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Thread: Protection Question...

  1. #1

    Protection Question...

    I have a Progenitals Progenitus in play and opponent has a 15/15 Goyf Terravore with trample. According to the kid fine gentleman trample ignores the protection from green and I take 5. Is this true or did I get duped?
    Last edited by cdr; 12-18-2009 at 09:49 PM. Reason: Fixed.
    Quote Originally Posted by thefringthing View Post
    baghdadbob, you're Team Scrubbad's spirit animal.

  2. #2

    Re: Protection Question...

    Trample does not ignore the protection - the protection is still absorbing 10.

    702.17b. The controller of an attacking creature with trample first assigns damage to the creature(s) blocking it. Once all those blocking creatures are assigned lethal damage, any remaining damage is assigned as its controller chooses among those blocking creatures and the player or planeswalker the creature is attacking. When checking for assigned lethal damage, take into account damage already marked on the creature and damage from other creatures that's being assigned during the same combat damage step, but not any abilities or effects that might change the amount of damage that's actually dealt. The attacking creature's controller need not assign lethal damage to all those blocking creatures but in that case can't assign any damage to the player or planeswalker it's attacking.

    Example: A 2/2 creature with an ability that enables it to block multiple attackers blocks two attackers: a 1/1 with no abilities a 3/3 with trample. The active player could assign 1 damage from the first attacker and 1 damage from the second to the blocking creature, and 2 damage to the defending player from the creature with trample.

    Example: A 6/6 green creature with trample is blocked by a 2/2 creature with protection from green. The attacking creature's controller must assign at least 2 damage to the blocker, even though that damage will be prevented by the blocker's protection ability. The attacking creature's controller can divide the rest of the damage as he or she chooses between the blocking creature and the defending player.
    “It's possible. But it involves... {checks archives} Nature's Revolt, Opalescence, two Unstable Shapeshifters (one of which started as a Doppelganger), a Tide, an animated land, a creature with Fading, a Silver Wyvern, some way to get a creature into play in response to stuff, some way to get a land into play in response to stuff (a different land from the animated land), and one heck of a Rube Goldberg timing diagram.
    -David DeLaney

  3. #3

    Re: Protection Question...

    Thanks for the response. Two things though...
    1) It was a Tarmagoyf
    2) He was a a 16 year old kid
    *edit probably shouldn't put a wink face after I say he was a 16 year old kid.... creepyish.
    Quote Originally Posted by thefringthing View Post
    baghdadbob, you're Team Scrubbad's spirit animal.

  4. #4

    Re: Protection Question...

    Savage Hunger and Ancestral Mask? Gigantiform and Might of Oaks?
    “It's possible. But it involves... {checks archives} Nature's Revolt, Opalescence, two Unstable Shapeshifters (one of which started as a Doppelganger), a Tide, an animated land, a creature with Fading, a Silver Wyvern, some way to get a creature into play in response to stuff, some way to get a land into play in response to stuff (a different land from the animated land), and one heck of a Rube Goldberg timing diagram.
    -David DeLaney

  5. #5

    Re: Protection Question...

    What about wither? Will the pro creature take the counters?

  6. #6

    Join Date

    Nov 2008

    Tampere, Finland


    Re: Protection Question...

    Damage, whose source has Wither, is still damage, so protection will prevent it.
    Level 2 Judge

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