This is my take on mono blue control. I'm making this for my little brother. Any comments or suggestions would be appreciated.
* 2 x Nevinyrral's Disk
* 2 x Powder Keg
* 3 x Sensei's Divining Top
* 2 x Vedalken Shackles
* 2 x Ancestral Vision
* 4 x Brainstorm
* 3 x Counterbalance
* 4 x Counterspell
* 4 x Force of Will
* 4 x Mana Leak
* 1 x Morphling
* 3 x Spell Snare
* 1 x Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir
* 1 x Oona, Queen of the Fae
* 2 x Academy Ruins
* 18 x Island
* 4 x Mishra's Factory
It seems like mid-late game I will be drawing alot and countering everything.
You might want to look at the MUC thread in the established decks section.
This thread might be helpful
Off the top of my head for your list:
Back to basics is amazing, should be run in any MUC list.
Brainstorm is not so good without shuffle effects.
Oona will never survive to do anything useful.
Counterbalance top is...ok, but between CmCs being all over the place in your deck, and lack of answers for threats that do get down, more card draw/hardcounters/answers could help.
Thanks for the link guys pretty good stuff. If i put in back to basics I need to drop the academy ruins and the mishras factorys huh? as for oona i should probally replace her i guess... more morphlings? i like brainstorm with the top i think it works well what would you suggest for a replacement?
Factories need to come out, but Ruins can stay. At worst, it will still recur an artifact once, and all of MUCs artifacts are nice to have around. In fact, I would suggest running more shackles, as they are the best anti agro cards for the deck.
As far as replacing Oona, I think you have two choices. Either, use Rainbow Efreet/Call the Skybreaker to give you wrath effect immune wins, OR just add more utility cards in, like echoing truth, Jace, or control magic. MUC only needs a couple of win conditions.
Finally, as far as draw is concerned, Fact or Fiction just plain wins games. For early game draw, these are the cards I would run over brainstorm in no particular order: Ponder, Acumulated Knowledge, Think Twice, Impulse, and Jace. I know some people have had good things to say about a singleton Tidings or Stroke of Genius, but I have never tested these. Singleton card draw seems decidely blah in my opinion. If I only have one, I want it to be both something I won't be upset not seeing every game, won't annoy me if I do see it, AND can really help swing a bad match in my favor.
Although I'm a huge fan of the deck that is on the thread that is linked, if you would like to keep Mishra's Factory, here is what I would try
I would try something like this:
-3 Sensei Divinig Top
-2 Ancestral Vision
-4 Brainstorm
-3 Counterbalance
-1 Oona, Queen of the Fae
+4 Fact or Fiction
+4 Standstill
+1 Vedalken Shackles
+1 Control Magic
+1 Rainbow Efreet
+1 Cryptic Command
+1 Jace Beleren
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