The deck development has been mostly in the front pages for awhile now. People linking their recent successes and ideas. Check out the last 5 pages for a good idea. I can update the main page in a...
Type: Posts; User: Rock Lee
The deck development has been mostly in the front pages for awhile now. People linking their recent successes and ideas. Check out the last 5 pages for a good idea. I can update the main page in a...
My online moniker of "Kare" has long been a homonymic allusion to Jer, and KareBaron is a carebear dadesque joke. So we're on the same page. :D
Jeremiah Rudolph, internet moonlighter as KareBaron, here announcing my brave new leap into the streaming verse starting tomorrow morning 9/21 @ 9 am EST (2 pm GMT / 3 pm CET).
Round 1 vs BUG was heavily won on the back of grapple -> Snap -> Grapple -> Titan chaining. Game 1 I cast 5 grapples and fizzled 5 drs casts with either the Snapcaster or returning the Cloudpost...
went undefeated with a UG build in a local weekly event. Matchups were BUG Control, Lands, Lands.
// Lands
1 [WWK] Eye of Ugin
1 [P2] Forest (1)
1 [LG] Karakas
4 [MR] Cloudpost...
New updates to the jund version, went X-1 before these updates (swapped therapies to sb, inserted abrupt decays). Sneak attack could be an include, but is often 1 mana less than inferno titan, while...
bGR build update:
// Lands
1 [LG] Karakas
1 [TSP] Vesuva
4 [MR] Cloudpost
4 [SOM] Glimmerpost
1 [WWK] Eye of Ugin
1 [WWK] Bojuka Bog
1 [TSP] Forest (4)
Warping wail has recently been failing me, not countering ad nauseam, entomb, and doing nothing against Eldrazi aggro. the black splash is an attempt to shore up some of the weaknesses I was leaning...
Went X-1 at local event with this rGB post build. Complicated mana was solved with some heavy hand fixing and variant answers. Wins were against colorless prison, bug control, sneaky show. Loss was a...
Grip/nature's claim are usually enough for me in this matchup. Obviously running red makes this match easier too.
went 3-1 this week at legacy with a very solid G/r list. Matchups were MUD prison, nicfit, u/r delver (close loss via misplay), dark maverick:
// Lands
1 [LG] Karakas
1 [TSP] Vesuva
Card doesn't work with sundering titan. Think more phyrexian dreadnaught type abuse, counter abuse.
The card always ramps (cloudpost count) -1 mana, often more, is a blocker in the face of...
I like the UG variant and respect bringing it in against a gauntlet of delver and sneaky show with mostly sorcery answers.
I have taken this approach to the meta with a mono green build. It might...
Yes, Mirage Mirror is the real deal.
If your meta is heavy aggro loam, just run Dismember and play Standard against them with you having no Cloudposts and them having no Knights. You win that war.
Dismember - Warping wail - Moment's...
Only card I consider "required" is crop rotation. Everything else is a meta call.
Tabernacle is possible to be added, but only as an answer to empty the warrens. I usually hinge on moment's peace in its slot.
Trinket Magex1
I often do only x1 candelabra with trinket mage builds. The choice for x2 is mostly for color fixing
I have been tweaking this build for awhile per my teammate Jeff Carpenter's advice and suggestions. Success has been overwhelming online, but I haven't taken it to a 5+ round event yet:
// Lands
Have been tinkering with a blend of my previous mono green builds and Snoop's C/g build resulting in this strong build. Still could use some tuning, but I am finding it very resilient:
// Lands
Can you believe that I tested over 10 builds with omni and Walking Ballista thinking it was an instant kill? even brought it to events and people let me do it. (small events). Go figure. I'm pretty...
Omni's real weakness is it falters to simple hate and counters. (why its sideboards near its end of dominance ran pyromancers and boseiju). Omni and Sneaky/Omni has terrible game against DnT. This...
Been testing a combo-oriented build, with virtually zero protection and clearly focused on hard combo:
// Lands
1 [LG] Karakas
2 [TSP] Vesuva
4 [MR] Cloudpost
4 [SOM]...
moment's peace is for elves/infect/eldrazi aggro. everything else it is very interchangable
This is my preliminary post-top U/G list. I like this list the most against a completely unknown meta. Mono green will likely edge it out once the meta is known and especially if the meta is more...