Hello everyone. This is a deck that I have been trying to make competitive for a while now. I believe that with the rise of burn and decks with even more one drops then before, the meta will change to play more chalice of the voids and counterbalance. I think with your help this deck could have a good shot in the current meta.
The list...
4x Simian Spirit Guide- Helps get out early big plays and also can sneak out and dodge daze.
4x Chalice Of The Void- Is good against alot... delver, burn, brainstorm, mom, storm cards, etc...
3x Koth Of The Hammer- A very nice finisher with bloodmoon in play.
4x Blood Moon- Shuts down so many decks and can be played turn 1.
3x Ajani Venjeant- Another good plainswalker with the ability to protect himself.
4x Lightning Helix- Helps regain life from ancient tomb, helps against aggro, avoids own chalice at 1.
4x Magma Jet- Beats up creatures and also gives us a little library manipulation which is severely lacking in red white. Also avoids chalice at 1.
1x Volcanic Fallout- Uncounterable and very powerful with all the little critters running around.
2x Oblivion Ring- Deals with everything pretty much and gives us a misers chance game 1 against a resolved show and tell. Overall great utility card.
4x Chrome Mox- Another way to power out big spells quickly.
1x Wrath Of God- A very good board wipe that is no hard for us to cast.
2x Elspeth Knight Errant- The last 2 of out 8 kill conditions. Protects herself and gives us blockers too if necessary.
24 Lands 8 Being Ancient Tomb and City Of Traitors.
Sb- I'm not 100% sure on this yet but it will probably look something like...
4x Leyline of Sanctity
4x Surgical Extraction
1x Wrath Of God
1x Volcanic Fallout
1x Oblivion Ring
4x Disenchant
Comments and new ideas more then welcome. Thanks for reading!![]()
You will want some Tops in this deck.
And possibly a good number of Ensnaring Bridges to protect your walkers.
West side
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Islandwalk is better than Plainswalk.
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You could put even a little bit of time and effort into making the initial post look better than just "something I slapped together in 5 minutes and posted on a whim".
Thanks for the link. I'm not 100% sure about running top in conjunction with chalice of the void, but it maybe needed. The lack of draw spells in this deck can lead to some poop topdecks. I almost wish I could run blue, but I know it is just too greedy.
I actually really like Ensnaring Bridge. I will try to make some room for 1 or 2 in the deck. It has nice synergy with this type of "play your hand as fast as possible" deck. Thanks for the suggestion.
Sorry buddy. Next time i'll laminate it for you.
Plainswalker Control, eh? You probably need a way to deal with Great Wall.
"I'm willing to imagine a TES where Past in Flames replaces Ill-Gotten Gains entirely, and we just don't play Diminishing Returns." - me, 29/09/2011
Founding member of Team Scrubbad: Legacy Legends
Ensnaring Bridge looks like a must here.
The bad thing would be having Planeswalkers you can't play in hand because you already have them on the board.
The new RR planeswalker could actually correct this, while luckily tossing bad cards away. May actually just be bad, but I'd try it.
Maybe Ghostly Prison would be better.
Or maybe, an old favorite of mine, Aether Flash.
Super Bizarros Team. Beating everything with small green dudes and big waves.
I just realized my mistake. Thanks.
The new planeswalker does look very interesting. He provides card advantage (somewhat) something this deck needs, and works well with the lands stranded in my hand after I drop a city of traitors. Punishes opposing control decks for having too many cards. It's ultimate maybe irrelevant but it could prove useful. Aetherflash is cute and ghostly prison is also nice but I want to rely as little as possible on enchantments. Thanks for the suggestions.
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