Welcome to the The Source.
Please read before posting.
For "competitive" decks: Decks which are optimized, thoroughly tested, played in a variety of metagames, and have proven themselves in a competitive tournament environment. A deck is not required to be Tier 1 to be included in this forum. Includes Decks to Beat, Decks to Watch, and Archetypes to Watch.
For "finished" decks: Decks which are optimized and thoroughly tested. A deck is not required to have proven itself in a competitive tournament environment to be included in the Open Forum, but it is recommended. A thorough writeup including card choices, strategy, and matchup descriptions is required.
For "unfinished" decks: For new or relatively untested decks and ideas which require further development or optimization. Once a developmental deck has been fully optimized, it can be moved to the Established Decks Forum by a moderator. A writeup including card choices and basic strategy is required.
For discussion related to innovating and advancing the Legacy metagame. Includes article discussion, metagame prediction and analysis, and new card discussion.
To announce and post tournament results. For announcements, include the location, date, start time and format in the Announcement title. Post Reports in the 'Tournament Reports' forum below.
Share your tournament reports here.
For general discussion not directly related to the Legacy metagame. Includes general discussion about the state of the format, this site, and its community.
Have a question about how a combo works, the wording on a card, or the way in which something triggers? Well, our staff will answer your questions within minutes!
For creating, developing, and playtesting Modern decks.
Talk about the Modern format, its strategies, metagame, and community.
Announce Modern tournaments, post results, or share tournament reports.
For creating, developing, and playtesting Vintage decks with no restrictions.
For creating, developing, and playtesting Vintage decks with limited access to power or proxies.
Talk about the Vintage format, its strategies, metagame, and community.
Announce Vintage tournaments, post results, or share tournament reports.
For creating, developing, and playtesting 93/94 decks and format discussion.
For creating, developing, and playtesting Premodern decks and format discussion.
For creating, developing, and playtesting Middleschool decks and format discussion.
For creating, developing, and playtesting the various MTG Arena specific decks and format.
For discussion and development of the Elder Dragon Highlander format.
Got a fun deck? Want to post your latest list of Nourishing Lich? Not interested in making a deck much better? Can't afford to play Legacy and am now barking up the tree to play Pauper? Then here's a forum for you.
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