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Thread: Fun Stifle + Dreadnought + Parrallax Tide deck.

  1. #1

    Fun Stifle + Dreadnought + Parrallax Tide deck.

    Here's the thing, I want to build a fun casual monoblue deck filled with as many different internal combos as humanly possible.

    4 Stifle
    4 Trickbind
    4 Phyrexian Dreadnought
    4 Parrallax Tide
    4 Smokestack
    2 Eater of Days

    Stifle and Trickbind combo with Parrallax Tide for a one sided Armageddon, with Smokestack to prevent you from having to sac anything for a turn, or they just get you a 12/12 trampler or a 9/8 flying Trampler without any drawback.

    Eater of Days also combos really well with Smokestack. So you get a lot of internal synergies working together. And you get a prison deck with a really fast win condition should the prison plan slow down or fail.

    That's as far as I got, I need your help to let me finish up the deck. Any suggestions for other ridiculous and pointless combos I can squeeze in.

    I don't want just any random combos though, I would prefer combos that synergize somehow with the combo cards above. I don't want to just throw Painter's Servant and Grindstone into the deck since there's no way that either combo piece fits in with any of the other above combos.

  2. #2
    grahf's Avatar
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    Re: Fun Stifle + Dreadnought + Parrallax Tide deck.

    Paradox Haze is pretty good with Smokestack. I thought the Haze was symmetrical, until I went to read the card, and in fact it is an "enchant player." Another card causes bad things during the upkeep bad is Mana Vortex, and you could skip even more turns with Chronatog, or better yet its totem. You'd probably need Crucible to support the Mana Vortex though. Meditate for draw? Or did I misunderstand, and you didn't want to skip turns... It just seems like it'd be pretty funny to sit behind a defensive wall (maybe propaganda + pendrell mists), skipping turns, while your opponent gets eaten up by lockdown/prison cards.

    I like this forum, and I wish there was more action here.

  3. #3
    RawR Bitch
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    Re: Fun Stifle + Dreadnought + Parrallax Tide deck.

    Quote Originally Posted by grahf View Post
    I like this forum, and I wish there was more action here.
    There's usually a lot of action when a new set comes out for a month and just after a huge tournament.
    Co-Founder of Team Awesome - I heard Randy Buehler say a while back that good players give themselves the most number of turns to find the answer.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Secretly.A.Bee View Post
    Women come and go, turn one protection is forever.

  4. #4
    grahf's Avatar
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    Re: Fun Stifle + Dreadnought + Parrallax Tide deck.

    OK, I see. I'll just keep posting my janky ideas and scrubby decks then.

  5. #5
    Insane Anarchists Get Mean
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    Re: Fun Stifle + Dreadnought + Parrallax Tide deck.

    If you wanted to go a different route:

    Phyrexian Dreadnought
    Academy Ruins

    Nothing like doing 12 damage a turn for tapping 4 lands.

  6. #6

    Re: Fun Stifle + Dreadnought + Parrallax Tide deck.

    Pact of Negation is stifle/trickbind friendly
    Land Equilibrium is nasty in conjunction with Parallax Tide

    Blue/Black lets you play cards like:

    Parallax Nexus
    Braids, Cabal Minion
    Magus of the Abyss/Woebringer Demon

  7. #7

    Re: Fun Stifle + Dreadnought + Parrallax Tide deck.

    All cool ideas guys. Thanks. I'll go mess around with a few of them.

  8. #8

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    Re: Fun Stifle + Dreadnought + Parrallax Tide deck.

    In case you want more 1cc U instants that go well with smokestack and paralax, try clockspinning. I love that card in theory, but dont have any of the cards to make it usefull in a deck.

  9. #9
    Site Contributor
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    Re: Fun Stifle + Dreadnought + Parrallax Tide deck.

    16 years later, the concept of Stifle-nought and Parallax Tide is blowing up premodern. Koudos to you Captain Hammer!
    Quote Originally Posted by nedleeds View Post
    Dat 1/1 with built in pump. Watch out Griselbrand here comes lizard mid range.
    Quote Originally Posted by Von View Post
    Is this a troll or are gobbos really dtb?

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