View Full Version : Level Up Legacy 006 - Mind Games

11-19-2015, 11:45 AM
Hey Source-goers! This week on Level Up Legacy Matt and Mike discuss MTG psychology, and how to utilize it in-game effectively. We really enjoyed doing this episode and hope you enjoy listening to it!


11-19-2015, 03:47 PM
I quite enjoyed this. My favorite story is a friend's:

-Miracles Mirror just before Cruise.-

Board is friend with SFM and unattached BSK on board and tons of mana vs. blank board; each has a couple cards in hand.
He suspects the opp has Clique and is waiting and wants to reset his skull.
He activates SFM knowing that he can't drop anything if he's wrong.
The opponent Cliques to get rid of the equipment, misses because there's no equip there.
Friend bounces BSK after resolution and SFM plops it into play, ready to attack.

Thanks for the recommended game; I think I'll try to get it as it sounds like a mix of fun and a way to train my poker face to not be garbage.
Most of my reads come from available mana and playing cards that the opponent would react to in some fashion; which lets me know what they're holding to a degree.

11-19-2015, 04:59 PM
Two different uses of the term Level within seconds of each other was a little jarring. I enjoyed it nevertheless.