Serves me right for not looking at the dates! I hadn't realized how far The Source had fallen in terms of activity.
Type: Posts; User: thefringthing
Serves me right for not looking at the dates! I hadn't realized how far The Source had fallen in terms of activity.
Sweepers and Mentors are a bit of a nonbo.
It's pretty clear that just casting Underworld Breach is a good enough win condition. What do you gain by jamming another weird combo enchantment into your Breach deck? Another way to get blown out...
My point is that meaningful statistical data are not available. There isn't enough data collection, and the data that are collected are heavily biased. I'm arguing that we should not pretend to have...
Considering that for a long time now most of the lists that get published to the decklist sites are from MTGO, where only decks that differ from the others by X cards are disclosed, and the impact of...
Relatively small local paper metagame.
Double cast completely slipped my mind. I was concerned about the situation where you have to Grinding Station through most of your deck because all four Brain Freezes happen to be near the bottom.
All of the Chalices cast against me so far have been for zero.
There's also a drawback to playing Grapeshot instead of Thassa's Oracle (other than it not pitching to Force of Will): If you have to...
Are those who are cutting maindeck Seal of Cleansing just hoping to have Force of Will for any Chalice of the Void in game one?
Neither the Krenko nor the expensive double Sphere of Resistance seem playable in Legacy to me.
How in the world are you guys talking about the Karn and not the Teferi?
That solves that, although there are still the questions of A) why play Cunning Wishes and B) if playing Cunning Wishes, why play the instant-speed kill. My answer to A is that I want a better Death...
I see from JPA's latest list that he's back on Cunning Wishes with the instant-speed kill (with Impulse and not Split Decision, so not deterministic). Any chance of hearing reasoning? Trying to get...
Somebody submitted fake tournament results to mtgtop8 to try to inflate the price of Meditate, so that's neat.
Format feedback: I prefer a shorter, heavily-edited show to a longer, lightly-edited show.
Played Omni-Tell for the first time last night. I previously had played some UB Omni but this was my first time with Sneak Attack.
Round 1: Grixis Delver (TNN). His clock is fast enough that I...
Two ANT decks in the Top 16 of yesterdays SCG Classic. Both without the green splash, almost identical maindecks; 14 lands with 1 Empty the Warrens, 1 Dark Petition, and 1 Past in Flames. One cuts...
Presumably Rain of Filth?
Here's an idea for a red splash incorporating some sideboard ideas from Omnisneak, and built to be resilient against Chalice of the Void:
4 Polluted Delta
4 Scalding Tarn
1 Swamp
3 Island
You might find this tool my friend made useful for proxying several decks at once.
Fuck me, the necros in this thread are incredible. Once a year someone posts in here with their t-shirt size. Incredible.
This is not worth the effort. You're not telling them anything they don't already know.
He had a Flagstones and a Karakas and was sandbagging a Plains.
Yeah, I should note that Consign//Oblivion is not my tech. I saw Bryant try it and so I tried it too.
Had a spot tonight with a Mother of Runes protecting a Phyrexian Revoker where Meltdown would have gotten the job done but By Force couldn't. I was pretty firmly in the By Force camp, but since Death...
Any thoughts on a drop-in replacement for Telemin Performance in a local metagame where it isn't appropriate? Likely opponents are Elves, Death & Taxes, Mono-Blue Omniscience, Grixis Delver, MUD, a...