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Thread: Autumnal Jokulgoyf

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  1. #1

    Join Date

    Jul 2013

    black metal bed room


    Autumnal Jokulgoyf

    Yes. A deck idea for Ice Age-Homeland-Alliances. There's nothing like building decks for two decades long dead block.

    I'm afraid that my friends will hate the deck. It combines my two beloved themes, big dudes and mass LD. Well, this time it's simply mass D.

    4 Fyndhorn Elves
    4 Orcish Lumberjack
    4 Tinder Wall
    4 Lhurgoyf
    3 Deadly Insect
    3 Autumn Willow
    2 Johtull Wurm

    4 Nature's Lore
    4 Jokulhaups
    4 Lodestone Bauble

    4 Karplusan Forest
    8 Mountain
    12 Forest

    Yep. Absolutely no burn allowed. There's not a single creature in this format that I'd fear. Not one. Abyssal Specter is too slow to matter. Orders do nothing without mana. Gargoyles are slow compared to my dudes.

    The deck is as streamlined as possible. There's no room (and possibility) of any CA, thus the nigh-playsets-only structure. There will be clunky double-Haups openings. There will be times when I have to Haups into Ivory Gargoyle. There will be times when I'll go down the Lumberjack beatdown. That's still fine. The deck will overcome this. Sheer power. Such fast. Wow.

    The creature base is as it is. Four Willows would be one too many. Deadly Insect are deadly... until any mana-elf or pumpknight shows up. Johtull sucks but it's aconcession to the fact that triple Goyf suck in pre-Jokul times.

    Both Lodestone Bauble and Nature's Lore serve important function. Bauble helps in recovering after I hit the Bid Red Button of Doom and it fuels the Jacks to speed me up. Nature's Lore not only ramps - and it's pretty bad at it -, but it once again feeds the Orcs. Note that it may find Karplusan Forest. (Ok, it can't.)

    So far I played three solitaire games in MWS and one game against my 4y/o daughter's Pokemon deck and won all of them.

    Ideas, constructive criticism, etc.

  2. #2
    Site Contributor
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    Re: Autumnal Jokulgoyf

    yavimaya ants and eron the relentless probably some of the best creatures in that specific block.
    Play 4 Card Blind!

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  3. #3

    Join Date

    Jul 2013

    black metal bed room


    Re: Autumnal Jokulgoyf

    Quote Originally Posted by apple713 View Post
    yavimaya ants and eron the relentless probably some of the best creatures in that specific block.
    They're both really fragile, and especially Ants won't survive too long due to the cumulative upkeep. Deadly Insect, while also an x/1, at least have shroud.
    I'm considering to make this a 95/96 deck with Fallen Empires, 4th Edition, Chronicles, Ice Age, Homelands and Alliances being legal. Basically the old Type II we're also sometimes playing. It'll give me saclands to speed up the Haups, and some better creatures (Erhnam Djinn at least) than Johtull Wurm, moreover it would relieve some press from Goyfs and Willow's number might be shaved to 2.
    Thinking... Seems legit.

  4. #4

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    black metal bed room


    Re: Autumnal Jokulgoyf

    Fifty goldfishes later, the "quite often no turn1-2 relevant play" aspect is clearly visible. Maybe something more akin to RG beats would be reasonable. After all, there are twelve burn spells in 95/96 Type II and several solid dudes to press hard.

    Without any way to find and protect Jokulhapus, this is nowhere near to Tings, AggroLoam or even the contemporary Erhnamgeddon of early/mid 1990's. And that might be the most interesting approach: instead of trying to knit whip of shit, I may simply color-shift the GW doctrine into Johtullhaups (or w/e the main threat of choice) while keeping the possibility of simple beatdown. Or vice versa, of course: the RG creatures and burn being the plan1, while the "reset, then overwhelm" being the plan2 - similar to the creaturegeddons of times long lost - might be used only when necessary. After all it gives meaning to all those Tinder Walls that lose their merit once I'll get past the point of "ramp into fatty" gamephase.

    Speaking of which, there's always that Erhnamgeddon, right?

  5. #5

    Re: Autumnal Jokulgoyf


    I remember these RG aggressive decks :)

    We used Balduvian Horde and Pillage extensively.

    A second turn Horde, from a tinder wall was hard to deal with... 4 Lumberjacks might be too much. Can your mana base support the deforestation?

    If you expand into more sets, definitely Erhnam's, Kirds Apes and Strip Mines :P

  6. #6

    Join Date

    Jul 2013

    black metal bed room


    Re: Autumnal Jokulgoyf

    Quote Originally Posted by onehitpoint View Post

    I remember these RG aggressive decks :)

    We used Balduvian Horde and Pillage extensively.

    A second turn Horde, from a tinder wall was hard to deal with... 4 Lumberjacks might be too much. Can your mana base support the deforestation?

    If you expand into more sets, definitely Erhnam's, Kirds Apes and Strip Mines :P
    A targeted LD theme is definitely possible, just that it's less swngy (but much more reliable) than "reset, rebuild, win" strategy of Haups+creatures.
    I'm not sure about Horde. I definitely thought about it, and the Wall into 5/5 on turn2 is nice, but the card disadvantage might hurt, esp. once Terrors start to fly all over... Juzám it's not.

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