There's also ancient tech from monored sneak: Worldspine Wurm. Hits for 15 when sneaked in and leaves 15 power behind (all with trample), domes for 11 with blast.
Type: Posts; User: heat_wave
There's also ancient tech from monored sneak: Worldspine Wurm. Hits for 15 when sneaked in and leaves 15 power behind (all with trample), domes for 11 with blast.
UR Sneak and Show does sound like the most competitive shell for this (topdeck manipulation is mostly blue, Calibrated Blast is red, and SnS is a natural home for all these expensive creatures). If...
Narset does look great in this deck (as well as in many others). Have you just swapped 2 Leovolds for 2 Narsets in a typical BUG build?
Hi! There's better players than me, but since you quoted my post, I'll try to recall my sideboarding decisions from that time (haven't played magic since), hope that helps. I usually sideboard ad...
Somewhat offtopic, but doomsday wasn't completely dead after the top ban. Losing probe, though, wasn't a final nail in its coffin, it was a goddamn nuke.
What bothers me about these bans is that...
Surprised myself by making top4 of a local event (35 people), thought I'd share some notes. The credit for the list goes to @Hellraiser157, I only tuned a few slots according to my taste. It was the...
Glad to be wrong on that one! Maybe I shouldn't give way to my hymnophobia, lol.
As for Fatal Pushes, every time I switched a mainboard Decay for a Push, I did regret it somehow. You might have a...
@JackaBo: new miracles have less consistency and velocity than the original deck. Portent and soothsaying aren't even close to top in efficiency (and no Mentor tricks either), so if old miracles were...
I've always considered the mana base to be too shaky to support Hymns. However, my sideboard toolbox for Trinket Mage has been underperforming recently, and I decided to give Hymns a try. Sure, there...
Sure! Here's my sb:
2 Surgical Extraction
1 Tormod's Crypt
1 Grafdigger's Cage
1 Pithing Needle
1 Chalice of the Void
1 Thoughtseize
1 Vendilion Clique
1 Flusterstorm
Yep, 2/2 split it is. I've tried increasing the number of Mages and Ballistas to 3 (3/2, 2/3 and 3/3 split), but there is only so much free space in the deck. Ballista is amazing, but Trinket helps...
After 4-0'ing the latest weekly event with Food Chain, I took it to a legacy open last Saturday. Finished 14th out of 48 with a 4-2 record. Games were as follows:
R1: vs Ubr Omnitell 1-2 (lost the...
No one knows how exactly the meta is going to look like, but the deck seems to be in a good position. Like any grindy BUG deck, it might struggle with elves, but it has a combo out and sweepers post...
Made 2-2 at a weekly legacy event. Playing vs. BUG delver, lost one game due to a poor fetching decision (basic Swamp instead of Bayou ruined that), another one to not mulling a slow hand into a more...
With Leovold in play, does redirecting removal from him to Spellskite trigger Leovold for more draw? That's sweet. Still, Spellskite doesn't do that much and the space is already quite tight.
I used...
A few of the recent successful Food Chain lists had 3 or 4 Hymn to Tourach in the sideboard. Any thoughts on this? Is this an extension of the grind-them-to-death plan that doubles as hand disruption...
Judging by the lists in the last couple pages of this thread, no one plays Tidespout Tyrant these days. Why? Honestly, I've never played Emrakul in my lists as it seems too clunky for me.
If I were...
Regarding the reanimation targets, I am impressed with the single Sphinx of the Steel Wind in the main (local meta getting infected with Eldrazi and different flavors of tempo, so I gave it a shot)...
Meh, went 1-2-1 today. Beat Zoo (comboed out G1, wiped my opponent's board of 3 Noble Hierarchs with a Night of Souls' Betrayal and brought the beats G2), lost to BG Lands (wasted and ported out of...
Well, I played with Emrakul a little and it seems way too overkill. Empath can find Tasigur if you need a cheap beater that threatens to win the grind, or Tidespout for a win with griffins. So I sort...
I'm gonna participate in a tourney this weekend and I suddenly got the playset of food chains needed to complete the deck, so maybe the stars aligned for me to pilot this instead of usual reanimator...
3 Griselbrand
1 Iona, Shield of Emeria
1 Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite
1 Tidespout Tyrant
1 Grave Titan
4 Entomb
4 Exhume
Got a report from a local legacy tourney, maybe you'll find it amusing.
To begin with, I hadn't thought I would even participate today. Literally half of my deck (the more important half, the...
I would like to ask the more experienced Reanimator players about sideboarding. In most matchups it's obvious what to board in (consider a generic sideboard that has some removal, needles,...
Hello fellow players,
I decided to give this deck a try and took it to a local legacy event (17 men). Went 2-2, but am really pleased with the deck nonetheless. Won against ANT 2-0, Miracles 2-0....