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Thread: Selling as a package...

  1. #1

    Selling as a package...

    Hello. I am now willing to sell some cards of my collection to a friend in order to buy a new car. But I am not sure if the price is enough and I would gladly accept advice from you guys. The deal is this:

    4 Tarmogoyf
    4 Bayou
    4 Tundras
    3 Underground Sea
    1 Tropical Island
    4 Sinkhole
    4 Entomb
    4 Wastelands
    4 Phyrexian Dreadnought
    5 Polluted Delta
    3 Flooded Strand
    2 Bloodstained Mire
    3 Windswept Heath
    4 Thoughtseize
    4 Dark Confidant
    4 Nantuko Shade
    4 Enlightened Tutor
    4 Mystical Tutor
    4 Stifles
    4 Tombstalker
    1 Mox Diamond
    1 Jitte
    4 Reanimate
    4 Phyrexian Negator (Urza foil)

    And other staples like Counterbalance and Sensei Divining Top (8 piezes both), StP, Brainstorm, Daze, etc.

    He will give me, in cash, 1,450 USD. The attractive is to recieve it in one single hit :-). Is the deal acceptable? As far as I know Starcity isn`t buying except for the dual lands. Or maybie I could get more for a store? What do you think?

    Thank you very much.

  2. #2
    paK0's Avatar
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    Re: Selling as a package...

    I think you loose some money by selling like this and it is totally possible to get more money out of it, but thats what you get when you bulk-sell.

    I didn't calculate, but it doesn't look like a scam so if you are lazy go for it =).
    Quote Originally Posted by pi4meterftw View Post
    Well you can expect whatever you want but you'd only expect what you said if you were retarded.

  3. #3

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    Re: Selling as a package...

    I just did a price check on another major dealer that I typically use due to the discount (coolstuffinc) and their buy prices are usually comparable to starcity.
    With that said, I added up the buys and they were not buying entomb, dreadnought, thoughseize, confidant, shade, or the negators.
    still the total for NM buy price was 1308. It is likely that selling to a store would get you around 1450 anyway, so its not too bad a deal for you. And if its cash in hand, all one sum, you should go for it.
    Anyone who eats hot dogs with their mouth is doing it wrong, as far as I’m concerned.

  4. #4

    Re: Selling as a package...

    im fairly certain 1450 is great for all of that...

  5. #5
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    Re: Selling as a package...

    You can probably get a little more if you were to sell it in playsets, but $1450 isn't that far off. It's probably worth the convenience to unload it at that price.

  6. #6
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    Re: Selling as a package...

    I added up what I would pay and I came out at around 1300. I typically buy with the intention to turn around and sell so it's not the best deal, but definitely better than most stores will pay. You could get probably around $300 or so more by doing the Ebay thing and I included fees. It's a pretty decent deal for getting it all in one shot.

  7. #7
    Your life total: 4, My life total: 20
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    Re: Selling as a package...

    Is this all your staples? Or do you have any remaining legacy decks?

    Anything left, then I say do it now. NOW! Because you still have a deck, and 1450 dollars sounds like fun.

    If this all your cards, and you are willing to part with them, then I'd do it then too.

    So do it!
    Quote Originally Posted by Nihil Credo View Post
    The first time I heard of the site, I went to and was greeted with a full-page picture of some thug pointing a gun at me. I immediately realised that Legacy was the most hardcore format ever.

  8. #8

    Re: Selling as a package...

    Thanks. I am glad to know that a store will give me a similar amount of money because, at least, with a friend there is the possibility to re-buy them on a time. And my collection remains playable, I will stand with a set of forces and tarmos. I like to play Mono-blue-control anyways. And I still have the Ichorid deck.

    So thanks. Then I will sell that list.

  9. #9
    Trop -> Nacatl Pass
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    Re: Selling as a package...

    You'll get a good $200-$400 more selling those cards in playsets on ebay. If you really like your friend, do it.

  10. #10 that moment I was a marine biologist.
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    Re: Selling as a package...

    Quote Originally Posted by troopatroop View Post
    You'll get a good $200-$400 more selling those cards in playsets on ebay. If you really like your friend, do it.
    Except then you pay 20% on fees after all is said and done and thats without anyone scamming through paypal.

  11. #11
    Trop -> Nacatl Pass
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    Re: Selling as a package...

    I was suprised when i saw what paypal fees really were, but I sold alot of chaff for some decent money, and got 2k for my collection in the end. That was plenty enough for me, and alot better than I thought I would get. It's not perfect, but it's pretty reliable.

  12. #12
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    Re: Selling as a package...

    This deal looks slightly different now that Bobs and Goyfs are no longer going to be Extended legal and Entombs got a downgrade thanks to MT's (also on the list) banning.
    Who says the Internet isn't full of <3?
    Quote Originally Posted by Aleksandr View Post
    MMogg, I love you more and more.
    Quote Originally Posted by menace13
    MMogg is already loved any place he goes.

  13. #13
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    Re: Selling as a package...

    Quote Originally Posted by MMogg View Post
    This deal looks slightly different now that Bobs and Goyfs are no longer going to be Extended legal and Entombs got a downgrade thanks to MT's (also on the list) banning.
    Agreed. Amazing deal is amazing. Do it without a second thought.
    Quote Originally Posted by TheInfamousBearAssassin View Post
    This isn't the game of holding hands and friendship. This is a competitive game, and if we all sit around singing kumbaya and sucking each other's dicks, then a lot of people are going to go to a tournament and lose because their pile of 61 jank isn't the special unique snowflake that everyone on the Source says it was.

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