Legacy Weapon has moved to it's new permanent home, www.legacyweapon.com! We are very excited about this move, as it allows us to do a lot of new things. Feedback on the site is welcome, as we are new to site design.

ALSO! this means the RSS feed and itunes info has changed. Be sure to subscribe/link to the new feed and site, as the old one will not be updating.

Onto new episodes, Legacy Weapon # 17 is up!

With Legacy Gauntlet coming up on MTGO, this is a uniquely amazing chance for people to play with and against top tier legacy decks on the cheap, regardless of where you live!

We wanted you to be prepared for any deck you are randomly assigned and be prepared to fight any deck your opponent has SO the fastest deck techs in the west!

Yes they are 10,000 ft. view deck techs, but doing all 14 decks justice would have made a 28 hour episode. Think of the poor bandwidth!

Also available on itunes and stitcher.
