My suggestions: cut preodrains for spell pierces MD they will catch some ppl with their pants down, or engeenired explosives (cause you play U/W/r). Replace Purify the Grave for extraction for me it...
Type: Posts; User: CaBaaL
My suggestions: cut preodrains for spell pierces MD they will catch some ppl with their pants down, or engeenired explosives (cause you play U/W/r). Replace Purify the Grave for extraction for me it...
I tried and gave up shackles for moat, it buys more time against maverick and it is instant win against some decks.
I tried this list:
Looks like mystic has better results than Green sun zenith.
Anyone have tried it? Looks good and has a solid SB even in...
Against maverick is it good to remove mystic and equipments after SB? They run qasalis maybe manriki-gusari, and krosan's grips
after a lot of playtest vs agro decks (combo decks are favorable so I do not playtest against them that much) I found that snapcaster + sword to plow is too good to pass it. I gave up the idea of...
I am thinking ways of adding mox diamonds, 1 taiga(or volcanic island) in order to have active firespout on SB and getting to 3 mana for snapcaster, v. clique and knight easier. Mox can be used for...
The list I am trying is:
18 lands
4 tarmogoyfs
4 delvers
3 grim lavamancer
4 brainstorm
4 ponder
I had the same SB on my last tournament (+1 firespout in place of the ravenous trap). 18 lands are realy low for 3 mana on turn 3 thats why I replaced firespout with pyroclasm (maybe volcanic fallout...
I had the same SB on my last tournament (+1 firespout in place of the ravenous trap). 18 lands are realy low for 3 mana on turn 3 thats why I replaced firespout with pyroclasm (maybe volcanic fallout...
I used to play new horrizons before misstep (and tried with misstep too but failed cause misstep was stronger against me than them, also U/W has really solid manabase and tempo-strategy was not...
I liked the idea of trying to get the deck 2for1 and screw their card advantage.
the deck I have in mind goes like this:
24 lands (the standar selection)
15 creatures:
3-4 goyfs
3-4 hexmages...
I liked the idea of trying to get the deck 2for1 and srew their card advantage.
the deck I have in mind goes like this:
24 lands (the standar selection)
15 creatures:
3-4 goyfs
3-4 hexmages...
this looks (close) to an old list but it had dark confidants instead of visions. I guess the meta is slow enough to draw 3 cards from visions and hard enough for bob to survive for 3 rounds
I tried (2) spell pierce on the last trials and jace MD. jace is ripping people apart none expected him MD and resolving one on the 3rd turn was epic.
On the other hand spell pierce sucked all day...
great article I only dissagree the boarding plan against bant agro, your plan is only good if they do not play fow and have mystic (that's why you board the grudge) its impossible not to have any...
I used a similar list (-1 terravore +1 ozze -1 fire//ice +1 goyf -2 spell pierce (great idea) +1 misstep +1 lavamancer) and more meta oriented SB.
Have you found any problems without any basic...
the deck is sick i just won a mox emerald with no rug, I ripped apart my meta. I haven't felt like this since survival era.
yeah I will edit it now.
In my meta there are more bug landstill than U/w ones thats why I wanted to try jace.
I used to play Pro Bant but after the print of mental misstep and the rise of landstill decks I shifted to RUG (mostly for red elem. blast and cause lighting bolt>merfolks).
I wanted to ask if...
what SB plan has the deck (canadian thress) against BUG landstil? Pithing needle for deed,jace ? the only weekness of the deck is his manabase (too many colorless lands -wastelands+manlands) so I...
my meta infested with stoneforged and friends decks, as also with merfolks (some are coming with goblins for this reason), the big green guys decks (rock,bant,zoo) are 0-1%.
My question is simple is...
thanks for the advise i will add 1 clique and find one more spot for an other one.
As for wild Nacatl she is a great cat but in a 4 color deck that needs turn 1 tropical (for daze and Nacatl) and...
Creatures 8
4 Nimble Mongoose
4 Tarmogoyf
Instants 29
4 Brainstorm
3 Daze
3 Fire / Ice
4 Force of Will
4 Lightning Bolt
agree, If knight had any evation ability or trample it could be a lot different. I do not compare the 2 decks I just wonder why New horrizons does not show up in top8 any more, and TA, a deck with...
Can someone tell me why new horrizons does not show up in top8 anymore? What is missing? It has the same base as team america (trade 1-1, tempo) but it misses card advantage: dark confidant, hymn (1...