On Sunday I played in a local tournament. The modern event had over 60 players, quite a lot for our community. The legacy event had 14 players, less than I hoped for but a diverse group of people,...
Type: Posts; User: Ahab
On Sunday I played in a local tournament. The modern event had over 60 players, quite a lot for our community. The legacy event had 14 players, less than I hoped for but a diverse group of people,...
Amazing haha!
What cards underperformed? Were the Solitudes necessary? They are card disadvantage, after all.
You need to be able to beat burn, Lurrus recursion, DRC value, 4/4s with counter backup, Murktide, Ragavan, Urza's Saga etc. etc. Modern is quite fast with resilient decks.
I really hope you can at...
Germany is not occupied, or maybe I don't get the reference.
I think MK's points are quite good. It is very important to reevaluate your relationship with your habits every once in a while. Being...
You can target yourself with Unmask, which is very relevant for reanimator.
That article was maximum cringe. Simply incredible. And check out this comment by Michael Flores:
Someone: "The Pro Tour was a playground for the privileged. Let’s focus on opening the gates and...
Raptor seems to be whatever. I think you are not sure what your deck is supposed to do? It really depends on the powerlevel of your playgroup. Your gameplan is basically casting 5+ drops. You need a...
Sky Terror seems increadibly weak for EDH. I would cut it for Sylvan Library, as you lack card draw. In general, your ramp and card draw is on the lower side. Descendant's Path only triggers every...
I also have this deck. I like Havoc Festival. Defiler of Souls is a bit underwhelming, I'd play Sheoldred over it (I don't play either). The new Neheb is really strong. Pox seems weak, Ruination is...
There are two things in favor of Creeping Chill:
1) It's great against Delver and Chalice, since it's uncountreable and makes it difficult for them to race.
2) The London mulligan changed how we...
Sunday morning, it's cold. Slight rain, when we meet the streets are still empty, not even last night's drunks are out in this weather. It doesn't get better going south, as we drive into a thick...
Yesterday I played in a Legacy weekly. There were 4 rounds, 16 people I think. I played thelist from the youtube video https://youtu.be/JY0KjhMGLS0, except my sideboard was:
4 LotV
3 Claim
Isn't Relic of Progenitus just better than Phyrexian Furnace?
The 5-0 was by ewlandon, of BR Reanimator fame. There is a stream replay on his twitch under twitch.tv/ewlandon which is very interesting. Not a bad deck but seems pretty inconsistent.
This deck is sooo spicy, I love it! It's cheap too, I'll sleeve it up for some local games if I have time.
I'd love a sideboard of mostly 1-ofs for some added extra-spice.
Maybe a split of 2...
I don't! Just accept it, think about buying it, ask your friends "hey, what do you think about UMA?". Have a conversation. I also don't get the hype for sets, especially as the reality is most of the...
Nice, good to know I'm not imagining things. Thanks for the links, I'll look into it.
What is it with reddit and the constant attack on WotC? Do they even like the game?
I think it's really intersting how a lot of people "anthropomorphize" WotC as if it was a thinking entity. They...
So I've been on the 4 Street Wraith plan for a while. SW are good, but not amazing. I'm thinking about switching them for more Putrid Imps and drawspells.
It would look something like this:
You need tix to enter events, every event "destroys" tix as the price payout is lower than the total tix required to start it. Also trading with bots requires tix, which are bought directly from...
Option 1 is probably better that option 2, as the angel deck would play a lot of cards that are not important and place too much importance on single, unprotected critters. A single Swords to...
Mausoleum Secrets is beyond unplayable. Probably even Infernal Tutor would be better. Or Spoils of the Vault. It doesn't help starting the engine, so it's use would be in finding answers to hate, but...
Exactly, mtg may be cheap compared to Golf etc., but the necessary time investment to be competitive is huge, this is especially noticable because reading articles or watching videos of pros is time...
Limited is great at the moment. Rivals was good, Dominaria was amazing, M19 is good, Ravnica looks promising.
I feel like a lot of discussion ignores this. Constructed in general is full of...
How is your mana situation? You added another mana elf, so it is probably a litte bit tight? I suggest swapping Vines of the Vastwood for Blossoming Defense, as it is cheaper.
You have to ask...