Vintage seems to be currently plagued with a mono brown Ravager Shop deck, as can be seen by the Top 8 of the recent Eternal Weekend,
where this deck made it five (!) times into Top 8. I think it's accepted that it's one of the best decks in Vintage right now.

Looking at the decklists, the only huge difference to a potential Legacy deck is Mishra's Workshop (besides Moxen obviously, but every Vintage deck runs them).

Everything is else is Legacy legal:

Arcbound Ravager
Hangarback Walker
Walking Ballista
Phyrexian Revoker
Steel Overseer
Chief of the Foundry
Foundry Inspector
Lodestone Golem
Phyrexian Metamorph

Chalice of the Void
Sphere of Resistance
Thorn of Amethyst

Ancient Tomb
Mishra's Factory

While other Vintage strategies like Oath or Time Vault combo simply cannot be ported to Legacy because their key cards are banned, Legacy has long since established a strategy which probably comes closest to Workshop strategies, known as Stompy shell, basically replacing Workshop with City of Traitors.

Sure, City of Traitors is weaker than Mishra's Workshop, but the Legacy metagame is generally weaker than the Vintage one, too.

Plus, Legacy has more lock pieces available (3Sphere, Thorn, Chalice, Lodestone Golem), which are all restricted in Vintage, but all played as one-offs in the deck.

That said, I really wonder, why there's neither any success with a similar Ravager deck in Legacy, nor any discussion about it.

Literally nothing, not even in the Developmental forum, except an old Steel Stompy thread, which comes close, but it's from 2011 and doesn't consider the new Hangarback Walker/Walking Ballista interaction with Ravager.
There's only 1 deck, which comes close, on

I've always thought a Tier 1 Vintage deck, which is so dominant must have some impact on Legacy.
Why there's no interest in a deck like this in Legacy?
Why isn't it more successful?
Obviously because it's bad. I am sure, it has been tried. But why is it bad?
Is it really the 1 mana difference from Workshop to City?

I'd be curious about your thoughts.