Pretty much only two shop exist in the area that support Legacy and they are Ancient Wonders and CCG House.
CCG House is located in Vancouver and they have a monthly event. The next one will be...
Type: Posts; User: Yawgmoth
Pretty much only two shop exist in the area that support Legacy and they are Ancient Wonders and CCG House.
CCG House is located in Vancouver and they have a monthly event. The next one will be...
We had decent attendance at 16 for this kick off event. Top 2 split was Goblins and Charbelcher, with Aggro Loam and New Horizons taking 3rd and 4th.
CCGHouse has informed me and everyone in...
When: 11/27/2010 at 1:00pm
10411 NE Fourth Plain Blvd Suite #127
Vancouver, WA 98662
Phone: (360)-891-0866
Entry: $5
Consider Reckless Charge.
Amazing stories has a weekly Legacy tournament on Saturdays at 6pm. It has been going on for little over a month. I thought it was worth mentioning.
2101 East 4th Plain Boulevard
Vancouver, WA...
The tournament has been canceled as we now know it. CANCELED!!!!
There will however be a $5 entry fee Legacy event at noon on Sunday 5/16 at Amazing Stories. First place will be a single Tropical...
The new date for the tournament will be the 16th at the same time. Third/Fourth prize support will be 2 Badlands each (total of 4 given out).
At long last a large Legacy event in the Vancouver/Portland area!!! This is a player sponsored tournament because there are certain individuals that love Legacy so much that we'll do...
I'm thinking the only way for a tournament to happen is if we bring enough people ourselves. So if we want to try an coordinate something I have a few friends that are interested.
Curb-stomped your new favorite word or something? Congrats though!!
I personally think Trinket Mage is a waste of a slot in the deck since can't get either combo piece or top. Regardless you should run 1x Meekstone if you insist on running it (plus it works w/...
I think the main reason B/U Reanimator gets such a bad rap is the fact that nearly every list on the this website in unoptimized or inferior. Lets look at Stefano Venturini's list to which he has...
Chirs and I will be there this Sunday I think. I want to go to the Mirkwood tourney but I have a final the next day so I better not. I think Chris and Abe are interested but you guys need to figure...
I don't think I want to play at Ancient Wonders because the last time I was there I asked to see the standings going into the last round and the owner refused. We should work on the Other Worlds...
Volt and I will be at the next Other Worlds turny on Sunday.
I think Don, Chris and myself will be there tomorrow.
Touche Touche. It's by far not the worst deck I have brought there. Ever heard of Magistrate Scepter and Clockspinning comb - oh yeah that's right. I actually went 3-1 with the deck. I only lost to...
Well I was hoping I could prod Bardo into post how I 2-0'd him with a deck containing 4 of Mindstone and 3 of Ajani Vengeant. How embarrassing.
So how did you end up doing at the tournament Bardo?
I think a one of Meekstone should be put into consideration.
With Tezzeret it can be searched out to protect yourself against Thresh and a number of creatures.
Alright I'll cut to the chase; here's my deck list:
Team America
4 Tombstalker
4 Tarmogoyf
4 Brainstorm
4 Ponder
4 Stifle
I split the tourny - getting $125 cash and $65 in store credit.
I might post a mini tournament report later / I'm really lazy and might not.
Update for the Portland Crew - I think it's Ricardo, Chris (Volt), Me, and Abe are coming up to this thing. Hopefully we can get a few more Source'ers and Ninjas to make and appearance and hit that...
These are some of my favorite cards.
You're not funny Don.
EDIT: I guess I'm no better then Giles at referencing a dictionary. Can you give an engineering major a break?