Not sure if this is the appropriate place for this because it is an unsanctioned tournament amongst friends/family. However I figured a few of you would enjoy this.
Report: 2nd at Cosmo's Basement
4x Dark Steel Citadel
4x Ancient Tomb
4x City Of Traitors
4x Cavern Of Souls
2x Wasteland
4x Crystal Vein
Utility Stuff
2x Voltaic Key
2x Lightning Grieves
Extra Ramp
2x Mox Diamond
4x Grim Monolith
Speed Bumps
4x Chalice Of The Void
2x All Is Dust
Creatures/Speed Bumps/Utility
4x Lodestone Golem
4x Metal Worker
2x Worm Coil Engine
2x Myr Battle Sphere
2x Steel Hell Kite
2x Phyrexian Metamorph
4x Kuldotha Forgemaster
1x Blightsteel Colossus
1x Platinum Emperion
2x Witchbane Orb
4x Trinisphere
4x Tormods Crypt
2x Surgical Extraction
1x All Is Dust
2x Ratchet Bomb
*Note* I had sent my Crucibles and 2 of my Wastelands away to be signed so my decklist wasn't what it should be.
I went home to Springfield MA for the week so I could play in my cousin Cosmo's legacy tourney (and go to my grandpa's funeral) he has every 6 months. Winner got a free calzone from Pizza Makers and a bottle of Crisp
The players:
Cosmo: U/B Reanimator
Keith: Merfolk
Anubis: Storm
Alex(my brother): Mono white control deck he built with me and Cosmo's cards.
Black Kirk: Burn
A.J.: Mill
We get over to Cosmo's around 4pm and of course he is still sleeping because he stayed up until 5 in the morning playing DDR. He says DDR has restored his health and he is glad he found something that provides his daily exercise. We jump on his mattress on the floor until he calls us scrubs and wakes up to get one of his token anime button up shirts. He shows us video of his new online girlfriend and her cat and tells us he's going to move to Wisconsin to be with her (it was weird). Then he attempts speed runs for Punky Skunk until the rest of the crew show up. Black Kirk shows up last with three 20 piece chicken nuggets from Mcdonalds and two bottles of Crisp, one for the winner and one for himself.
Game 1 Against Alex
I haven't seen what Alex has brewed yet so I walk right into a mana tithe after going all in with exploding my Crystal Veins. I take forever to find lands. He has elspeth and moat out. I play All is Dust wiping the board and then drop a golem and equip with greaves to take the game.
Sboarding: I take out Emperion and put in an additional All is Dust.
Game 2: He gets mana flooded and drops a moat and a ghostly prison. I play a steel hell kite who flys over the moat for the win.
Game 1 Against Cosmo
He gets a turn 2 Iona. I laugh and win anyways.
Sboarding: I don't remember.
Game 2: I get a turn 1 chalice and think I have him but he recovers with Jin Gitaxis and a Griselbrand.
Game 3: I get another turn 1 chalice and kill him with a myr battlesphere.
Game 0 against A.J.
A.J. is pussy whipped and has to go run errands for his girlfriend (who he shows us pictures of, no one is impressed)
Easy win!
I watch Keith and Cosmo play and witness awesomeness in game 2. Keith has a chalice at one and his 2 lands tapped. He surgical extractions naming exhume, Cosmo dazes in response, Keith surgicals again, Cosmo dazes again, Keith Dazes back... then they remember the chalice on one. We all lol and they call that game a draw.
Game 1 against Black Kirk
I get hit down to 4 and recover with a hasty Worm Coil Engine.
Sboarding: Bringing in Witchbane Orb and Trinisphere.
Game 2: I go all in on a witchbane orb with my crystal veins and pay dearly when I get smashed to smithereened I never find any land and don't recover.
About this time Kirk finishes his 60 piece nuggets. I am amazed. He is still hungry.
Game 3: I get a chalice on 1 and a witchbane orb into play. He eventually finds his smash to smithereens but it's too late.
Game 1 against Anubis
I get an easy win with 2 chalices in play.
Sboarding: Bringing in witchbane orb and trinisphere.
Game 2: He gets the turn 1 16 goblins or so that I can't beat.
Game 3: I get god hand and just lock him out of the game completely. 2 chalices in play and then a witchbane seal the deal.
Finals against Keith
I get a turn 1 chalice and then get a battle sphere out which he can't deal with. I'm feeling good.
Sboarding: All is dust and ratchet bomb come in.
Game 2: I tap out for a worm coil engine he dazes. He drops a back to basics and I never recover.
Game 3: This was truly an epic finisher. I all is dust twice, the second time losing 2 of my lands which were crystal veins. He gets me down to 2 life (he is at 4) I top deck an answer of Worm coil engine which I play and equip with greaves. He has one card in hand. I go to attack phase and with a smirk say "G.G." he looks down at his hand for 30 seconds and then taps three mana and psionic blasts me for the win. I am not happy.
Keith gets a bacon, mushroom, ricotta, pepperoni calzone and the crisp.
All is dust- You were a champ all day.
Worm coil engine- One of the best creatures in the deck.
Pizza Makers- Great calzones.
A.J.'s girlfriend- Thanks for the win.
Psionic Blast
Crystal Vein
Congestive heart disease
This is quite possibly the best tourny report I have ever read :D ! Thanks for posting it. It's fun to read about small meta-games, reminds me of being 12 again (in a good way)
Baghdadbob, you are the breast!
This report is awesome. Hopefully you get your Wastelands soon so I know how your actual list looks like.
baghdadbob, you're Team Scrubbad's spirit animal.
"I'm willing to imagine a TES where Past in Flames replaces Ill-Gotten Gains entirely, and we just don't play Diminishing Returns." - me, 29/09/2011
Founding member of Team Scrubbad: Legacy Legends
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