It's been awhile since I've posted on here, but I've been playing Food Chain for awhile and wanted to share my thoughts.
I picked up the deck right before GP SeaTac as it seemed the...
Type: Posts; User: JonBarber
It's been awhile since I've posted on here, but I've been playing Food Chain for awhile and wanted to share my thoughts.
I picked up the deck right before GP SeaTac as it seemed the...
Rochester will be packing heat.
I guess "goodstuff" is a bit of a misnomer. Its really BG cabal coffers. You want to get urborg coffers online ASAP and then overwhelm with card advantage. Grave Titan doesn't do anything. Between...
I really wanted to abuse Urborg+Cabal Coffers, and G/B seemed like the best way to do so. All of the GB generals are pretty meh, but I chose Nath due to his ability to randomly blow people out with...
Welp, GG, Griselbanned
Complaining about "broken" in a place that's supposed to be a competitive forum is dumb. If your play group doesn't like it or can't handle it, ban it within your group or don't play against it. In...
Yay! It's no longer the day before Easter! I'll be there.
Wait, your GPT is going to be legacy not modern? How?
It's weird that 3-4 and 5-8 don't have equal payouts. Typically its just breakers that determine where you end up in those spots and breakers really only show your luck as opposed to skill.
You know Gitaxian Probe draws you a card :wink:
You don't cut delver for mongoose, you play them alongside each other. Snapcaster isn't very good vs goyf either and is a slower clock. A deck like this rarely has an issue getting threshold. And...
Whoever told you Nimble Mongoose is bad was a liar. Makes the UW matchup infinitely better for you. I don't really understand why you brought in surgical extraction against UWR, or why you...
You should reallyy be playing a full set of knight of the reliquary. Cut a tarmogoyf before you cut a knight.
If you're worried about decking just animate dead or exhume another Jin-Gitaxias and they'll legend rule each other.
I ran 17 lands to ensure as few mulligans as possible. Being on the draw and having the ability to move to your end step and discard a creature is so powerful against blue decks. Mulliganing takes...
Null rods were there mainly to combat relics/t-crypts, but had the splash effect of being generally good vs a variety of decks. Echoing truths dealt with humility's and ensaring bridges, needles for...
I got 6th place at the JupiterGames Invitational tournament with Reanimator. My feelings are the deck were that the nuts hands are nuts, but if your not reanimating on turn 1 or 2, you're probably...
Yeah, its pretty tough. You don't really have any way to stop natural order maindeck other than daze or sniping it with clique and the deck has no good way to answer progenitus. Their burn keeps you...
I 2-0'd Ari Lax playing storm with that exact 75 at Providence.
I worked with James on the list, and played the exact 75 to an 11th place finish. The deck is nuts. My 3 losses were to Team Italia after never drawing a 2nd white source, and twice to RUG Natural...
I played the exact same 75 getting 11th place. I actually 2-0'd Ari Lax playing UB storm. The maindeck is pretty soft to combo (clique+karakas is really the only answer). But we get a ton of hate...
I think the best plan is to play a raw tendrils for 20. If TES can resolve a burning wish, it should be in okay shape since the deck offers virtually no clock. The only risk is that of getting waste...
Mental Misstep makes this deck so much worse. It's greatest strength was turn 1 stifle, and now everyone has a simple answer to it.
Haha, those are two of the decks best matchups. You have 12 answers to lackey on the draw (FOW, Swords, stifle) and 22 answers on the play (FOW, swords, stifle, daze, goyf, and EE). Zoo's mana-base...