If you can land a mom then Gaddock Teeg you should be fine. Just don't walk him in to vendilion or a snapcaster. If you are vary concerned about miracles match, I would run 3 teeg with the vial, and...
Type: Posts; User: Flopnuts72
If you can land a mom then Gaddock Teeg you should be fine. Just don't walk him in to vendilion or a snapcaster. If you are vary concerned about miracles match, I would run 3 teeg with the vial, and...
Ooze is good in the mirror for getting punishing fires and shrinking goyfs need be. It's good against rug delver not to mention all of these loam dark depths decks running around! He can help gain...
Thanks Matt for posting your list and some thoughts! I played almost that exact list at GP Minneapolis. -1 sylvan +1 hym, an the sideboard was different. I have been doing some testing on...
Has anyone tested running a single scrubland/savannah as a 24land. To use some white sb cards like gaddok teeg or ethersworn?? Maybe something like this?
3 Badlands
2 Bayou
Matt I thought you don't post in this thread ;p when I found out about the source I started lurking on the junk thread because I love the deck, but have since changed to jund for tournaments. Your...
What do you use pithing needle against in the storm match?
First off I read this tread so I won't go down the bolt argument. ; ) I know you love the card and for good reason it's solid! I also understand slaughter games is slow it might not be good enough,...
I do think Jund is well positioned in the meta still! This is the list I have been running.
Counts : 60 main / 12 sideboard
4 Deathrite Shaman
4 Dark Confidant
1 Scavenging Ooze...
I have had choke in the sb and It can help, I think the main plan at beating rug/ tempo is to play around stifle and daze. Also fetch basics when you can I'll use my fetch on the play and get a basic...
I like how people are starting to play bob with mom. This is the list I have been playing for a few months now and has been good in testing. I switch between the souls and thalia main all the time...
I don't like top as much as sylvan, because I am tapping out most turns. It does add to the turn 1 plays that we are low on but t2 you are almost always tapping out for goyf/bob/fire/hym. Then t3...
I played in a local tournament tonight and thought I would post my results. this is my deck for reference.
60main / 15 sideboard
4 Deathrite Shaman
4 Dark Confidant
4 Tarmogoyf...
Has anyone tested young pyromancer in burn yet???
Or has anyone tried a version without Hym maybe something like this??? Has anyone had any good results with slaughter games???
61 main
4 Deathrite Shaman
4 Dark Confidant
Has anyone thought about running a more aggro build in GWR with Voice of resurgence???
Has anyone thought about an GWR build that uses Voice of Resurgence???
I am going to the MN GP in a week!! It will be my first Big tournament!! I was wondering what some good SB options and plans against the decks to beat? (What to take out and put in with my SB or...
Any seggestions and thoughts are greatly appreciated thanks in advance!! BTW this is the best thread on the source!! Keep beating people in the face with ROCK!!
Deck: Junk
This is my first post on the source. I have been a lerker for about a year now and wanted to post the list I have been using to some success at the local store and on cockatrise.