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Thread: [Deck] Turbo Depths

  1. #2781
    Bald. Bearded. Moderator.
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    Re: [DTB] Turbo Depths

    This is the list I've been working on:

    4x Vampire Hexmage
    3x Dark Confidant

    4x Elvish Spirit Guide
    4x Lotus Petal

    4x Thoughtseize
    3x Duress
    4x Crop Rotation
    3x Sylvan Scrying
    2x Expedition Map
    3x Pithing Needle
    2x Abrupt Decay

    4x Dark Depths
    4x Thespian's Stage
    3x Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth
    4x Verdant Catacombs
    1x Bayou
    2x Swamp
    1x Forest
    2x Blooming Marsh
    1x Ghost Quarter
    1x Bojuka Bog
    1x Sejiri Steppe

    3x Not of this World
    2x Surgical Extraction
    2x Sylvan Library
    3x Toxic Deluge
    1x Karakas
    1x Dryad Arbor
    1x Abrupt Decay
    2x Rite of Consumption

    Obviously the maindeck Decays are there in place of Sylvan Safekeeper, but I can do a straight swap, no problem. The decays go to the sideboard, Not of this World comes out entirely, and I have a slot in the board to mess around with. I could easily rework it for Hymn to Tourach (makes a pretty decent b/g midrange deck with Decay, Hymn, Bobs post board.)

    Alternatively I could go uber-all-in and do NotW maindeck over Bobs and add in more tutors for the Decay slots. That would give me 10 protections (TS, Duress, NotW), 8 fast mana, with a goal towards super fast combo potential (like DNSolver mentioned.) I feel like this is likely not as good as making the deck more robust, which means just biting the bullet and getting 2-3x sylvan safekeeper into the 75, dropping Not of this World altogether.

    EDIT: the reason I was trying Not of this World was because of the 8x fast mana, which would mean pushing towards a turn 2-3 combo as plan A post-board. Rather than grind out the game, just go balls-to-the-wall. I wanted a t1 discard, turn 2 set up, t3 combo/attack w/NoTW protection while my opponent tried to assemble whatever sideboard cards they might have. In practicality it seems that having a little more patience is more rewarding (that's the impression I'm getting from all of the more experienced turbo pilots.) With 8x fast mana a t1 Dark Confidant g1 also seemed very good in many matchups.
    Brainstorm Realist

    I close my eyes and sink within myself, relive the gift of precious memories, in need of a fix called innocence. - Chuck Shuldiner

  2. #2782

    Re: [DTB] Turbo Depths

    I think DNSolver answered the question about NOTW, but I just wanted to re-emphasize what he said. NoTW isn't bad, but at best it is a single surprise protection from your hand that is easily dealt with with a counter. And at worst it is a dead card in your hand. Safekeeper plays multiple roles of protection and only stiffle can really shut it down. At best, it is just a wall of defense, at worst it is a 1/1 beater. NoTW fell out of favor after Eternal Weekend in 2016. It was about this time that Safekeeper showed up and it has been there for a while.

  3. #2783

    Re: [DTB] Turbo Depths

    I started playing Safekeeper after the Top ban actually. That was the main catalyst for switching away from NOTW.
    If you're wondering how I produce blue mana, I copy my opponent's Island with Thespian's Stage

    My Youtube and Twitch usernames are DNSolver.

    I am the Legacy metagame:

    -2016 Eternal Weekend Europe won by BR Reanimator (I wrote the primer)
    -2016 Eternal Weekend North America won by Turbo Dark Depths (I write about and develop the winning version specifically)
    -Refiner of Hogaak Depths.

  4. #2784

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    Re: [DTB] Turbo Depths

    Quote Originally Posted by DNSolver View Post
    I figured I would pop in and share some thoughts.

    1) Hymns in my most recent SB. I wanted a card that hit both Storm and Sneak and Show. These are *not* for fair matchups because we roll all of them except for D+T. Another option to hit Storm and Sneak is Warping Wail, but Hymn is actually easier to cast in this deck.

    2) Safekeeper beats Miracles. Steely Resolve is fine vs D+T and Miracles, but it is still vulnerable to some cards that Safekeeper is not. There are definitely tradeoffs. Examples of what I'm talking about: a) Safekeeper gets shut down by Revoker out of D+T, while Steely Resolve can be Flickerwisp'd. b) Miracles is boarding in artifact/enchantment destruction like EE/Disenchant/Council's Judgment. All three hit both effects. Terminus hits Safekeeper as well. However, in general I've found Safekeeper to be excellent against them, as long as you don't attack into a surprise Snapcaster Mage block.

    3) Not of This World is good against D+T if you're on a plan of going as fast as possible, rather than trying to grind with Sylvan Library. If you are going to keep in fast mana and try to make Lage on turn2/3, Not of This World isn't bad. My current plan involves removing fast mana vs D+T, so I can't make use of NOTW.

    4) Duress is fine on the play vs D+T but can be cut on the draw when they can play Vial already. It's very relevant for taking equipment and Swords so I wouldn't auto-board it out if you are on a grindy plan in the matchup.

    5) Please play Sejiri Steppe and Bojuka Bog in your maindeck.

    6) I think cutting Safekeepers from the main will really hurt. At worst you can use it to block, at best it wins the game.

    7) People can't *play around* Safekeeper if you can resolve it with the help of a discard spell. In my entire time playing the card I have only had one opponent beat it, and that was because I misplayed. D+T opponent Wastelanded me, I just let it go rather than protect my token with the land he targeted. Because of that, opponent used mainphase Flickerwisp to eat another land, Karakas to eat another land, block with Flickerwisp, then Karakas to eat my last land, and finally Path to kill the token. That beat four activations of Safekeeper. Every other time, Safekeeper must be Revoker'd or immediately Terminus'd away. You can't *save up* enough effects to beat it. If Miracles goes for saving up lots of Plows and Snapcasters, they can get wrecked by Surgical Extraction on our side.
    Thanks for sharing.

    I'd have some questions though:

    1/ Don't you miss Dread of Night against DnT?

    2/ Could you please give us your in and out strategies? That would be very interesting!

    3/ what about cutting 1 Map for 1 Sylvan Library MD?

  5. #2785

    Re: [DTB] Turbo Depths

    For Dread of Night, see my post on page 137.

    In and out strategies are pretty much covered in my previous posts.

    One library could hit the main if you wanted to make room for another sideboard card.
    If you're wondering how I produce blue mana, I copy my opponent's Island with Thespian's Stage

    My Youtube and Twitch usernames are DNSolver.

    I am the Legacy metagame:

    -2016 Eternal Weekend Europe won by BR Reanimator (I wrote the primer)
    -2016 Eternal Weekend North America won by Turbo Dark Depths (I write about and develop the winning version specifically)
    -Refiner of Hogaak Depths.

  6. #2786
    Bald. Bearded. Moderator.
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    Re: [DTB] Turbo Depths

    Is Decay enough against D&T currently? I am planning to have 3 available between the main/sideboard and I am planning to have 2-3x Toxic Deluge. Are the Deluges wasted slots? FYI, I have a unusually high saturation of D&T in my metagame, in some weeklies up to 4 players slinging it. My chances of facing it are above average. I don't think its unbeatable, but I want to be prepared. I don't have Dread of Nights, but I do have Engineered Plague, Pernicious Deed, Golgari Charm, Marsh Casualties, and the aforementioned Toxic Deluge. I just figured Deluge was more powerful overall to deal with Nimble Mongoose etc.
    Brainstorm Realist

    I close my eyes and sink within myself, relive the gift of precious memories, in need of a fix called innocence. - Chuck Shuldiner

  7. #2787
    Bald. Bearded. Moderator.
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    Re: [DTB] Turbo Depths

    I am hoping to complete my sets of Depths/Stage tonight, so I might be slinging this at the local. I am also looking to nab 2-3x Safekeeper if the LGS has them, and then I'm good to go. Very excited to see what this deck can do in the current metagame, at least on the local level. I'm still learning play patterns for the deck, but I'm sure I can figure out those with just a ton of practice.

    This is my planned list if I can get all the cards together:

    4x Vampire Hexmage
    3x Dark Confidant
    2x Sylvan Safekeeper
    4x Elvish Spirit Guide
    4x Lotus Petal
    4x Crop Rotation
    3x Sylvan Scrying
    2x Expedition Map
    3x Pithing Needle
    4x Thoughtseize
    3x Duress
    4x Dark Depths
    4x Thespian's Stage
    4x Verdant Catacombs
    1x Bayou
    2x Blooming Marsh
    2x Swamp
    1x Forest
    1x Sejiri Steppe
    1x Ghost Quarter
    1x Bojuka Bog
    3x Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth

    2x Surgical Extraction
    2x Sylvan Library
    2x Toxic Deluge
    3x Abrupt Decay
    1x Dryad Arbor
    1x Karakas
    2x Hymn to Tourach
    2x Rite of Consumption

    If I don't end up with Safekeepers, I'll probably just table the deck until I get them. I don't want to learn how to play a sub-par list and then re-learn how to play the right one.
    Brainstorm Realist

    I close my eyes and sink within myself, relive the gift of precious memories, in need of a fix called innocence. - Chuck Shuldiner

  8. #2788
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    Re: [DTB] Turbo Depths

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Safety View Post

    If I don't end up with Safekeepers, I'll probably just table the deck until I get them. I don't want to learn how to play a sub-par list and then re-learn how to play the right one.
    with or without safekeepers is not going to make your list subpar. Their inclusion changes based on the meta. You need to learn to play with and without them...
    Play 4 Card Blind!

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  9. #2789

    Re: [DTB] Turbo Depths

    Quote Originally Posted by apple713 View Post
    with or without safekeepers is not going to make your list subpar. Their inclusion changes based on the meta. You need to learn to play with and without them...
    Learning how to work the combo and make it come from unfamiliar places is what this deck is very very good at. Safekeepers will make your deck more consistent, but learning how to work around an opposing wasteland or thespian stage is important.

  10. #2790
    Bald. Bearded. Moderator.
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    Re: [DTB] Turbo Depths

    Thanks all, i got 1 safekeeper and sleeved it. I didn't play this, but i will at the next weekly I can get to. Appreciate the advice on how to pilot/learn the deck.
    Brainstorm Realist

    I close my eyes and sink within myself, relive the gift of precious memories, in need of a fix called innocence. - Chuck Shuldiner

  11. #2791
    Bald. Bearded. Moderator.
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    Re: [DTB] Turbo Depths

    What about playing 2x Green Sun's Zenith and 1x Sylvan Safekeeper? It costs more mana (not typically a problem) and it can get Dryad Arbor. Not sure if it's relevant, but it could also get high value sideboard cards (Reclamation Sage, Scavenging Ooze.) Xantid Swarm seems ok, but definitely not as good as Safekeeper. I don't want to go deep here, just have a way to consistently have access to Safekeeper while supporting another angle of the deck (Dryad Arbor to protect against Edict, ramping with Arbor, relevant sideboard cards.) Really it would be for Safekeeper and Dryad Arbor, RecSage out of the board.

    Is this too slow?
    Brainstorm Realist

    I close my eyes and sink within myself, relive the gift of precious memories, in need of a fix called innocence. - Chuck Shuldiner

  12. #2792

    Re: [DTB] Turbo Depths

    Holy Hell, this is badass! Using 4 immediately.

  13. #2793
    Bald. Bearded. Moderator.
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    Re: [DTB] Turbo Depths

    Quote Originally Posted by PeterSouth View Post

    Holy Hell, this is badass! Using 4 immediately.
    It's nice that it hits lands (hello Karakas killer) but I don't like that it can be countered. I'm not sure it's a replacement for Decay just yet.
    Brainstorm Realist

    I close my eyes and sink within myself, relive the gift of precious memories, in need of a fix called innocence. - Chuck Shuldiner

  14. #2794

    Re: [DTB] Turbo Depths

    Quote Originally Posted by PeterSouth View Post

    Holy Hell, this is badass! Using 4 immediately.
    Excited to see this card for sure. Does it being counterable compared to abrupt decay make it good enough?

    Seems like the ability to hits lands might put it over the top.

    Will be interested to see how this shakes out.

  15. #2795
    Bald. Bearded. Moderator.
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    Re: [DTB] Turbo Depths

    Quote Originally Posted by WorstBandNameEver View Post
    Excited to see this card for sure. Does it being counterable compared to abrupt decay make it good enough?
    It's less mana efficient than Needle for stopping Wasteland/Karakas and can be countered. The free basic land is negligible, but being able to counter it is pretty rough.
    Brainstorm Realist

    I close my eyes and sink within myself, relive the gift of precious memories, in need of a fix called innocence. - Chuck Shuldiner

  16. #2796

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    Re: [DTB] Turbo Depths

    Quote Originally Posted by PeterSouth View Post

    Holy Hell, this is badass! Using 4 immediately.
    Where should we put this? Maindeck or Sideboard? I'll wait for everyone's opinion on this new card. I got excited after seeing this not only for my Turbo Depths but for my Modern Jund as well lol

    @Mr. Safety - I started playing the deck with 4 Bob and 2 Sylvan Safekeepers with only 4 Petal as an accelerator and made it to the Top 4 with my first tournament with the deck. But after several configuration of the deck, I like the Turbo list more. Against DNT, I never have a problem with them with 3 Sylvan Safekeeper maindeck and 4 Abrupt, 2 Golgari Charm and 2 Rite of Consumption sideboard. I have maindeck Dryad Arbor and Karakas as well. Karakas and Safekeeper help me win versus Lands.

  17. #2797
    Bald. Bearded. Moderator.
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    Re: [DTB] Turbo Depths

    Quote Originally Posted by downtoonelife View Post
    Where should we put this? Maindeck or Sideboard? I'll wait for everyone's opinion on this new card. I got excited after seeing this not only for my Turbo Depths but for my Modern Jund as well lol

    @Mr. Safety - I started playing the deck with 4 Bob and 2 Sylvan Safekeepers with only 4 Petal as an accelerator and made it to the Top 4 with my first tournament with the deck. But after several configuration of the deck, I like the Turbo list more. Against DNT, I never have a problem with them with 3 Sylvan Safekeeper maindeck and 4 Abrupt, 2 Golgari Charm and 2 Rite of Consumption sideboard. I have maindeck Dryad Arbor and Karakas as well. Karakas and Safekeeper help me win versus Lands.
    Thanks for the feedback! I was going to keep the 3 Bobs and instead of 2 safekeepers play 1x Safekeeper, 1x Green Sun's Zenith. Maindeck Dryad Arbor gives it another target. I think there is room for playing Dark Confidant, even in the turbo version. If nothing else, against some decks you can just jam a t1 Confidant. If they counter/remove him it should clear the way for other plays.

    I end up cutting some number of slow tutors (Expedition Map, Sylvan Scrying) to work it in. So far I'm at 3x Confidant, 3x Sylvan Scrying, 2x Map. That gives me an extra 3 draw spells/threats while still having 9 tutors for Depths/Stage. When the deck goes all-in it helpful to have something that can recuperate and draw into another combo attempt. Sideboarding in some number of Sylvan Library, at least 2, really seems good when grinding out D&T/Miracles.

    Do you find Golgari Charm enough against D&T? I was thinking that Toxic Deluge may be a better sweeper, but I'm new to this deck. It's not about card availability, I just need to figure the optimal setup.
    Brainstorm Realist

    I close my eyes and sink within myself, relive the gift of precious memories, in need of a fix called innocence. - Chuck Shuldiner

  18. #2798

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    Re: [DTB] Turbo Depths

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Safety View Post
    Thanks for the feedback! I was going to keep the 3 Bobs and instead of 2 safekeepers play 1x Safekeeper, 1x Green Sun's Zenith. Maindeck Dryad Arbor gives it another target. I think there is room for playing Dark Confidant, even in the turbo version. If nothing else, against some decks you can just jam a t1 Confidant. If they counter/remove him it should clear the way for other plays.

    I end up cutting some number of slow tutors (Expedition Map, Sylvan Scrying) to work it in. So far I'm at 3x Confidant, 3x Sylvan Scrying, 2x Map. That gives me an extra 3 draw spells/threats while still having 9 tutors for Depths/Stage. When the deck goes all-in it helpful to have something that can recuperate and draw into another combo attempt. Sideboarding in some number of Sylvan Library, at least 2, really seems good when grinding out D&T/Miracles.

    Do you find Golgari Charm enough against D&T? I was thinking that Toxic Deluge may be a better sweeper, but I'm new to this deck. It's not about card availability, I just need to figure the optimal setup.
    Maybe it also depends on your local meta. In our meta we have several aggressive decks like Eldrazi, Storm, Belcher, BR Animator and Goblins so it help me fight aggressively as well with the turbo list. You can play patiently as well depending on the match up like against decks with Edict - I wait until I have discard spell or something that can fetch dryad arbor (Verdant / Crop) before making Marit Lage. So with the turbo list your ready to be aggressive or you can opt to play conservatively. Yes for me Golgari Charm is enough since most of their problematic creatures has 1 toughness (Mother, Thalia, Flicker, Revoker). Charm 2nd mode is good as well since it can hit Humility as well (we have this also in our meta).

  19. #2799

    Re: [DTB] Turbo Depths

    Ass Trophy is going to warp the format. It is going to force deck to play basics, otherwise this is just too good.

    I am pretty sure this is going to be 3-4 in the 75, possibly main. It is such a potent answer for this deck. There are already very few answers that exist against this combo. The hardest to answer are wasteland and karakas, hence 3-4x needles in the main. This card answers both counters to our combo, but shuts down so many other problem cards. Sneak attack, Gurmag Angler, Jace, Eldrazi, Gris, basically all of reanimators creatures, Maze if Ith to name a few. It can also be used in response to a wasteland, to prevent mana screw. That being said, a lot more mana base attacks are going to be coming against us. I see crucible becoming an important card.

  20. #2800

    Re: [DTB] Turbo Depths

    Quote Originally Posted by ComplexPants View Post
    It can also be used in response to a wasteland, to prevent mana screw.
    You can only use it on Opponent's permanents. Card's pretty great though!

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