Ended up doing horribly, lots of new stuff in the meta. Also played against a bunch of lands decks so not a great match up . Big bummer is the new green channel land ….
Type: Posts; User: metronome2charisma
Ended up doing horribly, lots of new stuff in the meta. Also played against a bunch of lands decks so not a great match up . Big bummer is the new green channel land ….
Will be playing some version of this deck again at a live event in Brooklyn at gamestoria . I’ll post what I play and my results soon. I’m probably Gunnar play a bladesplicer- smugglers copter build...
This is my current list
10 non creature
4 Chalice of the Void
4 lotus petal
2 Umezawa's Jitte
25 Creature
4 Eldrazi Displacer
Hey guys ,it's been a while. i'm still playing the deck, havn't stopped in 2 years . Recently i've top 8'd one of the Philadelphia legacy series events and last weekend i played in the legacy...
Thanks contra! I wish you could make it out more too.
I have to agree with darkgh0st on the Remote Farm idea, i feel like we wanna have as stable of a mana base as possible and having basic plains...
I will probably run a Smugglers copter over the 2nd Jitte in the main and a third Forsake the worldly over the 2nd Ratchet bomb in the board. A lot of match ups are very easy ,one that isn't is food...
Split the finals of the Top deck monthly 1k today playing this list . It felt nearly perfect all day.
4 Thalia, Guardian of Thraben
4 Eldrazi Displacer
4 Thought-Knot Seer
3 blade splicer
Links to twitch?
So a card from Ixalan caught my eye and i'm gunna give it a shot at a couple weekly events . the card is Legion Conquistador . i'm gunna try it in the shell above but only 3 Blade splicer in place of...
Gunna be trying this out .Seems good against anything wanting to 1 for 1 and against most combo, which is like half the field.
4 Thalia, Guardian of Thraben
4 Eldrazi Displacer
So Eternal Extravaganza was yesterday . I started out with a bye .
rd2 Punishing maverick 1-2 i win the roll and smash him. he gets turn three knight of the reliquary and wastelands me out of...
EDITED - lack of basic Plains. it was a quick glance .
30th place. List looks pretty familiar , minus the atrocious sideboard and lack of basic Plains.
@contra. I think the list looks good . its al about play style .Mirror Entity is interesting,I've never thought about it before but with blade splicer it actually makes a lot of sense.
Ballista as...
@Laser Brains
Great to have you in the thread! Yeah the deck is tits, super fun and super powerful . I saw you're friends list . It looked pretty similar to some list i used to play for a minute....
Played at The Bearded Dragon this weekend to an embarrassing 1-3 drop.. Play mistakes and bad draws...Just not my day.
This list is still fire. You can't win em all and whatever . One thing i...
No twitch coverage for the event and Lotus petal has been my go to for 6 months now.
Got 3rd @ The Summer Luau Series: Legacy $1.5K+ Tournament today. Went 4-2-1 . Matches as follows.
Rd 1 death and taxes 2-1
Rd 2 Aggro loam/punising jund 2-0
Rd 3 Bomberman 0-2 Steam rolled
Rd 4...
I just scour local store websites and fb groups. I live in the N.E. so finding a legacy event is relatively easy most weekends. Not to mention i play legacy twice a week at two different stores with...
Posted above.
Got 5th at an EE gold satellite. Feel like if i would've played a little better i coulda beat my u/r delver opponent in top 8. Deck was great all day.
Ballista is now a 4 of in my deck . started at 1 then slowly went to 4. Card is awesome. Against the creature match ups its almost like having 4 more jitte in your deck. Blade splicer as a 2 off has...
Thanks Ghost. i've updated my list to reflect the changes with my preferences . I'll keep everyone updated .
my newest list for reference.
11 Non creature
4 Chalice of the Void
4 lotus...
I'm trying to build a version that is still great against combo but has a great delver and DnT matchup . I'm particularly looking for a build that has zero fat and every card is high impact ....
For anyone that didn't see it