Congrats on the Top 8! I wouldn't even know how to approach that matchup lol. I've never seen it in person.
I've noticed more individuals playing Creeping Chills, but I don't...
Type: Posts; User: Que
Congrats on the Top 8! I wouldn't even know how to approach that matchup lol. I've never seen it in person.
I've noticed more individuals playing Creeping Chills, but I don't...
We playing basics in this list? or a higher number or lands? Being able to activate this more than once consistently seems a stretch.
I personally have not tried it. My theory is that it wouldn't be good in the sense that you're still vulnerable to certain cards like RIP, but those are played in lower number so perhaps its...
Dredge is not well positioned atm imo. There is a lot of Chalice Decks (Eldrazi Post/Stompy:Moon Stompy:4C Loam), RB Reanimator, Dark Depths, and even the controly blue decks are packing Snapcaster...
Thank you Lori for continuing to host these events! Great turnout :cool:
Scott thanks a ton for all the work you've put into tracking results. It is very much appreciated! :cool:
Thanks for the write up bro. I might have to try Winter Orb against DnT soon.
Do you guys have any general tips against Turbo Depths?
What are your boarding strategies? On the play/draw.
Thank You for hosting as usual Lori! Its definitely appreciated.
I actually decided to take Orim's list to the GP. I just figured he had done extensive testing on mtgo and that was more testing than I had done period. I felt comfortable piloting any dredge list so...
Hi All, got back yesterday. Was just relaxin. I'll have another post with highlights or notes I thought were interesting in my matchups. I ended 10-5 good for 1 pro point; 140th overall. Wish my...
I'm still apprehensive about cutting down on careful study in general, but given the current meta that just seems probably right. I would want at least a couple of PImps to help play around cards...
For me its not even a matter of PImp Vs. Careful Study rather than Street Wraith Vs. Careful Study. One is a redraw that allows you to circumvent countermagic while feeding Ichorid and providing some...
Aside from those notes you mentioned you played very well.
Damn that G2 was heartbreaking. Those early dredges had a lot of blanks. And then that Daze, Force, Daze at end was gross. I have...
We still have to note that Endless One on X=0 would do it. :(
Yeah I was in the "we need to max out on this card" camp when it released. But I believe your assessment is correct in that we normally race DRS and imo if were losing to it its usually because...
Good shit Jack! Congrats on the top 4.
Jeez were to up to $70 now for vanilla registration? :rolleyes: Thats weak.
That being said I will be there! lol Hope to see some familiar faces.
What is the minimum number of teams that are required to fire the event? Not sure if I'm just being pessimistic at this point as were about a week away and we only have 4 teams signed up. And that is...
Thanks Dude.
I just have my own apprehensions when it comes to playing Firestorm so the closest thing imo as fas as being relatively easy to cast and being removal was Contagion. Like you...
Sure I board them out a lot of time as well, but that makes sense because of what you said "going all in vs gravehate" is a liability. My argument for having LEDs is strictly for the main deck and...
I have it in my sideboard and its only for combating faster combo decks. I wouldn't think that it be a replacement. They make your mulligans worse and can hinder you if you need a permanent mana...
Hi all,
I had two staples tournaments for December. I believe I went 3-3 in the first tournament which wasn't too exciting. However, 2nd tournament was a lot more successful for sure. I changed...
If its half as fire as the last one my body is ready. Congrats on the win bro!
This was basically the answer I was looking from Orim. Thanks Kap'n. Looks like you're definitely onto something and I like how you thought about your build and how it plays out. Cool to see your...