Mind writing your ideas down or is it super secret deck tech? I just figure ideas being written down could help others who might be interested in experimenting with it.
Type: Posts; User: Lexi
Mind writing your ideas down or is it super secret deck tech? I just figure ideas being written down could help others who might be interested in experimenting with it.
Someone created a modern deck that reminded me of this thread. Thought it might be useful for future theorycrafters.
I think looking at tin fins decklists might be a better starting point than looking at traditional reanimator but its difficult and hard to say with something so unexplored.
I don't think a time where eye of dusk is better or even equal to normal reanimator will come anytime soon but sometimes rogue decks that become optimized before cards get printed end up shining...
Does conspiracy unraveler let you pay flashback costs with its ability? If it does I suspect it may work better in a self mill or dredge deck than a traditional reanimator deck. Despite this I also...
wrath is a 0 mana hidden card neutral way to grow tog. Lorien and troll help fix your colors when you're playing wastelands in a 3c deck, they can even be played off of wasteland, being more cards...
I think pteramander should be replaced with death shadow. Having both delver and ds. Psytog wants some number of troll of khazadoom and street wraiths in my opinion and they both push you towards ds...
Love the idea but top is banned, I wonder if there's an alternative to top that works here.
I really think you want silence effects in this type of combo deck. Imagine you're starting to go off and your opponent counters chain of smog after you've discarded your whole hand. There's...
Even though its not something you want to cheat out, I feel like some number of gatekeeper malakir is a must. Ascendant Evincar might be interesting as a 1 of, as cheating it out cripples some decks.
Regarding the one land version, I think some number of unmask could prove useful, I'm guessing 2 or more. As for the more standard version I think having a tomb of urami or two could be very useful...
I think shifting the mana base and taking out a few cards for 3-4 erratic explosives might be useful for sudden burst damage with its ability being similar to yuriko’s life loss ability. Though it...
I think you're on the right track about wanting discard, but I think cabal therapy might be more useful as it is still a resource you can use once it is discarded. I think it works especially well...
This deck probably wouldn’t run frantic search if frantic search was legal right? Waiting until turn 3 even if free is too slow I’m guessing but then again people are suggesting cephalosporins...
Isn't sylvan library usually the better choice? They do the same thing though sylvan costs slightly more but if s
One reason you need a lot of cards immediately you can as soon as next turn.
Has anyone tried cutting the dryad arbors and green sun zeniths for 0 mana artifact creatures + mox opal?
Maybe with a few tweaks thoughtcast could be added in versions not running ad nauseum.
Here are some ideas, some stay mono blue some don't. I'll edit this post when I get the chance for more discussion of said cards, and possible add some. If someone could pm me how to do "spoilers" I...
If you're gonna use loam + cycle land or loam + ravens crime you should lean more towards the black cycle land imo, and find a place for a single urborg tomb of yagmoth.
I also think deathrite...
Can you name 10 cards or so that you don't like seeing your opponent playing?
Weigh both how often you face them and how badly it affects you.
I'll edit this later why I think these might be useful though they each require a lot of changes to the deck.
Ancient strirings
Chalice of the void
Lake of the dead
Ad nausium
Grove of burn...
I have a handful of more ideas but they all would require a shift in how the deck was built a bit too drastically...
If you're considering exposition map you may also want to consider sylvan scrying, same effect, sylvan can't be used unless you have green but it's cheaper overall and less likely to get hit by...
There are so many good answers to this combo you'd probably have to run questionable unorthodox cards to support it for example misdirection.
I really would love to see this deck work, but I'm...
I feel like since you don't have any cards that complement gitaxian probe other than therapy it might be better to just run more targeted discard in that slot. For example duress or inquisition of...