Force of Will
Lion's Eye Diamond
Sensei's Divining Top
Phyrexian Dreadnaught
Goblin Lackey
Natural Order
For my confessions, they burned me with fire/
And found I was for endurance made
Before Beseech the Mirror, Peer was a staple in TES and other ANT/storm with even 1 Burning Wish. It's only dropped off since Beseech.
Beseech is better than those 5-8 mana cards so it's outcompeting all of them now.
Edit: Peer still sees play in Storm builds playing around artifact hate (Cabal Ritual instead of Mox Opal, which means Ad Naus & Peer instead of Beseech):
Edit2: I am not arguing Bargain should be banned, but that it's more playable than Mind's Desire, and probably would have been played before Beseech existed.
Last edited by FTW; 12-23-2024 at 11:37 AM.
This discussion seems very focused on the payoff side of the cards, but I think the cost is really what makes the bargain a plausible un-ban: I get the impression that the power level of legacy is such that even "If you cast this spell you win the game" as a cmc 6 sorcery wouldn't be ban-worthy. After all, Ad Nauseam already comes close to doing that as a 5 cost instant in a color with rituals.
"I have heard the mermaids singing, each to each. I do not think they will sing to me." -T.S. Eliot
Legacy UGB River Rock primer Click here to comment
Yes, the Legacy metagame was over 40% combo, control was borderline unplayable. Top win%s at Eternal Weekend were all combo decks (not just Froginator), control had losing records.
It wasn't all Bauble. But between combo protected by Force/Daze and combo protected by Bauble, there were no good matchups for control to farm, while they got pounded by the top aggro decks too.
The 2nd best "control" deck on mtgtop8 was Stiflenought (a tempo deck with a creature combo finish).
"I have heard the mermaids singing, each to each. I do not think they will sing to me." -T.S. Eliot
Legacy UGB River Rock primer Click here to comment
Any combo deck that doesn't protect itself with FoW could jam Bauble for protection:
Mystic Forge
It's a colorless turn 1 play, easy for any nonblue combo deck to fit in.
Blue combos already run Force/Daze (Nadu, Doomsday, Breakfast, UB Reanimator). Between the two, it was a bad time to be playing the police (fair blue) instead of the combo player.
"I have heard the mermaids singing, each to each. I do not think they will sing to me." -T.S. Eliot
Legacy UGB River Rock primer Click here to comment
Here is the top 8 of major events in the last 4 months:
It was largely Reanimator, but other combo decks like Mystic Forge and Painter were there. You can see the low percentage of control decks as well.
The main offender was Mystic Forge, which had a 57%+ win rate at Eternal Weekends including winning 1st in North America.
Painter also played 3-4 Bauble and became one of the top decks (but not oppressive). When you can't FoW/FoV/Daze/FoN/Surgical/Solitude them, you can get Grindstoned out of nowhere.
Some TES and ANT ran Bauble, though those decks were not as well positioned in the meta in general.
Forge had a small meta presence (Froginator was more popular) but high win rate and could be oppressive in a post-Frog meta.
I know the card doesn't look that unfair. Remember Arcum's Astrolabe and Gitaxian Probe are also banned. The problem is cards like this can be thrown in any deck. While you want them to improve fair fringe strategies, in practice they get used unfairly. Because any deck can run it, so the unfair one just uses it better, and the format is overall better without them. Turn 1 colorless cantrips have to be very weak to be fair (Mishra's Bauble). Vexing Bauble does so much at so little cost to run.
Last edited by FTW; 12-31-2024 at 09:37 PM.
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