While I understand the "character" bit, but at the same time he's toxic to the vast majority of the people that love this game. He puts people on edge to be near him, nervous to play against him...
Type: Posts; User: Fry
While I understand the "character" bit, but at the same time he's toxic to the vast majority of the people that love this game. He puts people on edge to be near him, nervous to play against him...
Or the more commonly played Scab-Clan Berserker... a nightmare from MonoRed Prison SB (to fight Storm, originally)
A T1 / T2 Berserker is devastating. Our answers are too slow.[/QUOTE]
If you're...
I feel that the slightly different take is because the first list had DRS, and since it got banned, the second list got a new take.
I've used an Imperial Recruiter list for several years and use 4 Cabal Therapy supplemented by 2 Duress main board (2 more Duress in the board) and am very happy with it, especially when I can Duress...
It's not really stock, but I've done well with this list with a few tweaks here and there dependent on expected meta. I haven't played it in a couple months though as I'm taking a bit of a break to...
Personally I check out the site almost daily to check up on my favorites decks and the pimp thread. I stopped adding comments on most pages for a few reasons.
~Aluren: I play with Imperial...
I played a few days ago, barely got the tourney to fire with 8 people, really odd for the location... I went 1-2. Beat GB Turbo Depths, lost to a friend who drew well and I drew sort of meh with...
I don't like FoW in the deck, too many blue cards I'd prefer to play than I feel fine with pitching to Force. I also prefer Duress over Thoughtseize, I play the discards to protect the combo, not so...
I played the following list yesterday for a 4-1-1 record (Drew the last round)
4 Brainstorm
2 Dream Stalker
1 Parasitic Strix
3 Spellstutter Sprite
4 Cabal Therapy
1 Mesmeric Fiend
There's also Imperial Recruiter, but most people eschew even talking about it because Recruiter of the Guard is considerably cheaper.
You could also just play one o them and pay the life to return the Harpy to hand to recast it off the Aluren in response the to the removal spell. 2 Isn't needed, but it's a nice safety net.
I've used it in Modern as a 1 of, flash fliers are very nice, also saving a dude randomly is pretty cool too.
Depending on your land count, it could save you a land in response to the casting off of Vial. Could also possibly save a more pertinent creature in the match up ie: Mirran Crusader
So is Spine of Ish Sah
I use the Imperial version, I haven't changed my list in a few months though, I was helping my friend prep for the SCG Invitational.
I think Phyrexian Metamorph is strictly better, same mana cost (2 life isn't a big deal the vast majority of the time), also Metamorph doesn't end at the end of the turn or continually cost mana to...
Same here, Replaced the SoLaS with Batterskull shortly after it came out, undid the switch close to a year ago, got tired of Batterskull stuck in my hand and SoLaS can give pretty crazy CA with the...
Here's from June 2-3 2012 at Origins that got 3rd place (He didn't like my Sundering Titan :cool: ... ...
Conversely though, Strix targets and Healer doesn't
In my board I do a 1/1 split of Demise and Sparkmage. I think Demise has more raw power, but the Sparkmage being tutorable and Vialable is crazy good too.
I posted a couple pages back that I've been playing 1 Mesmeric Fiend main and 1 board for a little while now and that I love the card as it's a pseudo instant discard spell with Aluren in play. My...
I do completely agree that discard doesn't equal FoW, but my list I have tried it before and was always displeased when I had to pitch something I would much rather play, though yes it did help...
@fapsik I've skipped on the counterspells in favor of the additional discard spells from the board. I don't much like the forces removing a blue card I'd much rather be playing, and the discard...
Here's the one I use that I posted a couple pages back, the main board doesn't tend to change very much or often unless it's a meta call like the Minister of Pain being main board vs the side. I...