I don't know about you guys but it seems that the return of Krosan Grip is eminent with the current meta. We are talking omniscience, batterskull, sword of..., jitte, the resurgence of counterbalance, etc. I don't wanna be that older guy in magic that tells people about good old fashioned all purpose solutions but... if you are playing green play some friggin grips in your side board ok? Thanks.
Pretty much all of that except for omniscience can be handled with abrupt decay, which will soon be available, and kills other things like creatures.
My web site, www.TheWorldExposed.com
How does Krosan Grip do anything to Omniscience if the SnT player doesn't pass priority until he hardcasts Emrakul?
"I have heard the mermaids singing, each to each. I do not think they will sing to me." -T.S. Eliot
Legacy UGB River Rock primer Click here to comment
"all of that except for Omniscience"
"Attack with Order of the Ebon Hand."
"K, block with Jotun Grunt?"
"It has pro white."
"It still has pro white."
Twitter: @shawnldewey
"I have heard the mermaids singing, each to each. I do not think they will sing to me." -T.S. Eliot
Legacy UGB River Rock primer Click here to comment
I agree. Altough occasionally good against Omniscience - this deck is beat in a different way and for everything supporting GB, Kroan Grip will become unplayable due to abrupt decay and also pernicious deed serves well in killing stuff.
Evaluating a card like Krosan Grip as a sideboard card for decks with access to green but not black cannot be done in such a general way. It very much depends on the deck itself.
-> off curve and plenty of preemtive answers to counterbalance. Red-blasts serves well against blue enchantments.
-> ancient grudge as a better option against artifacts.
-> GSZ + Pridemage are very good vs. counterbalance decks
Currently playing: Elves
I'd agree with you if people typically had the mana up to grip when SnT was played. It's probably better to use something like O' Ring if you've got the white and are looking for a board slot. Discard, or hand disruption in general, has shown to be extremely powerful vs Show and Tell deck, regardless of variant. Just realize how much time you have vs each variant.
Equipment shouldn't be an end all. If you can't beat them with your 75, you should probably be looking to adapt to where the format has been and realize that you're a little late to the equipment party (started in Scars).
The only real reason I see to play Grip right now is as an answer to Counterbalance+Top. Unfortunately, that "combo" gets much worse when your opponent isn't playing Canadian Thresh (Rug Delver for you new people) or people start adapting Abrupt Decay into their 75.
Tinkering with some crafting theory. Here
- AriLaxBrainstorm is only useful in certain situations? Brainstorm is useful when you hand is not the stone cold nutter butter blade Ranchington Q. Farnsworth Esquire best. When Brainstorm is "dead", the game is already over.
Why deal with the 'maybes' when you just SnT your Oblivion Ring for certainty?
Odds are they're more likely to have Burning Wish / Griselbrand in their hand than Emrakul so it's not a terrible plan.
K Grip is quite good against the Miracle decks as well. It might win a game or two against the new Omniscience decks, but hitting top or whatever stoneforge grabs is really good in that matchup (and not worrying about FoW, etc.).
Grip can kill a number of cards that , if they are relevant in your meta, must be killed. Batterskull, jitte, counterbalance, top...oh wait, all of those cards are in the same deck....maybe you should just play more miracle/stoneblade hate?
Troll aside, I love krosan grip in my 75 as an answer to the one humility player that is in every room, as well as a way to for sure kill counterbalance. With abrupt decay coming out you might not have a real reason to play the grip unless mono white is everywhere and humilities are running rampant.
It is a sad day when krosan grip is moving to the back of the bus.
"eggs... why'd it have to be eggs"
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