The only points I would disagree on are that the deck is concerned with card advantage. Never has been. It is concerned with card quality. And very often I would happily discard a bunch of dead cards...
Type: Posts; User: Parcher
The only points I would disagree on are that the deck is concerned with card advantage. Never has been. It is concerned with card quality. And very often I would happily discard a bunch of dead cards...
With Looter it makes a UG or UR Madness Aggro build very interesting
Tomb, Mox, Bazaar, discard Rootwalla, Vengevine.
Remand also works better with Breifing. Since it doesnt exile until resolution. Another reason to run Freeze main. Mill it at any point, use Breifing to get it back, then double up with Remand.
SCG also has a history of promoting players who are later suspended for cheating. A lot of them. Not their fault of course, but doesnt make it an enticing proposition for others.
Anytime a Combo deck immune to spot removal, makes itself very vulnerable to any spot removal, there had best be a extremely powerful reason.
Once your opponent indicates that Breakthrough resolves, he doesn't get priority until it has completely done so. While Narcomoeba triggers are announced when dredge rolls them into the yard, they...
Prolly this;
3 Griselbrand
4 Emrakul, the Aeons Torn
4 Show and Tell
1 Preordain
4 Ponder
1 Arcane Adaptation
1 Blood Moon
I actually been running the same list that's been doing well with Sun as a 2-of over 3Sphere. Sphere is unquestionably stronger. But I've lost too many games drawing it after it was dead, especially...
In the hands of someone who knows what they're doing, Therapy is one of the best spells in Magic at disrupting any plan the enemy might have. If you can do it multiple times in a turn, especially in...
First missing info is are you on the play or draw? Second is assuming you have 3 mana for any of these on T1, will you have access to 4 mana on T2 if you don't play Moon or get Wasted? Daze being the...
Yeah, I have to chime in on this one. One of the large advantages people who play Legacy as their main format had was deck recognition. I used to be able to see your turn one Fetch, what land you...
My main will be within 2-3 cards of what you list. Still working a bit with mana sources and Drake vs Warkite.
B2B: as mentioned before, this can be backbreaking against certain decks, I guess...
Not yet, but I will soon. As with Zahid now legal, I'm going to play it somewhere.
The reason that Copter isn't run is that it directly competes for slots with Equipment. Both in function, that they require a creature to do anything, and as an Artifact. Which is far more relevant....
I've never tried Search.
I agree about Warkite. He's probably a 1 or 2 main, with the same in the SB for appropriate decks.
I don't see how you could possibly think Cloud is a stronger 2 drop...
Legacy players have a Gentlemen's Agreement not to.
Completely accurate. And one of my main reasons for posing the question. They can definitely kill us before we get a second turn. But at the same time, if we are on the draw and they open with...
Problem with that is every list I've seen runs around least 2 Surgical. Going all in blind is one of the few ways we can get blown out by that. I'm actually less afraid of their hate on the draw, as...
Need opinions;
Silent Gravestone vs. Elves. It does nothing to advance our game plan. And outside hate, Elves can do little to interact with us. But it does nullify ALL of their hate. And we only...
Delver always brings in Grudge now, if that helps your decision.
Sorry to cause such work for you, but thanks for the reply. I am very familiar with the deck, and its SB options. I just need to build one that fits with the new version. To condense your two main...
10 Snow-Covered Island
4 Ancient Tomb
4 City of Traitors
1 Seat of the Synod
1 Oboro, Palace in the Clouds
4 Chrome Mox
4 Chalice of the Void
2 Umezawa's Jitte
2 Sword of Fire and...
I've been getting some games in with the new cards. It feels wrong, but I think its finally time to cut Drake.TNN and Zahid are so much better. And Drake actively interferes with casting them. And...