challenge
2 Asphyxiate
Bolt of Keranos
Fall of the Hammer
Weight of the Underworld
Whip of Erebos

Whip of Erebos
2 Epiphany Storm
2 Forsaken Drifters
some fat

Would you just play efficient RB aggro or would you try to make Reanimator work XD?