Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Safety View Post
I disagree on 2 specific points:
1) it should have been a zombie, it fits flavor-wise and mechanically with recursive zombies, ie: Gravecrawler
2) its playable for sure. Where? I don't know for certain but i know it will be tried in DGA alongside lingering souls. A menace 1 drop for equipment with relevant disruptive ability? Its a DGA players wet dream.
Sure, a zombie would have been better flavor - wise. I just wish it was a goblin because goblins is the deck that notoriously need some form of maindeck goblin-shaped combo hate.
If it was a zombie, would probably get played in zombardment, but that deck doesn't need the card so desperately. You can play good old cabal therapy in zombardment ; in goblins, you can't, because for the deck to work you need to be playing basically all goblins.
I highly doubt the card will see play in non-tribal decks like deadguy ale, but we'll see i guess.