I see... makes sense. Think I will shift the 4th Painter to main aswell and see if I like. I'm always a bit reluctant when it comes to change, so yesterday was the first time I played the deck with the 4 Bolts in side instead of main and the first time actually trying out the copters.
They were a blast. Totally underestimated that card. That was another change I should've made earlier. Guess the maindeck Bolts were primarily for fighting Arcanist. If this holds truth when Ragavan hits paper - Time will tell.

I think I liked the wishable Painter so much, because I'm usually a control player and as the deck has some nice prison elements, I've always leaned towards locking the game up first and then going for the 100% sure kill. That way having 6 plus mana was seldomly a problem, sitting there with multiple weldereffects, moon and bridge with an opponent basically unable to intervene with what I'm about to do. Often not even going for the Painter right away with Karn but rather looking for some more shenanigans.
I'm simply lacking the predatory comboplayer skills to see my turn two or three "go for it" window after all the Counterbalances I've hidden behind :D

Part of what I like most about the deck are the sheer resilience, amount of shenanigans and the load of routes that are unforeseeable for the opponent. It's just the kind of deck that makes me smirk from one ear to another while constantly feeling like I've next leveled my opponent into oblivion. Friggin' awesome deck.

Thx for the answers.

Edit.. also I liked the added flexibility of wishable Painter..