The paragraph about Back to Basics makes it sound like it was just better than Blood Moon, but it has 2 major weaknesses:
1. It can be killed via REB which is especially bad against red delver decks like Grixis who don't have an answer for Blood Moon once it resolves. Thus it's not as much of an "I win if this resolves on an empty board" card.
2. Decay decks they don't have to constantly keep up BG when they fear a Blood Moon. Here too it slows them down the game until they have a decay while Blood Moon has the potential to just win the game when they don't have basics out.
That said Blood Moon of course renders your fetchlands useless. With Predict allowing you to plow through your deck Blood Moon seems like the better option though.
Thank you very much Minniehajj, very good job ! It's up to us to play now.
"In theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice, they are not." Albert Einstein
If B2B was of a higher power level than Blood Moon, it would be harder to justify splashing red, since the deck's manabase has become a bit more shaky post-ban. Blood Moon is more powerful than B2B unless your opponent is playing some sort of heavily red thing that runs a lot of nonbasics, in which case it's probably not going to come in.
Also, for the primer, let's not forget that Ethersworn Canonist is just as busted against Sneak & Show as Storm. It turns those high-intensity counter wars where you Force the Force and Red Blast the Force and Flusterstorm the Red Blast into a simple yes/no question of "Do you have a counterspell" (and yes, we usually do). They're going to have to get rid of it or play Boseiju and they don't really excel at either of those things.
Feels like the article was under the pressure of time, sort of a broad stroke approach. While I am grateful for the content as it's decent, it can certainly go more in-depth.
For example, the discussion on Pyroclasm/Kozilek's Return can go further. K. Return, though cost one more mana than Pyroclasm, it can easily escape Port being an instant, And it escapes Mom's protection.
The unfortunate omission: From the Ashes
The card can be flashback-ed and it has ruined Eldrazi on SCG camera in the past. I had plenty of blow-outs with that card.
the section on Portent could be expanded as well, that it can target opponents, and the use case for that.
@Min: i realized that there are many comments on how to improve the primer, and they can be quite overwhelming. do let me know if you need any help yea?
I am not sure if the criterion to include a card is directly related to the metagame. Many lists don't run Karakas post SDT ban, yet that card is mentioned. Is FtA any more fringe than say... Gideon, Ally of Zendikar? Leyline of Sanctity might be a good call at this point in time, what about 6 months, or a year from now? If we are going to include Gideon and Leyline for the sake of a primer, I just don't see why not FtA. A card might be less popular in a particular point in time, but might see a revival in the future, hence using meta as an argument is counter-productive for the comprehensiveness of being a primer.
is it possible to add a SB guide for Grixis Control? I keep losing to it in the leagues.
I'm going to try and write some more up to date sb tables as well as explanations soon. But in the meantime, sbing will change depending on your maindeck of course.
What I'm playing at the moment is
3 Snapcaster Mage
3 Jace, the Mind Sculptor
4 Ponder
4 Portent
4 Terminus
1 Entreat the Angels
4 Swords to Plowshares
4 Brainstorm
3 Predict
2 Flusterstorm
4 Force of Will
2 Counterspell
2 Unexpectedly Absent
3 Tundra
5 Island
2 Plains
1 Karakas
4 Flooded Strand
4 Scalding Tarn
1 Arid Mesa
1 Flusterstorm
2 Surgical Extraction
3 Leyline of Sanctity
2 Monastery Mentor
2 Gideon, Ally of Zendikar
2 Back to Basics
1 Disenchant
2 Containment Priest
Vs Grixis Control (assuming the Young Pyro with Cabal Therapy one), I go roughly like the below, but sometimes switch things up depending on how they play. Esp G2 if they don't fetch around B2B/Moon I'll consider B2B. I think it's a pretty even matchup, though Therapy can be brutal. Just keep in mind that Grixis Control, 4c control, 4c Leo etc, all these piles are different. Vs Leo decks I wouldn't side out as much removal for example, and wouldn't bring in Leyline vs the non therapy builds. The Leo versions are more colour intensive than normal Grixis so I'd consider B2B after G1 too, but if you do that don't side out a plains etc.
-4 Force of Will
-1 Plains
-2 Swords to Plowshares
-1 Terminus
+1 Flusterstorm
+3 Leyline of Sanctity
+2 Monastery Mentor
+2 Gideon, Ally of Zendikar
Not a deck I play myself, but I'm glad to see the new primer and I happy that Draw/Go is alive and well.
Kudos to Minniehajj and to everyone who has helped put the deck on the map. :)
Supremacy 2020 is the modern era game of nuclear brinksmanship! My blog:
You can play Lands.dec in EDH too! My primer:
Thanks! The md feels pretty solid, sb can do with some work though I think.
1) A bit, I've been playing with 1 in the md recently over a Portent and liked it, but it was never extraordinary, and with the two Flusterstorms md slow combo is helped in that regard, so the sb slots for Cliques can be used for more problematic matchups. I feel like some heavy hitters like Gideon are needed vs the midrange decks of the format atm. I really want a second Entreat too, but it would probably be in a Mentor or Gideon slot.
2) I don't feel like it's needed, but I wouldn't hate another Disenchant, though its application is actually quite narrow at the moment if you look at the top decks. I've found that the UAs in the md carry a lot of weight of these sb options, 3 has been a good number of this effect in the 75.
3) Yeah, SnS and Elves mostly, but they're my least favourite cards in the sb at the moment.
I've not been able to play the deck that much the last few weeks though due to being busy and playing other decks (As Foretold is too much fun), so I'm going off playing at my LGS once and two leagues recently.
1) With the Pt 1 adjustment, my MD is actually identical to yours, aside from adjusting the manabase to support the red blasts. i really liked the idea of the clique MB, seeing how soft we are to combo G1.
2) i really miss having Gideon in my board, so having been toying dropping EE for it, but at the same time, I'm worried about being softer to COTV. So i torn between Gideon, EE or the 2nd Containment Priest for that slot. Judging by your experience, it seems like 1 maybe sufficient.
My Decklist for reference
3 Snapcaster Mage
1 Vendilion Clique
3 Jace, the Mind Sculptor
4 Ponder
3 Portent
4 Terminus
1 Entreat the Angels
4 Swords to Plowshares
4 Brainstorm
3 Predict
2 Flusterstorm
4 Force of Will
2 Counterspell
2 Unexpectedly Absent
3 Tundra
3 Volcanic
4 Island
2 Plains
4 Flooded Strand
3 Scalding Tarn
1 Arid Mesa
1 Engineered Explosives
1 Flusterstorm
2 Surgical Extraction
2 Pyroblast
1 Red Elemental Blast
1 Disenchant
1 Containment Priest
2 Monastery Mentor
3 Leyline of Sanctity
I just can't like the idea of using Mentor in this version of the deck. For sure Terminus is worse than it was, but it still a pretty good card and I value it more than the Mentor. Even post board the Mentor feels clunky to me. It's like turning a control deck into a midrange one.
About the red splash, I think it is unnecessary as well because we should have a good matchup against Delver and Eldrazi is falling in the meta.
Has anyone ever tried a green splash for Mirri's Guile? I know it is a target to otherwise dead Decays, but it helps assembling Terminus or any other response you need. Furthermore, with two of them in play and fetches we can do something near what was done with Top.
In the last tournament that took place at my local game store, we were only 10 players (What kind of monster prefers a warm shinny beach next to the crystal-clear sea than a good, sweating game of legacy MtG in the local cafeteria? Traitors….) and I took 1st place.
4 Brainstorm
4 Ponder
4 Portent
4 Predict
4 Force of Will
3 Snapcaster Mage
3 Swords to Plowshares
3 Jace, the Mind Sculptor
3 Terminus
2 Counterspell
2 Flustrestorm
2 Unexpectedly Absent
1 Supreme Verdict
1 Entreat the Angels
4 Flooded Strand
4 Scalding Tarn
4 Island
3 Plains
2 Tundra
2 Volcanic Island
1 Arid Mesa
3 Leyline of Sanctity
2 Blood Moon
2 Monastery Mentor
2 Surgical Extraction
2 Teferi’s Response
1 Pyroblast
1 Red Elemental Blast
1 Izzet Staticaster
1 Engineered Explosives
Round one: VS Elves, 2-0
I have played this matchup a bazillion of times... G1 He tries not to overextend in the fear of Terminus and he was right, since my Ponders and Brainstorms had revealed me 2 Terminus and 1 Verdict in the first 3 turns. Jace on empty board with FoW backup for whatever nasty was easy to win from there. G2 was the exact opposite. My opponent, after looking at my hand and stripping me of a Terminus with a t1 Thoughtseize went all in after realizing that there was no other removal in my hand, mass or otherwise. I stop his t3 Glimpse with a Force, but he still draws some cards utilizing his visionaries. In my t3 I blind-predict in desperation and of course, I missed. I did drew a Flusterstorm though. The opponent gets greedy and produces a ton of mana to bring a GSZ for Behemoth and that got Flusterstormed. Still, his small elves full-scale attack was a 2-turn clock. In my t4, I draw a Brainstorm. I cast it on his turn while he casts a Natural Order (I don’t know if he played around something or went for the overkill. I was dead on board already), praying for a topdeck Terminus. The cards revealed, a FoW and an Izzet Staticaster. I counter his NO and slammed Staticaster killing 3 Symbiots. After that, I managed to barely stay alive while Staticaster killed whatever remained on board, ending the game with 3 Angels 3 turns later.
Round two: VS High Tide, 2-0
Quite possibly the most boring matches I had. Both me and my opponent tried to accumulate Counters for the upcoming High Tide/Cunning Wish from his side or the upcoming Jace from my side. He was able to draw more than I did, but the main Flusterstorms were real MVPs here. After the counterwar for his Cunning Wish was over, I was able to kill him with Entreat. G2 I had the perfect draws. I had t0 Leyline. I Flusterstormed his High Tide. I surgicaled both his High Tides and Cunning Wishes. And all that, with a Mentor on board. The game ended fast.
Round three: VS Lands 1-1
The most difficult matchup in the entire day. G1 is something I consider unbeatable!! And that, it was. I can’t Sword Marit Lages for an eternity! But he CAN bring her into play for an eternity with his Loams. When he killed me, he was on 78 life…...G2 was quite a different story. I surgical his Loams early on and I am able to establish a Blood Moon on board on t3. He never finds Krosan Grip, I am wise to destroy his 3(!!!) Moxes with Engineered Explosives and he conceded. G3 was a grindfest. He keeps me out of WW with his Ghost Quarters (I used both of my Teferi’s Responses, but he kept recurring his GQ with Loam) and when I finally manage to surgical them (and his Dark Depths too with a Snapcasted Surgical) it was too late. I was left with a single Tundra in the deck, always afraid to fetch it in the face of 2 Wastelands (when I could. After a while, he started wasting my fetches as well. He had Loam all along of course). Meanwhile, his Tireless Tracker grew bigger and bigger. I manage to stabilize Jace after Jace, going the Tracker up and down to his hand for a while, until time got us both. I never saw either Blood Moons or Monastery Mentors here.
Semi-finals: VS Death & Taxes, 2-0
The opponent was a close friend and his deck was actually one that I borrowed him with (I own a variety of decks), thus I knew EXACTLY what was in his deck and what wasn’t. It was the less aggressive R/W version with Magus of the Moon and other silver bullets main. Still, he manages to almost get me G1 when he brings down a Sanctum Prelate for 1. We live in the era where, in the D&T vs Miracles matchup, a resolved Sanctum Prelate DOES NOT name automatically “6” ladies and gentlemen. Very annoying though. I am not able to find UA in the following turns and he manages to have a well-established board with Equipments and creatures, while Thalia ensures I will never hardcast my Terminus in time. I do manage to find a Supreme Verdict though. I clear the board and sweep to a clean victory. G2 was much easier. He doesn’t overextent to more than 3 creatures in fear of mass removals. He tries to get me while I brainstorm with a vialed Spirit of the Labyrinth, but I easily Sword it. At one point he became the Monarch with a Palace Jailer hitting a Snapcaster of mine and he drew a ton of cards out of that. He Ports my Plains and I play Teferi’s Response, destroying his Port, while drawing a Terminus from the top (that was my play of the day and it was GLORIOUS to behold) and sweeping the board in the process. I manage to survive easily (also using a Snapped Teferi’s Response to a Flickerwisp) and I kill him with a massive Entreat. He was still the Monarch when he died.
Finals: VS B/R Reanimator 2-1
G1 my opp. is on the play and he reveals Chancellor. Then he plays Swamp-> Thoughtseize (strips my FoW) -> L.Petal -> D.Ritual -> Entomb -> Exhume Griselbrand. Is this the point when you punch your opponent? I really wanted to punch my opponent there!!! God, I hate that deck…. I HATE IT!!!! G2 I am able to keep a good hand with Leyline of Sanctity, FoW and StP while my opponent mulls to 5. He manages to put a Sire of Insanity into play t1 and I sword it. It was easy from that point on with lots of Portenting his library and a Snapcaster beatdown kill. He did mention afterwards that he would have tried to Unmask me had the Leyline not be there. G3 I mull to 5 and I manage to keep a totally respectable hand with Flusterstorm and Surgical Extraction. He mulls too down to six, but he is on the play and he reveals Chancellor, proceeding to Swamp-> L. Petal -> C.Brutality me, discarding a Griselbrand and stripping me from my Surgical. He can’t reanimate the same turn, but he knows I can’t play Flusterstorm next turn with his revealed Chancellor. I topdeck my second Surgical. Sometimes life is sweet on me. I target his Griselbrand next turn in response to his Animate Dead, leaving him with just a Chancellor in his Hand and an unimportant graveyard. The game was essentially over.
1) I belong to those who don’t really like Mentor. Entreat is certainly as much a viable option for winning condition as Monastery Mentor is. While I could see that a fast MM against the Lands G1 could have taken the game for me, or at least given me more possibilities to race the Dark Depths combo, I can’t neglect the fact that in general I don’t want to put MM on the table unless I have backup in the form of at least 2 counters to ensure Mentor resolving/his survival from removals. Up to that point (having the Mentor, the counters + the correct land base to utilize everything) I have already used the majority of the cantrips available and (quite probably) I already have an established Jace too. As a result, MM keeps attacking as a lone 2/2, 3/3 at most. Of course I’m mostly talking about G1, since most people remove their removals against me post –sb. Before the Top ban we could do the double Top trick in the endgame and finish the game quickly. Now this option is gone. Entreat on the other hand can be more of a game changer in my eyes, and that is often without preparing the board for it. Am I wrong in this way of thinking? If not, in which other matchups do you people think MM is more preferable than Entreat except Lands? What are the matchups were we actually want to play aggro and not really care of our opponents removal? I am thinking of removing MMs completely.....
2) Also regarding Lands, it is a hard matchup. Without Top we are unable to keep up with their pace, especially g1 where Surgical the Loam/ playing Blood Moon or Back to Basics is not an option. I feel that even with Mentor main, they are much faster than us in finding their combo for the kill. Other than praying, what is your line of play against the Lands matchup fo g1? Any advice would be appreciated.
3) We have a lot of things in the Sb to experiment and I like it! So many options! Staticaster was once again great against Elves, but this is a good mathcup anyway. I don’t think I liked him very much. He will probably be replaced by a 3rd Surgical Extraction. 2 is a small number. When we play matchups that we need them, we really need them. Leylines were good too, still proving to me that their usefulness goes beyond Burn and Storm (two difficult matchups, mind you), stopping the opponents targeted discard when needed. I still prefer it to Ethersworn Canonist, who can be destroyed by Smash to Smithereens and Fragmentize and I never really missed her despite playing against Elves and High Tide. While Blood Moon was crucial for my G2 victory against Lands, 3/5 decks I played against were almost monocolored and the landbase of Reanimator didn’t really mattered. There were decks with more fragile manabases in the tournament, but I didn’t face them. I think next time I will go -1 Volcanic and +1 Tundra on the main, -1 Izzet Staticaster, -2 Monastery Mentor, +1 Surgical Extraction, +1 Gideon, +1 Mountain on the side.
4) I liked the solo Verdict too. While I didn’t face any matchups where the uncounterability mattered (As I would if I played against delver or stoneforge decks, for example), it shined where it should, providing inevitability and nearly 0 setup.
5) Main Flusterstorms are cheat. I love them.
6) Teferi’s Response looked excellent on the first try! I believe that against delver decks they will perform even better. They protect the land base while also providing good CA at the form of 3 for 1. I definitely recommend it for testing.
Recently I added a Moat to my SB with main deck being Entreat build. With the aid of jtms fateseal, I was able to beat a D&T deck I was way behind on. My main fateseal target was Flickerwisp.
Has anyone been using moat in their board?
I'm also not a fan of MMs, but having said that, I can't deny that they often add a different dimension to what we're doing, which can be gamechanging in certain MUs. I'm just not a fan because I often don't play well when they're in my 75 (MMs change the way I play, still haven't got that figured out).
From my experience, MMs come in handy against MUs where we do not have the inevitability. Lands is one example, while others include Eldrazi (Post/Stompy) and Burn (if Leylines are not present in the SB) etc. These are some examples that I can think of from the top of my head.![]()
We are huge underdogs g1.
My g1 plan is really just a fast Entreat. IMO, it's actually harder to race with Mentor as it turns on their punishing fire. so i prefer Entreat in this MU as well.
Secondary plan is to slam a Jace, and fateseal aggressively, and hoping they don't draw the punishing fire.
Leylines are almost awesome against Grixis decks. makes probe and therapy look silly.
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