Well I no longer play Legacy, but the new set with Shadow of the Grave Seems like fun. I was thinking of deck ideas. A few cards I considered.
Gitaxian Probe. "Free" cycler.
Reaping the...
Type: Posts; User: Brushwagg
Well I no longer play Legacy, but the new set with Shadow of the Grave Seems like fun. I was thinking of deck ideas. A few cards I considered.
Gitaxian Probe. "Free" cycler.
Reaping the...
Like the concept, been thinking of some thing simular with VV.
I do have some suggetions though.
Have you given Gravecrawler a look as well as Bloodghast? I know Bloodghast isn't a Zombie...
The art I 've seen for the set looks awesome.
I think you could look at Squandered Resources and Cadaverous Bloom. Also I didn't see any Rituals effects in your list there.
Teams was so much fuuuuuuuuuunnn. AK for 13 or more cards anyone??? Loved it. Wish they'd start that again on Sundays so I could play.
I'm not looking to play 4, maybe 2 in play of the Magma Jets?? They would go in the flex spots of the deck.
4x Delver
4x Guide
4x Lynx
2x Grim
2x Snaps
Hell I'm still considering the 1x...
Pretty much. It's been that way pretty much the whole thread. I was wasn't sold on it at first, but Lynx is pretty good. I saw the list with Grunt, and been thinking about it but not sure if he's...
Well I have really no time to play regually right now, due to work (gotta pay the bills), but I play a few games the past weekend and it got me thinking. I was having a problem with bad top decks...
I think anyone looking to play this deck in modern would like it so we don't have to use the crappy sac outlets. I think the best we are going to get is Seer and Gargadon for now.
Well if you want to go that route then you need to speed the deck up alot. All the hate that Dredge faces in Legacy is in Modern. I really don't follow the format too close, but I think it's...
Life // Death is not modern legal.
I looked at doing something like with DredgeVine, but I really don't see it going any where. The problems are Dread Return is banned and the lack of a Cabal...
I knew there was a reason I held on to my Land Taxes.
How about Howl of the Night Pack? I know it costs 7 but shouldn't be a problem running one to drop a ton of tokens on the table. That should finish the game. Living Lands also has some promise as...
The 9th is crammed with events. Prizes look good though.
The big reason is the casting cost of WR. Chain Lightning is R. White is a very small splash and there are a lot of games I don't even fetch for a White source. Also the life gain isn't really...
I'm busy with family on the nights of our local tournies for another month or so I haven't played much. I will be rocking this deck though at an up coming GP trial.
The list I settled on is.
Well something got fixed. The site is loading like normal now.
Thank you. I knew about the whole first drawn card thing, I wasn't sure about the the replacing the draw.
So if I replace my draw with a dredge and later in my turn I end up drawing a card some how and it's a Miracle card. Can I play it for it's Miracle cost since I didn't actually draw a card yet?
Are prizes guaranteed?
Replicate is the reason to play Shattering Spree over other options. The 3 damage is tagged on Smash is alright but I'd rather make it harder to have my hate countered.
Yes. From the card.
I run one Basic Island. Really what it come down to is the most of the time the Duals are just Mountains anyways. A large portion of the time I tap them only for Red.
I'd drop the MD Snares, Ponders, and Vortex. Get some more burn into the the deck. Thunderous Wrath should find a way into the deck. I think the jury is still out on Vexing Devil, I personally...
I'm going to try to make this one. You might want to fix the open post though.