Hello everyone! First of all thank you very much @pettdan for this immense work you have done.
I think this primer is really complete, and can give a good general idea to those who do not know the archetype and want to look out for the first time.
In the coming weeks I will also resume playing, so that I can contribute to the discussion.

Ever since I started playing this deck I have always been a supporter of the @Stinner list, and in part you agree with the "core" of the deck you tried to write.
some points that I find in disagreement are:
-we can not play deathrite shaman, we need a great deal of mana in the first rounds, we can not be bound by not having land in the graveyard or by a shaman in the opponent's battlefield, so our manadorks are necessarily Birds of Paradise and Noble Hierarch.
-after having tried the FoW in side for some time I have come to the conclusion that I want to play 4 MD always unless I go to a tournament where I know the metagame perfectly and can move them to the side, for this reason I approve the stinner rule, all CC > 3 must be blue.

But, different fron stinner I am in the group of those who play vial, it is not synergistic with scrib / quirion but it has a remarkable intrinsic strength and helps a lot in "friction matchup" to be clear, it saves us in all those games where we would lose from wasteland + bolt and in many other situations.
It is not a perfectly suited card in the bottom strategy of the deck, so I can understand well if someone does not want to play, but I find myself really well and I think you should try it.