Well mtgo is weird because it's affected differently than paper magic. Mtgo rides hype trains more because the cards are cheaper, for instance I play against a form of Underworld Breach at least 1-2...
Type: Posts; User: MrFrowny_
Well mtgo is weird because it's affected differently than paper magic. Mtgo rides hype trains more because the cards are cheaper, for instance I play against a form of Underworld Breach at least 1-2...
I've been playing a full playset in modern Infect but I don't think we need it in Legacy. Yeah it's nice on the first turn but other than that, its not very great. We also have enough cantrips to...
I agree, since the Top banning, the format has gone slowly downhill. The banning killed numerous decks that saw play, albeit fringe, like Doomsday, Nic-fit, Painter, etc. Then again last year with...
Thinking about throwing this list together for some testing, thoughts?
3 Tropical Island
2 Tundra
1 Savannah
1 Forest
1 Island
1 Dryad Arbor
1 Karakas
4 Misty Rainforest
Has anybody messed around with UWR Delver since the DRS banning? UW Delver has been rising in popularity recently so UWR certainly should have a place in the new meta. Thoughts?
Hey guys, messing around with a BUG Landstill list at the moment. Working to build this for MTGO. Thoughts?
Main Deck
2 Leovold, Emissary of Trest
4 Snapcaster Mage
4 Force of Will
Hey guys, building a list at the moment. What are your thoughts on this?
Creatures - 1
1 Nether Spirit
Spells - 19
4 Life from the Loam
4 Smallpox
4 Crop Rotation
3 Entomb
I'm trying to go to SCG Dallas next month and jam some g-daddies at the Legacy side events,
Hey guys, I've been playing RUG Delver for the past few months with this list and I'm absolutely sold on Spell Snare. It counters all the big problems for this deck; Rest in Peace, Thalia,...
So I played Thoughtseize in the main because my meta is pretty combo heavy at the moment so I wanted to be able to take a combo piece out of their hand while also playing counterspells. And the...
Hey guys, I've always played Legacy Pox and I'm looking to build BUG Delver. I played this list last night at my LGS and really enjoyed it. What do you all think?
4 Deathrite Shaman
4 Delver of...
Hey guys, I've been interested in the BW D&T lists that run Dark Confidant and some 1-mana discard but I don't have a gallery of lists I can look at because I assume not that many people play that.
Worldgorger Dragon... That's a name I haven't heard in a long time...
Hey guys, I've decided on building a Grixis Tezzerator list with a light-white splash. Here is the list:
I know it's kinda greedy but I like decks...
Do you not like the Flagstones synergy or do you think it's too much?
Anybody out there playing BW Pox at the moment? The regular pox thread gets more mono-black and BG Pox, but I'm interested in building BW and was curious if anyone has been playing it recently and...
So I played in several 4 round tournaments at SCG Dallas over the past weekend and overall went 7-5. Each 4 round tournament went as follows; 3-1, 2-2, and 2-2.
This is the list I'm running at...
I think one of the major problems with unbans in Legacy, or hell any format, is that Wizards doesn't like making mistakes. For example; Golgari Grave Troll was banned in modern for a long time, and...
Interesting... can I see your list?
I played Jund for awhile but quit about a year ago but I'm thinking about getting back into it now that miracles is gone.
Eh, I'm not impressed with it.
First off, it taps for colorless.
Secondly, to get the "sinkhole effect" you have to have two lands in play already.
And lastly, each player gets to go get...
Kind of off topic here, but Sea-Gate Wreckage is so amazing in the deck. I run it as a 1-of in the deck and once you get into top deck mode, you're able to draw so many cards. I highly recommend it...
I wouldn't completely drop Innocent Blood from your list, you still need them against decks like Death and Taxes or Lands where you can't deal with some of their creatures. I currently run 2 and that...
So as I'm finishing up my mono-black pox list I've been brainstorming (haha) a GB loam pox list to build next. i personally prefer the mono-black list more because of its consistency and...
Any deck that could possibly run Liliana should run her. I have a soft spot for sinkhole but it's not always a card you want to see all the time. It's a bad topdeck in the late game and against some...
So a straight up colorless stax list got 7th in the Legacy Challenge this week. This was the list;
4 Lodestone Golem
4 Chalice of the Void
4 Crucible of Worlds