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Thread: TES_in_Manila 30-Sept-2012

  1. #1
    jungle lion, good?...
    paeng4983's Avatar
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    TES_in_Manila 30-Sept-2012

    I dont know how to do the report click link, but here's what happened to me at yesterday's legacy wars wherein we had it 6rds plus T8.

    Gitaxian probes rock big time! They really gives you the right tempo you needed at the perfect time.

    I was not expecting legendary creature base meta since I anticipated a UW miracle, RUG, UR and dredge. So instead of adopting in toto bryant's SB list in which it has karakas, I tweaked it to what I see it would help me against the meta here.

    TJB <---- (updated) MTG related blog. ^_^

    TES: 102nd out of 2000 players at GP Kyoto 2015 (Legacy)

    UR Storm: 37th of 950 players at GP Guangzhou 2016 (Modern)

  2. #2
    All the copies target you.
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    Re: TES_in_Manila 30-Sept-2012

    Copied and pasted so people don't need to click through two links:
    TES_in_Manila 30-Sept-2012
    30 September 2012 (Sunday)
    BCI Greenhills, San Juan, Manila
    Legacy Wars iii


    Lands 13
    2 Bloodstained mire
    2 Polluted delta
    4 Gemstone mine
    2 City of brass
    1 Volcanic island
    2 Underground sea

    Win-con 2
    1 Ad nauseum
    1 Tendrils of Agony

    Cantrips 12
    4 Brainstorm
    4 Ponder
    4 Gitaxian Probe

    Tutors/ Wish 8
    4 Infernal Tutor
    4 Burning Wish

    Accels 19
    4 rite of Flame
    4 Dark Ritual
    4 Lion’s Eye Diamond
    4 Lotus Petal
    3 Chrome Mox

    3 Duress
    3 Orim’s Chant

    2 Xantid Swarm
    2 Echoing Truth
    2 Kozilek of inquision
    1 Tendrils of Agony
    1 Empty the Warrens
    1 Grapeshot
    1 Past in Flames
    1 Shattering Spree
    1 Ill Gotten Gains
    1 Diminishing Returns
    1 wipeaway
    1 pyroclasm

    RD_1 UW control
    G1: I won the roll and kept a mulled hand of wish, LED, U.sea, delta, petal, probe. In my early turns, all I did was draw-land-go, his EOT brainstorm. While in his side, 2nd turn (1st) Meddling Mage. As I waited for him to name a card he was looking at my mana base (U.sea and delta), this made him thought that I am on reanimator. He named entomb. At his EOT, I brainstormed and got LED, rite and an orims. In my turn draw-land-pass. Then in his 3rd turn, dropped his 2nd Mage, naming carefull study then dropped his 3rd land pass. In my 4th turn, I threw my 1st probe (drew orims), seeing no FOW or daze, I went off immediately without hesitation. IT-into-wish-into IGG loop. Win.

    G2: This time, all we did for our 1st 3 turns were draw-land-go, EOT brainstorm. Until in his 4th turn after dropping his 4th land and he casted a Jace TMS and he brainstormed through jace then pass. In my turn, on my table were 3 rainbow lands and my hand was: probe, probe, orims, LED, dark rit, rite, chrome. Since he was at tappedout, and that means no pierces for him, only FOW or daze just in case, I decided to peep via 1st probe (drew duress). I saw pierce, snare, STP, and other cards. Threw my 2nd probe, saw same hands (drew an IT). Got off uncontested. IGG loop for the win.


    RD_2 BGW junk
    G1: He won the roll, and after his openning of savannah into mother (which at that point I thought he was at GW mavs), he failed to drew another land. Before I go off, I duressed him 1st to check what he’s up to. And I saw, 2 bobs, 2 discard spells and an O.ring. Ahh now I know that I am up against a junk. After seeing those. I got off unmolested. Win

    G2: In his 2nd turn, he casted stoneforge fetching a batterskull. And I told myself I won’t finish this with ETW. In my 2nd turn (hand was: 2rite, 3probe and a land), I peeped at his hand via all probe drawing 1st probe wish, 2nd probe LED, and 3rd probe dark rit. Went off did the IGG loop for the win.

    RD_3 UR delver
    G1: It was like after 4 or 5 or 6 turns that I am not drawing cards that I am asking for. Until I was at a point that I was down to 5 and if I pass the turn, I am dead to his 3/2 flying mutated mad scientist delver and two guides. On my table, I had rainbow lands and my hand was (after my draw phase) orims, probe, rite, dark rit, dark rit, petal, probe, gem. I pondered to myself deeply and looked at him, me reading his body language if he has counter spells or bolt spells. He seems confident he has this game. I checked his life pts and he was still at 17 (due to 3 fetches). I told to myslef, I believe in you TES, let’s win this one. Dropped my gem then threw immediately my 1st probe (drew tendrils) saw brainstorm, daze and other cards. Casted orims, he brainstormed, I casted my 1st dark rit, it resolved. 2nd dark rit, it resolved. Now I have 5B floating. His brainstorm resolved. After his brainstorm he was able to dugged for FOW and FOW-ed my orims. I reviewed my hand, and mentally looked backed at the storm count and it was at 6 and re-check his life pts and his at 16 now. DAMN im going to win this via old school. Threw in my 2nd probe and prayed that he doesn’t drew a bolt spell or counter off his earlier brainstorm. 2nd probe resolved and saw his lone daze sitting there like a boss together with other cards. Then cast my rite making my floating mana with 2R and 5B, then finally tendrils for the old school win. Classic!

    G2: I kept a hand of orims, rainbow lands, 2 ponder, xantid and LED. But unfortunately, no tutor or wish came to my aid. I lose to his 2 guides swinging back and forth, and bolt spells.

    G3: Game 3 was a long one. All I did most of the time was, draw-land- ponder-go- his EOT brainstorm while he was able to cast a delver but failed to flipped in his early turns. Until the judge informed us that it we only had 5 turns. Turn one on me. pass. Turn two, he attacked with that flipped mad scientist 3/2 delver and a guide (revealing a rite off guide) and made my life from 13 to 8. Turn 3, on my table was 2 u.sea and a v.island and a city. And my hand was rite, dark rit, probe, LED, chrome, probe, orims. Pass. I prayed hard that no bolt will be thrown to me in my EOT or in his turn. And my prayer was answered. No bolt was thrown. He just simply attacked (Guide revealed an IT,and the crowd got crazy) in his 4th turn putting me from 8 to 3, then pass. Turn 5, I probe 1st to check for FOWs, pierce, stilfes or dazes. Saw no counter threat or bolt threat – I go off like crazy doing the IGG loop for the win at one life point. *Bang*


    RD_4 UW miracle
    G1: During our early turns, I sculpt my hand with ponder and brainstorm until to a point were he had a bunch of cards at hand, and on his table he had a lot of untap lands and a counterbalance. While I have, after my draw phase, (hand) 2 dark rit, ad naus, wish, LED, probe, orims, and for my table, 3 or 4 lands. I probe (drew petal) him 1st to check you counter spells. He had pierce as his lone threat. He activates his counterbalance revealing a terminus. Cast rite, he paused for a while and looked at my mana, he pierced it and respond with dark rits and ad naus. Loaded my hands with butt-full of cards and tendrils for the win.

    G2: So tough that all of my attempts were halted by his counterwalls. Vendillion and snappy ate my life pts.

    G3: As soon as I dropped my 1st land, the judge informed us that times up and proceed to the last 5 turns. I informed them that I have the chance of getting off any moment. So we just continued with our 5 turns. Since I was the active player, he gets the turn one officially. On his turn three, he was able to resolves a counterbalance. Turn 4 on me, I have dark rit, rite LED, LED, IT, gem. Cast dark rit, counterblance reveled pierce. DRAW!


    RD_5 UWr miracle

    G1: It was at turn 3 or 4, I think, when I threw my probe seeing 2 fows and a snap and other non blue cards. Casted orims, it met one of his FOW, and ramp may way to a resolved ad naus. He scooped.

    G2: He drawed all the counterspells needed and eventually was able to resolved a counterbalance and a top. Plus a jace TMS which kept on looking / controlling at my top deck. Thus making it an uphill battle on my end. Vendillion gave him the victory needed to force a rubber match.

    G3: As the time expired, it was around my 5th or 6th turn. So turn one on him officially. Turn two, I decided to go off since I have probe and an orims. I probed to check what’s he is keeping and saw 3 fow, and 2 blue cards. Another DRAW.


    RD_6 RUG
    G1: He won the roll, I kept a mulled for 5-hand of probe, LED, LED, land, dark rit and have no idea what he’s up to. He heads up with mountain into guide (revealing an IT) this made me thought that he’s into either UR or burn pat sullivan style. In my 1st turn, probe (drewing a petal) him 1st to check what he is at. I saw lands, grim, volcanic island and bolt. I see. UR delver or RUG. And since he was holding a volcanic island, that means he has FOWs an daze and probably pierces and stifles, went off immediately Ad naus for the win.

    G2: He mulled. Signaling that he is looking for a counter spell. I mulled as well. And kept a hand of probe, LED, IT, dark rit, petal, rite. He went 1st with guide (revealing a gems). On my draw phase, I drew another petal, peeped with the help of probe (drew orims), saw another except FOW and pierce, dropped gem cast orims it met FOW pitching pierce, then petal, petal, rite dark rit, LED, IT, crack LED fetch ad naus. He extended his hand. Win.

    At the end of the swiss, I landed 5th and was about to face a reanimator in the top 8.

    Top_8 UB reanimator
    G1: An early entomb throwing grisel and reviving it the turn after and swang once, really nuts for my storm to reach.
    G2: I probe, saw a FOW and 2 other blue cards. Threw orims, it met his FOW, and I proceeded with my storming but find myself a spell short to make it tendrils for 10 storms. Instead, I went with wish into ETW producing 18 goblin tokens. Orims him for the next turn and after that he failed to find answers, I win. Forcing a rubber match.
    G3: I tried to go off as early as I can. But my orims and IT both met his FOWs. And during our mid game, he reanimate dead grisel and was able to swang twice making my life points at 6 and his at 21. He activated twice grisel’s ability. Entomb binning iona and exhume the angel naming black. At that time my hand was LED, LED, chrome, wish, orims, wish. Cast orims, it met FOW, chroms imprint wish, LED LED, cast wish, crack LEDs, then looked at my SB and fetched for PiF. Tried casting dark rits BUT I was reminded that the angel was on BLACK.

    OMG EPIC MISPLAY! Extended my hand slammed my fist hard on the table to my dismay.
    In the end, I ended 5th (I think so).

    At the end of the day, top 8 were:
    Dredge (kit)
    UWr miracle (perry)
    Reanimator (neil)
    UWr miracle (arrian)
    TES (paeng)
    Aggro loam (ian)
    RUG (john)
    GW mavs (ray)

    Thanks for reading.
    "I'm willing to imagine a TES where Past in Flames replaces Ill-Gotten Gains entirely, and we just don't play Diminishing Returns." - me, 29/09/2011
    Founding member of Team Scrubbad: Legacy Legends

  3. #3

    Re: TES_in_Manila 30-Sept-2012

    I was the Junk deck in round 2, and I think you forgot a few things.

    Game 1: I wasted your Gemstone Mine and City of Brass, and after some digging and Probing, you played Ad Nauseam down to 4 life, stopped, and hit me with lethal Tendrils.

    Game 2: You Wished for Past In Flames, not IGG, Probed six times down to 2 life (i think), and Tendrils for 24 or so. :D

  4. #4
    jungle lion, good?...
    paeng4983's Avatar
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    Re: TES_in_Manila 30-Sept-2012

    Quote Originally Posted by .Ix View Post
    I was the Junk deck in round 2, and I think you forgot a few things.

    Game 1: I wasted your Gemstone Mine and City of Brass, and after some digging and Probing, you played Ad Nauseam down to 4 life, stopped, and hit me with lethal Tendrils.

    Game 2: You Wished for Past In Flames, not IGG, Probed six times down to 2 life (i think), and Tendrils for 24 or so. :D
    Thanks for the clarity mate. I'm just to sloppy to remember all things when I did that. :D What I can just remember were like, 80% of the details. :D See you again mate on Oct. 2nd week, Batac's Collision of worlds Legacy tournament. :D
    TJB <---- (updated) MTG related blog. ^_^

    TES: 102nd out of 2000 players at GP Kyoto 2015 (Legacy)

    UR Storm: 37th of 950 players at GP Guangzhou 2016 (Modern)

  5. #5
    aljiichiban's Avatar
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    Re: TES_in_Manila 30-Sept-2012

    RD_3 UR delver

    G2: I kept a hand of orims, rainbow lands, 2 ponder, xantid and LED. But unfortunately, no tutor or wish came to my aid. I lose to his 2 guides swinging back and forth, and bolt spells.

    I believe xantid should not be boarded in vs this match up as it gets burned right away. It didn't matter though in this round. Congrats in making the top 8!

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