The Oracle text of reanimate says this:
You lose life after the creature is already on the battlefield. Any abilities it has that interact with loss of life, such as that of Platinum Emperion, apply to that loss of life.
So yes, lifeloss from reanimate would trigger Vilis.
Im not that sure that this statement is true. This is way worse unless you draw the nuts with the first 8 cards.If your reanimation spell is Reanimate, then I would definetly go for this over Griselbrand.
The longer I think about Vilis, the more I'm convinced that this creature is the second best creature that we can have in our arsenal. The priority in reanimating in most cases will be Griselbrand but I don't think that this will be like 95% of the time as it used to be. Vilis, Broker of Blood in some cases is just better suited. Ability to shot down cards like Thalia, Guardian of Thraben or Baleful Strix and draw 2 cards is just to good to be skipped.
And yes... I agree that my previous statement about Reanimate and Vilis was overreacted but there will be cases when playing this way, will be the only way to draw some cards. Like for example to little life points.
I also think of Vilis as of card that can shake, a little rusty at this time, Reanimator archetype. In a deckbuilding manner i mean. Just think about new possibilities he give you. Every Thoughtseize is now +3 card advantage, fetchland plus shockland is now an Ancestral Recall, maybe even it's time to look for an old Life//Death. I'm really excited to be honest.
Believe me, I'm the last person to force banning of Griselbrand. I'm playing reanimator from ages and I know that he's not that oppresive to the format. But one thing I've learned from Wizards over my 16 years playing Magic, is that you can never be sure that they will do what community is expecting from them. We can say whatever we believe, but in the end, Wizards will do whatever they want. Last example - new mulligan rule. I don't say that it's a good or bad decission, but it was so controversial that it split Legacy (hell whole Magic) scene, that it should be more tested.
This is something that was always bothering me. Why people get so excited on cards like Pack Rat, Cryptbreaker, Bitterblossom and now this zombie dinosaur thing. Sideboarding those cards to your deck is weakening your main strategy. Now you're not the best reanimator nor the best "aggro" deck. What you do is essentially an oversideboarding. We've learned in the past the same when BR reanimator took place from BU as the Reanimator strategy deck. BU wasn't the best reanimator, among others, because after sideboarding it was trying to be half Show and Tell, half reanimator deck.
You have so many great sideboarding anti-hate cards that doesn't hurt your main plan, that to not using them is a crime. Cards like new dinosaur thing, sure gives you a way to walkaroung gravehate, but rest of your deck turn to garbage as long, as you don't remove those ani-grave card from your opponent arsenal. Mono black/Lake of the dead/Grave Titan decks are something different because their strategy from the beggining is build around ramp and reanimation, althrough I'm not a fan of this strategy either.
I specifically play mono-Black reanimator (but in a manner more like BR, not like Lake of the Deck) and even when my sideboard options are so much worse than two or three color combination of this deck, I refuse to mess around my main strategy. Only card that I'm really afraid of is Leyline of the Void for which my only answer is Ratchet Bomb. But for my luck LotV is mainly related to aggro decks (Eldrazi, Aggro Loam etc.) so my startegy is to hand dissrupt their hands from creatures and reanimate them from their graveyards. Every other gravehate I fight with Thoughtseize, Cabal Therapy and Duress - those cards don't change my main strategy and they are in my mainboard.
I'm considering running this with breach. Breach plus petal plus entomb to find brain freeze is enough to win with enough cards in the gy. Only uses 5 slots (more if you support the combo further like I did below). On its own breach provides resiliency like meh-snapcaster or can loop dark rits to hard cast grizzly or grave titan. Thoughts?
4 underworld breach
1 brain freeze
4 entomb
4 faithless looting
4 reanimate
4 exhume
4 grizzly
1 sire of insanity
1 grave titan
4 thoughtseize
2 ashiok, dream render
4 glimpse the unthinkable
4 lotus petal
4 dark ritual
15 L
This creature package allows for you to explosively win on your turn and turns the deck into more pure combo than combo-aggro.
4 Chancellor of the Annex
3 Griselbrand
1 Tidespout Tyrant
1 Children of Korlis
1 Thassa's Oracle
So, you loop the Children, drawing your deck down to 2 or fewer cards. Then, cast Thassa's Oracle to win. You should have enough discard to shred their hand. If they somehow counter the Oracle, reanimate it. If they Stifle the Oracle, sac it to Therapy and reanimate it. If you get stuck at 6 cards, use Entomb and Faithless Looting to bring the deck size down. If you get stuck there, get Tidespout out and win at 5 cards. There's lots of little corner cases, so goldfish heavily.
Tin fins. The deck you're describing is tin fins. One of my favorite reanimator variants.
I think lab man is still better than Oracle in the deck though, because the reason to play Oracle is so you don't have to wait to draw cards, but gDaddy means we never wait to draw cards, and lab man only needs U instead of UU
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I realize this thread may be really dead but I can’t get an answer to this anywhere.
What is the strategic difference upsides and downsides between siding Dauthi Voidwalker or Show And Tell? So, either BRW or BRWU?
I’m building this deck and it’s a big decision for me to get a 3rd Badlands or Underground Sea. I’d rather just get a badlands but if the blue splash is really really good I will consider getting the sea. I don’t want to play Stronghold Gambit if that matters.
Well, it is Reanimator ...
I would get the Sea. A third Badlands will make much less of a difference in terms of sideboarding options. I don't think the sideboarding question you proposed has to be an either/or situation. I played against a strong player a few days ago who had both in the sideboard. His plan was to bring in Dauthi Voidwalker and Sheoldred, the Apocalypse along with Show and Tell. He still had discard for disruption and information, and he was going to jam whatever plan his deck delivered. The Show and Tell plan wants a higher number of fatties, so if you run it, it changes what you board out. With the printing of Troll of Khazad-dûm, there's a greater density of creatures and black cards. Personally, I would not want to pin my hopes on Showing in a Troll, but it can work in postboard games when the opposing deck is depleted on resources and committed to hating out the graveyard. When Reanimator was predominantly BR, people didn't board in Pyroblasts, so Show and Tell had some surprise value. It's less surprising now, but it's still a solid way to cheat in a fatty. Stronghold Gambit, by comparison, is really hard to pull off. You need to have supplemental discard so that you can completely clear out the opponent's hand, or you need to face creatureless decks.
Edit: Adding list I mentioned:
Last edited by ESG; 08-30-2023 at 03:22 AM.
Wanted to share my list. It plays both Reanimate and Animate Dead (better than Exhume in a meta full of Trolls?) so it should count as Reanimator right?
//Creatures: 26
4 Orcish Bowmasters
4 Opposition Agent
4 Grief
4 Troll of Khazad-dum
3 Dauthi Voidwalker
3 Sheoldred, the Apocalypse
2 Rotting Regisaur
1 Shriekmaw
1 Plague Engineer
//Other: 10
4 Reanimate
4 Thoughtseize
1 Animate Dead
1 Trinisphere
//Lands: 17
2-3 City of Traitors
4 Ancient Tomb
4-5 Swamp
4 Agadeem's Awakening
1 Takenuma, Abandoned Mire
1 Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth
//Acceleration: 7
3 Chrome Mox
4 Dark Ritual
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