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Thread: Stilljutsu - UB Ninja Still

  1. #41
    scaryrawr's Avatar
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    Re: Ninja Control

    Quote Originally Posted by FourDogsinaHorseSuit View Post
    Shadow Tiger Hidden Oni
    Shadow Tiger Oni Blade?
    Red Deck Weekly -- I'm bad at magic

  2. #42

    Re: Ninja Control

    Quote Originally Posted by scaryrawr View Post
    Shadow Tiger Oni Blade?
    Shadow Tiger Serving Oni

  3. #43

    Re: Stilljutsu - UB Ninja Still

    Quote Originally Posted by Erdvermampfa View Post
    All Ninjas suck and are far below the power level of the format. It's the strength of the other cards (Standstill, FoW etc.) which carry these kind of decks and make terrible cards like Ninja of the Deep Hours seemingly playable
    Hmm, then I wonder why NotD has been rated as the second best blue creature ever printed by the community on the Gatherer.

    The Ninjas are great cards, and they actually combo with an creature that hav ETB effects and evasion.

    Anyways, not going to spend much time trying to convince this ignoramus why he's wrong.

    Here's my list.

    // FaerieNinjaStill U/B

    // 60 Maindeck
    // 20 Creature
    4 Spellstutter Sprite
    4 Ninja of the Deep Hours
    3 Signal Pest
    3 Ornithopter
    3 Cloud of Faeries
    3 Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow

    // 4 Enchantment
    4 Standstill

    // 16 Instant
    4 Brainstorm
    4 Force of Will
    4 Daze
    4 Fatal Push

    // 20 Land
    3 Island
    3 Mutavault
    4 Misty Rainforest
    4 Polluted Delta
    4 Underground Sea
    1 Scalding Tarn
    1 Swamp

    // 15 Sideboard
    SB: 1 Umezawa's Jitte
    SB: 2 Phyrexian Revoker
    SB: 2 Faerie Macabre
    SB: 2 Misdirection
    SB: 3 Flusterstorm
    SB: 1 Chain of Vapor
    SB: 2 Submerge
    SB: 1 Surgical Extraction
    SB: 1 Vapor Snag

    My sideboard needs work, and I need a way to deal with Eldrazi Stompy. The new Ninja was a great addition, and I think this deck can be legit now.

    Any ideas how to deal with Stompy decks? Any tech for Eldrazi Stompy?

    Dismember is a good option for Eldrazi and Anglers. Meekstone is a possibility as well.

  4. #44

    Re: Stilljutsu - UB Ninja Still

    Trinket Mage/Meekstone/Leonin Bola package?

    Is Baleful Strix not a replacement for Standstill in the list above? You draw one card right off the bat and a second card if you enable ninjutsu with it, and it has value aside from drawing cards when you get it in play. Especially against big creatures.

    Is Faerie Miscreant any good? It’s not every one-drop flier that also has a sometimes useful ETB and boosts your Spellstutter Sprites. And pitches to Force.

  5. #45
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    Re: Stilljutsu - UB Ninja Still

    Hi, i just won 4 round local event with this current list 3-0-1 against 4c mentor2:0,grixis control 1:1,d&t 2:1( me mulligan to 5) and ub shadow 2:1 .

    i'm very curious and its very challenging and fun to improve playing this kind of deck few years ago i played mono u ninjas and now with yuriko would be working even better so i'm happy to test it again .

    only three changes i'm thinking to switch is higure for mistblade shinobi/rite of undoing ,one dissmember for ponder and one volcanic for mutavault not sure. i'll be glad for any suggest :)

    Land (20)
    3x Flooded Strand
    1x Island
    1x Karakas
    1x Misty Rainforest
    3x Mutavault
    3x Polluted Delta
    3x Underground Sea
    3x Volcanic Island
    2x Wasteland

    1x Ponder

    4x Standstill

    2x Jace, the Mind Sculptor

    1x Higure, the Still Wind
    2x Hope of Ghirapur
    1x Mistblade Shinobi
    4x Ninja of the Deep Hours
    4x Ornithopter
    3x Spellstutter Sprite
    3x Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow

    4x Brainstorm
    3x Daze
    2x Dismember
    4x Force of Will
    2x Lightning Bolt

    2x Abrade
    1x Dread of Night
    1x Fire / Ice
    2x Flusterstorm
    2x Hydroblast
    1x Misdirection
    2x Pithing Needle
    1x Pyroblast
    1x Sakashima's Student
    2x Surgical Extraction

  6. #46
    Bald. Bearded. Moderator.
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    Re: Stilljutsu - UB Ninja Still

    Quote Originally Posted by R3ndr0c View Post
    My sideboard needs work, and I need a way to deal with Eldrazi Stompy. The new Ninja was a great addition, and I think this deck can be legit now.

    Any ideas how to deal with Stompy decks? Any tech for Eldrazi Stompy?
    I've been playing a ton of mono-blue Dreadstill and I play 2x Dismember maindeck, an additional Dismember and 2x Sower of Temptation in the sideboard. I have it mainly for the Sneak/Show matchup but it's incredible against Eldrazi. I played it against Cloudpost-Eldrazi, stole a Primeval Titan, then when they played their Emrakul I bounced it back to hand with Vapor Snag and then stole that, too.

    Another card that I think has superb synergy with Ninja of the Deep Hours is Nimble Obstructionist. It flashes in, goes unblocked most of the time, you get a Ninja and have the Stifle effect back in hand (if you need it.) It's not the most mana-efficient way to go about things, but it allows the Stifle effect to be available if you decide you need it. I've been using it as a 1-2-of in my Dreadstill deck. Notably it can stifle an effect under standstill.
    Brainstorm Realist

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  7. #47
    scaryrawr's Avatar
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    Re: Stilljutsu - UB Ninja Still

    I've been thinking that spellstutter ends up putting you a turn behind even on the play... I've been trying to cut it lately and I think I like it a bit more...


    15 Creatures

    4 Baleful Strix
    3 Snapcaster Mage
    1 Vendilion Clique
    1 Venser, Shaper Savant
    3 Ninja of the Deep Hours
    2 Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow
    1 Higure, the Still Wind

    23 Inst/Sorc.

    2 Spell Pierce
    3 Thoughtseize
    3 Fatal Push
    2 Diabolic Edict
    4 Brainstorm
    4 Ponder
    4 Force of Will

    2 Planeswalkers

    1 Jace, the Mind Sculptor
    1 Liliana, the Last Hope

    20 Lands

    1 Mutavault
    2 Wasteland
    3 Island
    2 Swamp
    4 Underground Sea
    4 Polluted Delta
    4 Flooded Strand


    1 Throat Slitter
    1 Skullsnatcher
    1 Okiba-Gang Shinobi
    1 Sakashima's Student
    2 Flusterstorm
    2 Surgical Extraction
    2 Curfew
    1 Venser, Shaper Savant
    2 Hymn to Tourach
    1 Reanimate

    I have to say, Sakashima's Student has to be the hardest ninja to play and actually get good value, but when you do, it makes a great story.

    This current iteration is based more on the current Grixis Control lists running around, I think if Spell Pierce was swapped for Hymn to Tourach it would be a lot closer, but with all the control in the current meta, I think Spell Pierce is great (I'm often wrong though). I really was planning on sticking Gurmag Angler in somewhere which is also why I wanted to switch to a more spell heavy build instead of creature heavy, I think Murderous Cut would also be a really good removal spell in this deck since Yuriko can set such a clock with the reveal triggers. I ended up picking Venser over Gurmag since it tends to be an answer everything card.

    I plan on trying Hymns this week. With spellstutter it really sucked to tap out on your own turn, even to jam a ninja, now it's a little more aggressive feeling and plays more proactively than reactively. The miracles match up got slightly worse, combo is still good, and fair matchups slightly better.

    The most fun matchup so far has to be against Nic Fit. This deck is mana greedy and Nic Fit just sets us up to do exactly what we want. So much card draw, so much hymn snap hymn. It's kind of interesting because it feels like nic fit has issues trying to keep up after giving us lands to play with.
    Red Deck Weekly -- I'm bad at magic

  8. #48

  9. #49
    MTGO name: Aggro4Life

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    Re: Stilljutsu - UB Ninja Still

    Quote Originally Posted by scaryrawr View Post
    Ended up getting 2nd at MBH LPS with UB Ninjas. I registered as "Yakisoba".
    After watching your Rd 1 Match on 0.25x speed i got most of the list figured out and with a little help, i fleshed out the rest plus i made some tweaks. For example, I opted for no Wastelands. I took it on Sunday to a $20 entry 4 rd swiss event. I went 3-1.

    Rd 1. 1-2 L - Turbo Depths
    Rd 2. 2-1 W - Burn
    Rd 3. 2-1 W - Eldrazi Post
    Rd 4. 2-0 W - TES/SI hybrid (technically split, but played for fun)

    The list I ran:
    4 Baleful Strix
    4 Snapcaster Mage
    1 Tetsuko Umezawa, Fugitive
    3 Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow
    4 Ninja of the Deep Hours
    1 Higure, the Still Wind

    4 Brainstorm
    3 Fatal Push
    4 Ponder
    2 Spell Pierce
    2 Thoughtseize
    1 Diabolic Edict
    1 Liliana, the Last Hope
    2 Jace, the Mind Sculptor
    4 Force of Will

    4 Flooded Strand
    3 Island
    3 Mutavault
    4 Polluted Delta
    2 Swamp
    4 Underground Sea

    1 Skullsnatcher
    1 Mistblade Shinobi
    1 Sakashima's Student
    1 Venser, Shaper Savant
    1 Okiba-Gang Shinobi
    1 Throat Slitter
    1 Curfew
    1 Dread of Night
    2 Flusterstorm
    1 Reanimate
    2 Surgical Extraction
    1 Diabolic Edict
    1 Toxic Deluge

    Some things i wanted to change after playing:
    Maindeck: -1 Higure, -1 Jace, -1 Lili, -Mutavault; +1 Venser, +1 Thoughtseize, +1 Curfew, +1 Bloodstained Mire (or maybe a basic land, likely a swamp due to new SB cards)
    Sideboard: -1 Skullsnatcher, -1 Mistblade Shinobi, -1 Venser, Shaper Savant, -1 Okiba-Gang Shinobi, -1 Throat Slitter; +1 Jace, +1 Lili, +1 Surgical, +2 Hymn

    The Higure didn't really seem to do much and, especially if I am cutting the Ninja-bullets, Venser seems better in that spot. The PWs didn't feel right to me in the main, but i like keeping 1 Jace as another plan and setting up Yuriko is great. I felt like i wanted a little more discard, so there's TS to do that. 1 Mutavault on the table felt great, but 2 felt clunky, and I want a little more black mana sources, especially with adding Hymn to the board. I felt that 3 colorless lands was rough with how much we want to use our mana each turn. The main Curfew is just to test it more to see if it feels right, it could easily become a cantrip or a fluster or something later. By taking out the ninjas in the board it makes room for better versions of some of those effects, e.g. Surgical > Skullsnatcher and Hymn > Okiba-Gang.

  10. #50
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    Re: Stilljutsu - UB Ninja Still

    It looks like since Yuriko came out on MTGO folks are playing UB Ninjas!

    The stuff people are playing are definitely a lot more solid than my fun lists, and I think it'll be worth watching mtggoldfish and mtgtop8 for seeing where the lists go.
    Red Deck Weekly -- I'm bad at magic

  11. #51
    Qweerios's Avatar
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    Re: Stilljutsu - UB Ninja Still

    Y'all excited about the new Changeling Outcast? An unblockable Faerie Ninja on turn 1 seems pretty good with Sprite and Yuriko, right?
    Do you know what assuming does? It makes an ass out of you and me.
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    ... ffs I was trying to be funny...

  12. #52
    Well, Attempted Rationalism at least.
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    Re: Stilljutsu - UB Ninja Still

    More Ninjas

  13. #53

    Re: Stilljutsu - UB Ninja Still

    Looks like Ninja of the Deep Hours has been assassinated...

  14. #54
    Qweerios's Avatar
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    Re: Stilljutsu - UB Ninja Still

    I've been testing Ninja + Faeries for the upcoming modern horizons and so far the deck is really strong. I originally wanted to do something with Changeling Outcast given that it is both a Ninja and a Faerie but I found the typing was less relevant than Pteramander's blue color and ability to go overboard. Here's the skeleton I've settled on after a couple successful tournaments:

    Creatures (22)
    4 Pteramander
    4 Faerie Miscreant -> Faerie Seer
    4 Spellstutter Sprite
    4 Baleful Strix
    3 Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow
    3 Ninja of the Deep Hours -> Ingenious Infiltrator

    Spells (20)
    3 Abrupt Decay
    3 Daze
    4 Force of Will
    4 Brainstorm
    4 Ponder
    2 Thoughtseize

    Lands (18)
    3 Wasteland
    4 Polluted Delta
    1 Flooded Strand
    1 Scalding Tarn
    1 Misty Rainforest
    1 Verdant Catacombs
    3 Underground Sea
    2 Tropical Island
    1 Island
    1 Swamp

    2 Plague Mare -> Plague Engineer
    2 Surgical Extraction
    2 Spell Pierce
    2 Fatal Push
    1 Diabolic Edict
    1 Assassin's Trophy
    1 Nihil Spellbomb
    1 Grafdigger's Cage
    1 Pithing Needle
    1 Null Rod
    1 Bitterblossom

    The goal here is to enable a safe T2-3 Ninja and try to overwhelm our opponent with card advantage.

    The deck is mainly UB with a tiny splash of green for mainboard Decay and a one-of Trophy in the SB. Given the slow nature of fish decks and how most of the pressure is applied through card advantage rather than card quality, I found it crucial to have mainboard answers to Vial, Jitte/Swords, Chalice, Counterbalance, Narset, Liliana tLH, and creatures like Pyromancer, Bob, Lavaman and the new Dreadhorde Arcanist.

    I originally had less Ponder and more Thoughtseize but it quickly became clear to me that Pteramander is our lategame bomb and that paying life with this deck can be difficult in fair matchups where most of their creatures hit harder than ours. I tried squeezing in as many Instant and Sorcery as possible and still keep a strong Ninja+Faerie plan and a healthy amount of disruption and removal. I will often pay 3-4 mana to adapt in the midgame or dig aggressively for a Pteramander in the lategame.

    The sideboard went through a lot of fluctuation but here are some interesting things I found out:

    I chose Spell Pierce over Flusterstorm because I care more about being able to counter more expensive Artifact, Enchantment, and Planeswalker spells rather than being able to counter cheap Instant and Sorcery more effectively because Sprite already counters CMC1-2 spells effectively.

    One might think that Dismember seems a better fit than Dismember for this deck given that it tends to hit more stuff like Eldrazi and Gurmag and flips for more damage on Yuriko. Paying life to get rid of an early Mom, Thalia, Delver, Pyro, or even Arcanist can be extremely difficult to recover from with our slow clock and tendency to durdle. Strix tends to handle vanilla fatties effectively and Push is a clean and cheap answer to the threats we care most about.

    I originally had Jitte in the SB but given that Elves is practically a bye with Plague Mare and Sprite, Eldrazi struggles with deathtouch (hello Plague Engineer), I found out that the Null Rod plan was more effective against DnT. Shutting down Vials and all their equipment is paramount if we want to take control of the game and Null Rod does all of that for 2 mana while Jitte can be interacted with and costs twice as much. Usually if I can sink 4 mana in a Jitte I can adapt a Pteramander.

    There is no doubt in my mind that Modern Horizons bring significant upgrades to this deck. Hopefully more people pick up this awesome fish deck! Let me know if you think of any improvements!
    Do you know what assuming does? It makes an ass out of you and me.
    Get it...? Ass, u, me?

    ... ffs I was trying to be funny...

  15. #55

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    Re: Stilljutsu - UB Ninja Still

    Any room for Mutavault? It makes the UB hard to cast, but it's also amazing with Infiltrator (attacks as a Ninja) and Spellstutter (counts as a Faerie).

    It would be easier to support without the green splash for Decay obviously. How important is Decay to covering your weaknesses? Could some mix of Fatal Push and more discard/countermagic fill that hole?

  16. #56

    Re: Stilljutsu - UB Ninja Still

    Faerie Seer is amazing! Exactly what Spellstutter Sprite needed.

    Quote Originally Posted by Qweerios View Post
    Y'all excited about the new Changeling Outcast? An unblockable Faerie Ninja on turn 1 seems pretty good with Sprite and Yuriko, right?
    Yeah Changeling Outcasts seems excellent with Spirte and Yuriko and even Ingenious Infilitrator. I actually think it should take Pteramander's slots due to it's awesome synergy with three of your cards.

    All the new additions from Modern Horizons seem strong...

    Faerie Seer
    Changeling Outcast
    Mist-Syndicate Naga
    Ingenious Infiltrator
    Fallen Shinobi

    Fallen Shinobi is probably too mana intensive to be playable, but it's usually a 3 for 1. Except for Throatseeker, all the other above cards are devastatingly impactful to the gamestate. And even Throatseeker might be worth sideboarding vs. aggressive strategies that pressure your life total.

    Pteramander was good at providing a way to end the game fast by dealing lots of damage mid-late game but Mist-Syndicate Naga deals damage even faster. It also occupies up several of your opponents blockers making sure your other guys get through to draw you a bunch of cards.

  17. #57
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    Re: Stilljutsu - UB Ninja Still

    Quote Originally Posted by FTW View Post
    Any room for Mutavault? It makes the UB hard to cast, but it's also amazing with Infiltrator (attacks as a Ninja) and Spellstutter (counts as a Faerie).

    It would be easier to support without the green splash for Decay obviously. How important is Decay to covering your weaknesses? Could some mix of Fatal Push and more discard/countermagic fill that hole?
    You bring up good points and they did go through my mind at some point.

    First, Mutavault only produces colorless mana and that's pretty much the same as producing no mana as very little spells can be cast with colorless mana. Therefore, as a Land, Mutavault is terrible. As a threat, Mutavault is slow, weak, lacks evasion, and costs 2 mana every time it attacks. If you have a slot to dedicate to Mutavault I highly suggest Changeling Outcast instead.

    Second, Wasteland is key against Grove of the Burnwillows, ramp lands like Cloudpost, Tombs and City, Cavern of Souls, Depths, Karakas, Tabernacle, etc. You can't expect to play long and tight games without interacting with key lands. Cutting Miracles from red mana goes a long way for a deck with 37 blue cards.

    Third, the tempo aspect of Wasteland is not negligible in our game plan given that we still play Daze and cheap creatures. This deck operates very smoothly on 2-3 lands and Wastelands can prolong the early-mid game stage that we thrive in. We might not be as tempo-driven as Delver or Maverick, or mana-denying as DnT but we still benefit from the tempo virtues of Wasteland against Control, Combo, and ramp decks. This is why I opted for only 3 copies and not the full playset as Wasteland is not focal to my gameplan but I definitely want to draw them if I have to dig for them.

    About the green splash, I personally found it to be a natural fit to the deck. Splashing 2 Trops is a small price to pay for an out to a lot of hosers that can be found in many decks. Keep in mind that this is a fish deck and not a tempo deck like Delver so turning up the aggression and going for the throat is done via Pteramander at a much later stage in the game. This means that most hosers will have to be contended with at some point because trying to win while our opponent is stumbling isn't likely to happen. A quick example of that would be 3 turns of Ptera/Seer beats backed by Sprite, Wasteland, Daze/Force makes our opponent stumble for a few turns vs. the same thing with a Delver and a Goyf or Pyro. We've dished out 3-5 damage while they have potentially already dealt over 15 and threaten to close out the game in 1-2 turns.

    I don't think it is wise to replace Decays with more counterspells as this leaves us with no removal or answers to any resolved permanents. Looking at the top decks in the format right now, let's look at what Decay vs. Push brings to the table:

    3 Abrupt Decay + 2 Tropical Island vs. 3 Fatal Push + 1 Underground Sea + 1 Island


    UR Delver: Push gives a more stable manabase and removes creatures for a lower cost. Uncounterable removal has merit though, especially given that we play so few removal spells mainboard. Advantage to Push.

    DnT: same as the above except that Decay removes Vial, Jitte, and SoFaI which can all hose our deck. Push is nice against Thalia. Small advantage to Decay.

    Eldrazi: Push hits TKS while Decay hits Chalice. A resolved Chalice is harder to deal with than TKS and Push gets shut down by said Chalice. Advantage to Decay.

    Maverick: same as DnT but without Vial and Ports. Small advantage to Decay for hitting Jitte, SoFaI, and KotR unconditionally.

    Burn: Push is cheaper and the manabase is better for it. Advantage to Push.

    I think it's fair to say that Push and Decay are pretty close when it comes down to Aggro matchups.


    Miracles: Push is dead and Decay hits CB, B2B, Narset, Teferi. Uncounterable against Mentor is great too. Clear advantage to Decay.

    Stoneblade: Push is dead and Decay hits Equipments and the usual blue hosers that Miracle plays. Clear advantage to Decay.

    Grixis: both Push and Decay kinda suck. At least Decay can be used against LtLH. Small advantage to Decay.

    Lands: Push is dead while Decay hits Exploration, Mox and SB Choke. Having an additional Island is pretty good here. Small advantage to Decay.

    Decay is clearly superior against Control decks.


    SnT: both suck but Decay can hit SB Defense Grid.

    Storm: both suck but Decay can hit LED, Petal, and Mox.

    Reanimator: both suck but Decay can hit Animate Dead

    Depths: Decay hits Library, Needle on Wasteland, and SB Choke. Advantage to Decay

    12post: Push hits TKS and Decay hits Chalice, Monolith, and Trinisphere. Advantage to Decay.

    While not the most effective, Decay is the clear favorite against combo decks.
    Do you know what assuming does? It makes an ass out of you and me.
    Get it...? Ass, u, me?

    ... ffs I was trying to be funny...

  18. #58

    Re: Stilljutsu - UB Ninja Still

    This list 5-1ed the Legacy Challenge.

    Very spicy brew (I love everything about it)...

    Creature (24)
    4 Changeling Outcast
    4 Mothdust Changeling
    4 Baleful Strix
    4 Spellstutter Sprite
    4 Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow
    4 Ingenious Infiltrator

    Instant (14)
    4 Brainstorm
    4 Force of Will
    2 Daze
    2 Fatal Push
    2 Consign // Oblivion

    Artifact (4)
    2 Aether Vial
    2 Chrome Mox

    Land (18)
    2 Bloodstained Mire
    2 Flooded Strand
    2 Island
    4 Polluted Delta
    1 Swamp
    3 Underground Sea
    4 Wasteland

    Sideboard (15)
    2 Fatal Push
    2 Dread of Night
    2 Duress
    2 Surgical Extraction
    2 Faerie Macabre
    2 Force of Negation
    2 Null Rod
    1 Plague Engineer

    Between Sprite, Yuriko and Ingenious, the list seems to want to truly max out on the number of 1cc Changeling Ninja Faeries, even if it means running suboptimal ones such as Mothdust Changeling. Though it's pretty easy to give it evasion by tapping a Baleful Strix or Spellstutter Sprite if you need to maximize the number of ninjas you're swinging with for Yuriko/Ingenious. At worst, if you didn't need 1cc play, Changeling Ninja is perfectly fine as Chrome Mox or FoW fodder.

    I actually wonder if Snap would make sense here in place of Consign as a way to bounce potential blockers for free so that you can draw a ton of cards by Ninjutsuing a Yuriko or Ingenious.

  19. #59
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    Re: Stilljutsu - UB Ninja Still

    Quote Originally Posted by Captain Hammer View Post
    Faerie Seer is amazing! Exactly what Spellstutter Sprite needed.

    Yeah Changeling Outcasts seems excellent with Spirte and Yuriko and even Ingenious Infilitrator. I actually think it should take Pteramander's slots due to it's awesome synergy with three of your cards.

    All the new additions from Modern Horizons seem strong...

    Faerie Seer
    Changeling Outcast
    Mist-Syndicate Naga
    Ingenious Infiltrator
    Fallen Shinobi

    Fallen Shinobi is probably too mana intensive to be playable, but it's usually a 3 for 1. Except for Throatseeker, all the other above cards are devastatingly impactful to the gamestate. And even Throatseeker might be worth sideboarding vs. aggressive strategies that pressure your life total.

    Pteramander was good at providing a way to end the game fast by dealing lots of damage mid-late game but Mist-Syndicate Naga deals damage even faster. It also occupies up several of your opponents blockers making sure your other guys get through to draw you a bunch of cards.
    The original list I tested had 4 Faerie Seer, 4 Changeling Outcast, and 1 Pteramander. I eventually went down to 3 Outcast 2 Ptera, then 2 Outcast 3 Ptera, then finally took out all the copies of Outcast for 4 Ptera and another Ponder. Outcast enables some sick T3 plays such as T1 Outcast, T2 Seer/Outcast + Thoughtseize/Ponder, T3 ninjustsu Infiltrator or Yuriko and draw 2 cards. The problem with outcast is that without a ninja in play, it is worthless. Outcast doesn't pitch to Force, can't block, can't race, and the typing is only relevant when a Ninja is on the field or when Sprite needs to counter a CMC 2-3 spell. This makes Outcast and all subsequent copies dependant on a Ninja being in play to have any value. Given that 50% of decks don't even play creatures, having a ninja in play already provides a flow of cards. The most common scenario that blows us out is a T3-4 board with a Ninja in play plus Outcast/Ptera in play. The scenario with Outcast means that one removal spell on the ninja leaves us with nothing (we offered our opponent a 2 for 1). The scenario with Ptera gives our opponent the difficult choice of dealing with our Ninja or an imminent 5/5 flyer. Also, most board states where Outcast shine as an unblockable threat involve a Thalia, BSkull, TNN, Delver, Gurmag, Pyromancer, Goyf, an Eldrazi or any other popular legacy creature. Those board states usually don't require additional draws to overcome but rather a stabilizing force. Pteramander is that mid-to-lategame stabilizer.

    If anything I would compare Outcast to Seer as Seer's main purpose is to enable Ninjas and buff Sprite (which Outcast does). Seer has the immediate and re-usable effect of Scry2 for a blue while Outcast has that Ninja synergy and is more evasive for a black. Right now I think I prefer a guaranteed scry 2 and being able to pitch my worst card to FoW (you can pitch Seer to FoW as you Ninjustu it on T2) than a potential draw on T3 at the earliest. If the meta shifts toward more fliers like Lingering Souls and Bitterblossom I would consider Outcast over Seer.
    Do you know what assuming does? It makes an ass out of you and me.
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  20. #60
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    Re: Stilljutsu - UB Ninja Still

    Quote Originally Posted by Captain Hammer View Post
    This list 5-1ed the Legacy Challenge.
    That's a cool looking list! Very focused on the Ninja plan. I like the Force of Negation in the SB... Been looking into those as a potential Spell Pierce/Flusterstorm upgrade. I'm a bit concerned with the amount of Ninjas (4 Yurikos!?) as it seems like it could lead to a lot of clunky hands. Chrome Mox is definitely a nice touch here. The deck also desperately needs 2 colored sources to get going and plays a traditional Delver manabase without Ponder. I think Seer is definitely better than Mothdust here... I think more Push/Daze/Thoughtseize/Decay are way better than Consign // Oblivion in Yuriko decks. I'm not sure about the Null Rod in the SB with Vial and Mox... more reasons to splash green for Decay/Trophy in this list.

    I will definitely try this changeling/Ponder-less approach when the set comes out except with a few tweaks:

    4 Faerie Seer > Mothdust Changeling
    3rd Daze and 3rd Push/Decay > 2 Consign // Oblivion
    2 Thoughtseize > 2 Aether Vial
    1 colored Land > 4th Wasteland or 4th Yuriko

    I lose the Pteramander + Ponder package but gain more Faeries, Ninja synergy, and Mox powered plays.
    Do you know what assuming does? It makes an ass out of you and me.
    Get it...? Ass, u, me?

    ... ffs I was trying to be funny...

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