Seems like decklists with Daze are doing better recently, how does having Daze fundamentally change how the deck plays out, particularly in the early game?
Type: Posts; User: davelin
Seems like decklists with Daze are doing better recently, how does having Daze fundamentally change how the deck plays out, particularly in the early game?
Cyrus, against the Hymn decks, is that the primary target for Flusterstorm? Are you also countering cantrips and single card discard often? When are you usually looking to utilize Flusterstorm...
All, I'm hoping anyone would share their sideboarding plan in the new meta. For reference, I'm using the 1st place winning decklist...
Hope of Ghirapur does a pretty decent Swarm impression for just one colorless.
I saw that the second place list from the GP Sydney Win-a-Mox tournament used only Grixis colors and avoiding Green. With Counterbalance less of a presence of the metagame, is it worth stretching...
I would imagine you would want to bring in Rite of Flame to be more TES-like and speed up against certain MUs.
Very nice. Any chance you can convince Royce to put together a write-up as well?
I believe mostly for Miracles.
hese were my match ups with some highlights.
Round 1 - Michael, Storm 2-0
Round 2 - Michael, 4C Delver 2-1
Round 3 - Doug, Shardless BUG 2-1
SPOILER: Click to hide
I mess up horribly in game...
Speaking of which, anyone know why Carsten doesn't write on SCG anymore?
It's not bad but pretty narrow. After 4 Abrupt Decays, 1-2 copies of Recall/Rebuild, including an additional 1-2 cards in the board just for this matchup may be diluting the SB too much.
I think from a flavor standpoint this is a homerun.
Play LED, Petal into Ritual (BBB floating, 3 storm)
Cast IT and find Ponder cracking one LED for UUU (BUUU, 4 storm)
Cast Ponder cracking second LED for RRR and find PiF (RRRBUU, 5 storm)
When they print to legacy-viable cards there are complaints. So when they do print them...even more complaints?
Against bad opponents who hold Flusterstorm until the Tendrils, there isn't much difference between the two. Against good opponents who know how to use Flusterstorm to choke our mana, counter an...
This. Rosewater's article on the 20 things that shaped the game we know today and players' responses it pretty telling.
60-card decks and 4-per-card limits - "Why is Wizards trying to tell me how...
Someone made Top 8 in Memphis with the deck.
Jamie, what's your latest decklist these days? In particular I'm curious how you board versus Miracles?
Bringing in Mentors against D&T would probably be a mistake, if only for the fact that you're siding in a single white source of mana against with a deck with Wastelands and Ports.
The statement that it clashes with DoN or Massacre is an odd one given that there are no MUs where you would bring in both. I would imagine it would be mostly be brought in for the Miracles matchup,...
12 different decks won trials, what an amazing format
Love the synergy with Dark Petition.
Agreed, it was probably inevitable that SCG would reduce its Legacy footprint given the margins aren't there compared to say Standard or Modern. But it would've been nice if they would've kept on...
Got fortunate and beat Useless 2-0
True but if you want to try to fit one in, let me know.