How are you typically playing out matchups like that (specifically Daze matchups) with this build? Are you slowing down a lot and dancing around Daze/Waste/SE or are you finding success just jamming...
Type: Posts; User: Di
How are you typically playing out matchups like that (specifically Daze matchups) with this build? Are you slowing down a lot and dancing around Daze/Waste/SE or are you finding success just jamming...
I haven’t played this version of the deck myself yet but it seems interesting, but am curious if anyone has experienced incidental graveyard hate with Surgical Extraction leading to blowouts against...
Sounds like a pretty curious strategy against any matchup that you’d want both cards, such as Miracles or Lands.
Street Wraith is the only real enabler for it, beyond that the only shell that could make sense is something like Zombardment and even then it seems weak.
A better parallel for this card is...
So you can use this to find Entomb (it can’t find Looting) to put something in the yard...which would mean a creature is already in the graveyard anyway to be reanimated, accomplishing pretty much...
I’ve considered running a Duress/IoK split, but the fact that IoK doesn’t take Force of Will or Sneak Attack is troublesome. If your meta is more aggro decks though IoK is fine.
As for the deck I...
Relying on discard is iffy because it’s typically fired in the first couple turns, leaving them to draw into answers by t3-5. At that point your mana is taxed from Thalia/Port, and it’s much harder...
Not of this World is embarrassing against a deck like Death and Taxes where they have no shortage of answers to Marit Lage and it even isn’t free much of the time due to Thalia, not to mention in...
Just a PSA, I played a single Steely Resolve in my board over a Safekeeper at GP Richmond (and went 11-4 to 48th) and it legit won ~6 games by itself. It’s niche, but unreal in matchups you want it....
In general, as long as posting remains within our forum rules and guidelines members are welcome and encouraged to open discussion about whatever relevant topics they like. That said, this likely...
Good luck ever casting those sb FoW with 12 maindeck blue cards and some random bs blue cards, nice deck. Do you pitch your Spell Pierce or Daze to it, or the Delver you wanted to play t1? UR Delver...
June 2018 Update
Another month, another update. For now at least, this one matters not moving forward.
Adding images with my...
Those metas are clearly fantastical, but Dead / Gone is becoming a normal slot in Grixis Delver sideboards. I ran into it twice at Grand Prix Seattle, one of whom was Noah Walker who made top8. But...
I don’t necessarily believe the above list is an improvement over the more stock lists, but Ancient Stirrings is at least interesting technology and it’s great seeing the attempt to innovate. However...
The most curious tidbit I’ve found from that is the fact he believes it to be their best matchup, when on the other hand I personally find it to be a very easy matchup and have yet to lose to it in...
In my own albeit limited testing with Gitaxian Probe, I found it ended up being only worthwhile in the matchups that you need to dodge actual removal and see if they had it or you were clear, such as...
I run one Deed over an Abrupt Decay and it’s been great in the matchups you want to wipe the board, like Dragon Stompy or Elves. I don’t board it against Delver though because it will take your...
What exactly does Coalition Relic have to do with Fifth Dawn?
I've tried lists using Deathrite Shaman, Dark Confidant, and both together. In theory the idea of making the deck grindier is nice against tougher matchups like Miracles, but most other matchups...
That’s your problem, who comes to Legacy to play fair? Just play something broken, ignore the card, and win the game instead of worrying about a three-power vanilla creature for 1UU.
Excellent for the low, low cost of 6. Alright back to being serious folks.
In general if you have the option, Dread of Night is better overall. Massacre will kill Revoker, Crusader, or Stoneforge Mystic which is nice, but Dread of Night being permanent shuts them down...
I never knew this card existed...
Highly interesting option given it hits lands in addition to other types, can shut down Wasteland/Port/Dark Depths which is enticing, not to mention give a weapon...
I've only played the deck sparingly since I picked up cards for it hoping for an Earthcraft unbanning, but have been tinkering with various Dark Depths packages and this is one I've liked.
Guile is perfectly fine over Sylvan, but I like Sylvan because of its interaction with Words too and it still operates as additional draw when needed, especially so outside of Leovold matchups....