Personally, I like to brainstorm my way to strong hand. And then fate seal away. However, don't forget that you can fate seal yourself. This can be a very powerful move when you know you DON'T want...
Type: Posts; User: GrooGrux
Personally, I like to brainstorm my way to strong hand. And then fate seal away. However, don't forget that you can fate seal yourself. This can be a very powerful move when you know you DON'T want...
I didnt like japanese that much either until the only japanese card I had in my deck was one negate. I had it in my hand against dredge, he cabal therapy-ed me and then did it again, not taking...
I think you just hit the nail on the head, lets ban Tarmogoyf too. :-) **Joke...**
I want one for sure! Contact info? PM me!
SCG Tourney will detract from this for sure.
This is a great idea...
Except, it actually weakens your mana base. If you draw this opening hand, it could cost you the game. Dryad, go, swords, go could be a disaster. Basically, if you open...
Landstill with Maze of Ith
I see you were able to get them in there. It seemed really good for you when we played. Kept me in a tough position. I think without him in game two, you would have surely been in a much worse...
If he does not pass priority before resolving the triggered abilities, you can force him to back up to when the triggered abilites are still on the stack. He can't just blow through things. He has to...
What is your main deck?
There was 81 players.
I agree....
You better there, first and second for Excalibur....that is what I was told.
I agree with JRS.
I can not tell you how many games I have won off the back of that little noble. She makes cards like mutavault and spell stutter and clique complete houses. The way I usually...
How has the addition for MoM worked for you guys? Has anyone reliably tested it?
Spell stutter does not fit in the deck. It is a counterspell, that is good, but when it works, it ends up in play. Which means you do not reach thresh. However, if you are taking out goose for Dryad...
I was going to say the same thing....But, I did not.
This brings up a question I have been meaning to ask. How much does have a strong knowledge of the probability of math actually help your game? Have you found be the back bone of your decision...
Your thoughts on my implications are the opposite. I am assuming you are playing a well tuned meta with good players, which is why they will not let themselves be dazed. Hence my disagreement with...
I think the right choice is Snare, Pierce, Sprite.
See below for why.
Really, against reanimator. They have 8 cards that get a creature in to play. One of them (Reanimate) cost 1, hardly Daze-able, unless they over extend. And the ther one (Exhume) cost 2, totally...
I AGREE!!! There is no need to smell at a Magic Tourney, we are all grown adults now a days. For the love of GOD, just wash your damn body!!!!!!
That is pretty much what I expected. I find myself never getting the SoLS and often when I do, I find it not being that great. The matchup where it usually is good are only because it can't be...
Sower and heiarch against Zoo are a set of houses. Only question I have Hungry, why no sword of light and shadow? And what is your first grab, Jitte? Always?