Hey all,
I run a pretty generic vial goblins build and I'm having trouble vs elves. My friend runs llanowar with elvish archdruids and then the massive creatures start coming out. Granted I do...
Type: Posts; User: Morton_Salt
Hey all,
I run a pretty generic vial goblins build and I'm having trouble vs elves. My friend runs llanowar with elvish archdruids and then the massive creatures start coming out. Granted I do...
I played again against Goblins and went off a lot more often than the last time I played. I think just playing the deck more allows me to get better at it. I still don't like having to wait for...
One of the things was the lack of a first turn FoW to answer his Lackey. If I had it I was in good shape, otherwise he was able to get huge board control. I'll do some more playtesting but it won't...
Wow. I just played my first few games in casual using Solidarity and I got totally rocked. I played vs Goblin. I went off in 3 of 8 games but often the goblin clock was too fast for me and I...
Hey all, I need some help fixing my mana base. So far my build is the following:
3 Nether Spirit
3 Tombstalker
3 Crucible of Worlds
4 Duress
4 Hymn to Tourach
4 Innocent Blood