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Thread: Bumbleberry Pie

  1. #1

    Bumbleberry Pie

    During the dark days of companion spring, I tried to slot Yorion into Curses. The package of omen of the sea/trial of ambition plus Yorion/Estrids invocation felt very good. Both enablers are almost playable on their own and your engines fit the current FIRE hellscape model of guaranteed value plus running away with the game. Of course, being neither an artifact nor creature helps avoid oko disrupting your engine. It didn’t mesh well with the fast mana and land base of curses, but I always wanted to revisit it.

    The name is based on a Canadian dessert, usually involving blueberries and blackberries, by analogy with the other enlightened tutor based decks strawberry shortcake and parfait.

    We need redundancy as a Yorion deck, so Aminatou (the best 3 cmc pw that doesn’t see play in legacy imo) and 3feri were added as backup engines. Court of grace and reality acid were added as additional enablers. Aminatou plus is similar to a baby jace 0, so it made sense to fill out the rest of the slots with an Esper miracles shell.

    The discard and enlightened tutor package serve to remedy Yorion piles usually horrible combo mus, while synergizing with the planeswalkers and estrids.

    4 Misty Rainforest
    4 Polluted Delta
    4 Flooded Strand
    2 Tundra
    3 Sea
    2 Karakas
    2 Mystic Sanctuary
    1 Snow-Covered Plains
    4 Snow-Covered Island
    2 Snow-Covered Swamp

    4 Brainstorm
    2 Ponder
    4 Swords to Plowshares
    4 Thoughtseize
    2 Inquisition of Kozilek
    4 Arcum’s Astrolabe
    4 Omen of the Sea
    4 Trial of Ambition
    4 Aminatou
    4 Estrid’s Invocation
    2 Teferi, Time Raveler
    2 Reality Acid
    2 Court of Grace
    2 Entreat the Angels
    2 Terminus
    4 Force of Will
    2 Force of Negation

    4 Enlightened tutor
    1 Yorion
    1 Stoney Silence
    1 Torpor Orb
    1 Act of Authority
    1 Back to Basics
    1 Nevermore
    1 Deafening Silence
    2 Rest In Peace
    2 Engineered Plague

  2. #2

  3. #3

    Re: Bumbleberry Pie

    Why could this deck be good? Every brew should have a premise why it is not just bad X imo.

    Current legacy has shown that engines based around flickering (goblins), enchantments (rg lands) or Yorion (D&T) can compete. Every other deck needs an unfair element or plays the UG haymakers themselves (except for UR delver I guess). Well this deck uses all three methods to a great extent. Combo decks have adapted to the current control decks plans of forcing everything by playing Defense grid, pyroblast, and allosaurus Shepherd. Playing those cards instead of veil, makes them vulnerable To discard once again. This makes playing Esper over Bant or Uw defensible. Bant decks have shown that mystic sanctuary justifies not splashing 4th colours.

    The closest decks to this one are Esper vial (soul herder is an almost identical engine to estrids invocation) and mark voght’s snow miracles (miracles plus sanctuary package).

    Advantages vs Snow miracles
    E tutor package gives you a sledgehammer against unfair mus
    Discard gives you multiple angles vs combo decks instead of just forcing everything
    JTMS is too slow nowadays, having a 3 cmc version of that effect allows you to rely more heavily on miracles.
    Yorion is a bomb in slow mus, and 3feri/reality acid/trial makes it more tempo Efficient than in other decks.

    Uro, carpet, library, and blasts/veil are all extremely good in fair blue mus, especially delver.

    Advantages vs Esper vial:
    Discard/Etutor means we are more disruptive turns 1 and 2.
    Enchantments are harder to interact with than creatures, so our engine is less disruptable.
    Terminus is better than plague engineer in several mus.

    Weaker mana denial
    No g1 tutors
    Slower clock
    Vial is a house vs delver
    Last edited by Reeplcheep; 01-14-2021 at 11:31 AM.

  4. #4

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    Re: Bumbleberry Pie

    Not great with 80 card numbers, but you have high cmcs, high wasteland risk, and this need to aggro-out basics leading to Sanctuary offline. Sanctuary can only buy back Terminus to go up a card.

    Without Oko, 4x Astro isn't competitive, but you're also trying to fill slots to 80. In 60 card deck, optimal no-Oko Astrolabe is x1 slot with x1 or x2 E Tutor (maindeck), this allows keeping basic Plains hands, cycling E-tutor, and making your own Gush with Teferi.

    Aminatoa is linking to an 8 drop sorc, not the PW. Looking at your PWs, I'm not seeing a great plan vs Oko; at least play some 3cmc Kaya. Consider Moat x1 with E-Tutor here.

    On recursion, Sevinne's and Heliod's is far superior to Sanctuary imitating Mirri's Guile by necro'ing Ponder.

    Main impression is to shrink deck to 60 for consistency and clean up the susceptibility to Wasteland. To compete vs FIRE with a do-nothing (Estrid's), it's important to tank its slots down to 1x or 2x at the most, using E-Tutor to maintain build-around. Another example of this philosophy is Aluren using Watcher for Tomorrow to take slots away from Aluren. In the same way, Food Chain can mill extras out of deck with their second casting of the spell that exiles 3 and draws 1 (the newer Foresight).

    In terms of cuts, -8 lands, -2 Aminatoa, -2 Reality Acid, -3 Estrid, -2 IoK, -3 Astro. That's -20. Need to add Sevinne's and E-Tutor (at least 2 more nonland slots). Really dislike splitting 1cmc priorities with off colors (white and black) so it's either replace Plows or dump the Thoughtseize. With WW on Court you're priced into Plow, but the need for black on turn 2 for Edict-enchant becomes problematic quickly.

    The color identity crisis has to make us ask why we're not playing UBw Standstill, with the cleaner black 1-drop removal, into Drown, into considering white for the first time on turn 3 (Teferi, Kaya, Sevinne's - the three best white payoff spells in the game).

  5. #5

    Re: Bumbleberry Pie

    Good criticisms. I am unsure about the criticisms on the mana base; I basically just copied the mana base from the snow miracles list won the sat. Challenge. I only scaled it up and pivoted green to black. My average cmc is lower than that deck, my land count is proportionally higher and I am not splashing for blasts. Unless you think in 80cards Astrolabe is not seen enough to enable sanctuary off of basics. Mark Vogt is an excellent deck builder so I assumed these builds would not have such fundamental issues.

    Card link fixed: Aminatou, the fateshifter. With astrolabe, Aminatou is a personal howling mine which seems better or as good as making a 3/3 or paying 1 to draw 2 once. 1. The abyss of trial plus engine biding time until Reality acid recurring vindicates or 2. terminus into 4/4s every turn are the primary plans, although the plan A is to just discard it. 1x Moat could be great.

    Mystic Sanctuary Recurring terminus, forces and entreat seemed extremely strong vs go wide/combo/durdle respectively, and tutorability seemed important in an 80card deck. If it lets me fetch more conservatively though I could see the argument for your alternatives.

    With 12 cards that it comboes with, all of which can’t easily be removed and are a 2 for 1 if decayed, do you really think estrids will be dead often? Extras can be discarded with aminatou plus, brainstorm, fow or fon. But perhaps etutor is better if I can afford the card disadvantage in fair mus.

    Agree with most of the non engine cuts if I go to 60. Without Yorion though I worry the actual cards that win the game become too few and slow, exposing yourself to surgical and ultra late game engines like fotd. I do dislike splitting 1 cmc but without plow my Lage matchups tank and white court/miracles are much better than black ones. (Not to mention etutor and sideboard hate). Hullbreacher snow has hierarchy and plow, plus blasts/veils/deafening silence sb.

    Cutting plow is doable but that doesn’t make much sense if we want etutor main. We will never be better than the uro/carpet deck at beating delver; so cutting discard seems to remove our competitive advantage in unfair mus.

    I’m not an expert on your most up to date standstill list, but the advantage Over standstill would be that the blink engine can be removal too, so it is more tempo positive and better when behind on board. You also can run terminus which helps with elves and gaak. Arguably, mystic sanctuary is a more available and more resilient land then factory.

    Thanks again for your insight.

  6. #6

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    Re: Bumbleberry Pie

    Some cards that have excellent synergy with Aminatou imo :
    Detention Sphere
    Oath of Gideon
    Narset, Parter of Veils

  7. #7

    Re: Bumbleberry Pie

    Quote Originally Posted by Borg View Post
    Some cards that have excellent synergy with Aminatou imo :
    Detention Sphere
    Oath of Gideon
    Narset, Parter of Veils
    D sphere: hmm. You get value if they have 2 things with the same name but it gives your opponent etb value. I guess it is very good vs food elks. I could buy that it has a higher floor than reality acid as an oko answer if I am willing to lose land destruction. Prison Realm gives some minor etb value at the cost of pitching to fow and answering chalice/lands/library

    Oath of Gideon: the extra loyalty is really nice but it seems to have a lot lower power level with estrids than history of benalia or court of grace.

    Narset: unlike 3 feri it doesn’t help with the blink plan or protect flickers from removal in response. But the card advantage is excellent.

  8. #8

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    Re: Bumbleberry Pie

    The main thing is that Oko/Uro users have time (lifegain). They're allowed to fall behind and then bound forward with Uro ramp (buys back lost land drop) and +3 life negates a Delver hit. On the back end they have Astro and Oko which immediately kills all but a list of 6 legacy-playable PWs (from non-Oko decks).

    While snow is drawing runners like Oko, Uro, and Ice-Fang you can't really afford to draw running Estrid's with nothing to copy. When recovering from challenged mana/reaching 3 for the first time, you need a play with adequate compensation (this is where Sevinne's excels, securing 3 mana position with Fetch necro). Estrid's banks heavily on other cards resolving before it, and by itself it won't secure your path to a PW (vs Daze or Wasteland).

    I get the payoff of Estrid's, but looked at in isolation as a cmc 3 play, it is lacking. I don't see much benefit in running even more chances at a failed 3 mana execute vs FIRE (Oko/Uro). Too hard to claw back into a game if you're deferring your first threatening play to cmc 4.
    ^the strategy a FIRE pilot should take is let turn 1 play resolve, counter any 2-drop enchant, let you tap out for Estrid's, slam Oko/Uro, and run away with the game. So while it's great to want to build around Estrid's, it's also the worst card in your deck.

    Missed the Entreat, but yes this is an example of a card that is worth buying back. More WW issues however, pointing away from making any turn 1 black plays (Fetch Usea or deploy Usea should be most avoided opener). If that's your only credible wincon, you need to find another instead of playing harder into Surgical in postboard games with Sanctuary.

  9. #9

    Re: Bumbleberry Pie

    Ok. I want to stay on 80 because a. You can’t fit both court and entreat in 60 cards so you will lose to surgical. B. Yorion gives you an guaranteed bomb that can hang with uro, beat surgical on entreat and clock combo.

    Took the above advice of less win cons & low floor cards (entreat/reality acid/estrids) which were replaced with more high floor cards like detention sphere. Even if the benefit of blinking is minimal the clean and immediate answer to oko is probably too important to ignore.

    I cut the sketchier lands for medomai’s prophecy. It’s an additional enabler to curve into engines while having a floor of a predict with scry 2 + suspend 2. Win cons are split 2 court 1 Entreat. Added acid to the sideboard for when I need LD. I have a ton of removal now so I added disinformation campaign as a hymn catch all for when removal is bad. Added scrubland which I can fetch if I deem WW more important than t4 sanctuary as mentioned by Fox. Swamp changed to plains for WW through wasteland/B2B, and post board is substantially more white usually. In 80 your chance of naturally drawing sanctuary is decreased so I don’t have to always play for the t4 sanctuary.

    3 Misty Rainforest
    4 Polluted Delta
    4 Flooded Strand
    2 Tundra
    2 Underground Sea
    1 Scrubland
    1 Karakas
    2 Mystic Sanctuary
    2 Snow-Covered Plains
    4 Snow-Covered Island
    1 Snow-Covered Swamp

    4 Brainstorm
    2 Ponder
    4 Swords to Plowshares
    4 Thoughtseize
    2 Inquisition of Kozilek
    4 Arcum’s Astrolabe
    4 Omen of the Sea
    4 Trial of Ambition
    2 Medomai’s Prophecy
    4 Aminatou, the Fateshifter
    3 Estrid’s Invocation
    2 Teferi, Time Raveler
    3 Detention Sphere
    2 Court of Grace
    1 Entreat the Angels
    2 Terminus
    4 Force of Will
    2 Force of Negation

    4 Enlightened tutor
    1 Yorion
    1 Stoney Silence
    1 Torpor Orb
    2 Disinformation Campaign
    1 Back to Basics
    1 Reality Acid
    1 Deafening Silence
    2 Rest In Peace
    1 Engineered Plague

    If the testing of this goes poorly I will try the more radical shift of 60 cards with lots of basics. In that build the miracle package and 3 labes will be subbed out for an etutor package as suggested.

  10. #10

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    Re: Bumbleberry Pie

    I realise it's 4cmc but Parallax Tide might fit in your strategy as well.
    The fading probably makes it too much work.

  11. #11

    Re: Bumbleberry Pie

    This is where I'm at with my estrid/saga build which I have posted in this forum before

    5 Plains
    5 Island
    4 Strand
    4 Vista
    1 Tundra
    1 Polluted Delta

    4 Brainstorm
    4 Ponder
    4 Plow
    4 FoW

    4 History of Benalia
    4 Omen of the Sea
    3 Estrids Invocation
    3 On Thin Ice
    2 Sevinne's Reclamation
    2 Force of Negation
    2 Counterbalance
    2 Dovin's Acuity
    2 [free slot - 4th Estrid / 4th Thin Ice / T3f / Pierce / D Sphere / w.e]

    - History of Benalia as wincon as a kind of mentor-esque threat that is less good at taking over a game "by itself" (Mentor still needs spells/cantrips but that's not such a restrictive requirement than 1 specific 2U enchantment) but generates similarly insane amount of tempo with Invocation and is not vulnerable to creature removal. Unlike Court of Grace it is playable when behind on the board and you can use the knights to block for a few turns while you wait to draw Plow etc then Invocation to take over later, or have an early threat on the board to slam into opposing Teferi/Narset or put the opp under pressure to stop them from going to town on you with Sylvan Library.
    - Better mana (vs wasteland at least, the counterbalance-history manacurve can sometimes be annoying but not sure if that's any more of a problem than 3c astro mana trying to cast Animatou etc)
    - On Thin Ice over Trial of Ambition: Can't play the black card with this manabase, Sorcery Plow maybe a better card than Cruel Edict and flickering Invocation on it is still decent vs Uro and any token. Was playing Porphyry Nodes before but the immediacy of the OTI exile is important and it also doesn't have the tension with eating the History tokens. (I still think Nodes is good with Standstill but that's a different deck).
    - Counterbalance over e.g. Thoughtseize is probably a downgrade but this deck needs a UW anti combo option. This deck has a lot of 3s which is pretty good at the moment (Oko Uro Doomsday etc)
    - Dovin's Acuity over Medomai's Prophecy because it's better with flickering it and having some lifegain is important. (The backup plan of it being a slow value engine by itself with mainphase brainstorm/plow is not entirely terrible). Maybe in your build you will find that you just want to play Disinformation Campaign maindeck here.
    - Sevinne's Rec as value card instead of e.g. Animatou because it's better in attrition fights (think Pyroblast etc, not blue + has flashback with weird hard-to-counter trigger). Can re-use History if the opponent is not interacting.
    - Can't really play sanctuary with so many plains needed for 4 History but there's not really that good of a use for it because there's no Entreat, Terminus etc and the only big value card already has flashback

    4 History would make less sense in 80 cards because there is less need for any kind of proactive wincondition when you can just play the strategy of controlling the game until you drop Yorion. Not sure which approach is better. No idea about the potential landcount debate for 80 either.

    There is the "lose to surgical" consideration with 4x History but I just play Court in the SB.

    I’m not an expert on your most up to date standstill list, but the advantage Over standstill would be that the blink engine can be removal too, so it is more tempo positive and better when behind on board.
    After playing variants of both decks for a bit I think that this statement is roughly accurate

  12. #12

    Re: Bumbleberry Pie

    Thanks kombat. I have read that thread, I just wondered if etutor/Yorion/miracles/discard pulled it too far from your deck. They are definitely cut from the same cloth.

    Played a league with the above list. I think I went 1-1 vs two delivers, loss vs zenith Snowko and turbo Muxus and win vs Arcanist Snowko. Notes:

    • Deck can definitely hang with Snowko. One game I had 3 estrids copying a court for 4 angels a turn, then entreated for 8.
    • Aminatou plus 3feri is absolute gas. It directly lead to the win vs delver by time walking (at 2 life) a Klothys over and over until I drew into fow.
    • Terminus was good but difficult to enable without aminatou or brainstorm.
    • Mana was indeed an issue vs bug zenith and delver. It didn’t come up this league but etutor sideboard package was insane vs elves.
    • Draw step discard is fun.
    • The clean answer of d sphere was better in fair mus than the clunky but powerful reality acid. I did not realize it could exile your own stuff; it allows estrids to blink multiple labes or planeswalkers which improves it a lot as Value card.

  13. #13

    Re: Bumbleberry Pie

    1. Responses to Kombats comments:
    2. History is a great clock but I feel we need a md sweeper of some sort to beat gaak and elves. If I cut miracles I probably want moat. Yorion does create more pressure if needed. I have won when playing court behind on board when I followed up immediately with estrids. If you stack the triggers correctly you will get 2 4/4s every turn even if they steal the monarchy, which stabilized vs an oko, elk, leovold, & dryad arbor vs bug zenith snow.
    3. T1 Discard As well as sanctuary was perhaps was too greedy. I do need a good plan vs combo then. With astrolabe I think 1B and WBU is as manageable As UU and 1WW if I cut discard and sanctuary.
    4. Trial is cleaner and considerably better vs Astro-elks. The consistent recurring removal seems worth splashing for, considering how much stronger it is than P Fire/grove.
    5. I do think we need a non fow combo hate, but with elves w/shepherd, TES w/veil and depths I don’t think CB is the answer. I think playing a parfait like etutor package with rip, moat and Stoney silence covers all the combo decks except doomsday and depths. Aminatou can both get rid of bad targets and draw into them right away. Rip and moat are perfectly fine in fair mus.
    6. Rec is strong but Yorion is already flood insurance. I think we will never use the gy as well as uro decks so I’d rather play rip. Yorion is vulnerable to pyroblast however. I could consider an animate dead as grind option. It’s tutorable and absolutely crazy with Yorion.
    7. I think you have talked me into making a cleaner manabase. Will have to drop discard, miracles and sanctuary for basics and etutor hate package.
    8. Other etutor targets: fox why do you advocate labe as a mana screw target? Surely if you are stuck on 1 plains you’d rather have land tax? Land tax is also nicer with aminatou and Karakas/scrubland.
    9. Other etutor targets: Added oath of Kaya as (inefficient) removal that also solves the surgical problem as well as the lightning bolt to the face problem. Small bonus synergy with the planeswalkers and is better than dsphere vs low loyalty PW.

    I only have 3 etutor as in the parfait thread it was mentioned it was too much card disadvantage in fair mus. Etutors main to beat combo means I have more sideboard space to beat blue. Added narset to sideboard since it is very good with aminatou as mentioned above, even if too tempo negative to mb. If I changed the list to be more in line with all the helpful comments above:

    4 Prismatic Vista
    3 Polluted Delta
    4 Flooded Strand
    1 Tundra
    1 Sea
    1 Scrubland
    2 Karakas
    3 Snow-Covered Plains
    5 Snow-Covered Island
    2 Snow-Covered Swamp

    4 Brainstorm
    4 Ponder
    4 Swords to Plowshares
    3 Enlightened Tutor
    1 Land Tax
    3 Arcum’s Astrolabe
    4 Omen of the Sea
    4 Trial of Ambition
    1 Rest In Peace
    1 Stoney Silence
    4 Aminatou
    3 Estrid’s Invocation
    3 Teferi, Time Raveler
    3 Detention Sphere
    3 Court of Grace
    1 Oath of Kaya
    1 Moat
    4 Force of Will
    3 Force of Negation

    1 Enlightened tutor
    1 Yorion
    1 Torpor Orb
    2 Path to Exile
    2 Mystical Dispute
    3 Narset
    1 Back to Basics
    1 Reality Acid
    1 Deafening Silence
    1 Rest In Peace
    1 Engineered Plague

  14. #14

    Re: Bumbleberry Pie

    Quote Originally Posted by Reeplcheep View Post
    If you stack the triggers correctly you will get 2 4/4s every turn even if they steal the monarchy
    That's pretty amazing actually, I didn't consider this, maybe I will reevaluate the importance of History even in the non-Yorion version when this is a tactical option that is available.

    Other etutor targets: fox why do you advocate labe as a mana screw target? Surely if you are stuck on 1 plains you’d rather have land tax? Land tax is also nicer with aminatou and Karakas.
    He often points this out like it's some kind of clever thing that makes E-Tutor significantly better ("allows keeping basic plains hands"), when in reality if your opening hand has such bad mana that you would want to pay W for tutor and 1 for labe to effectively have a 1W Mana Cylix then why wouldn't you instead just go down a card and fix your mana by taking a mulligan? Like I get that having a labe in play has a bit of extra value in your Yorion/Animatou/Teferi deck but it doesn't make much sense to me either (i.e. doesn't justify maindeck E tutor by itself but I think the approach you are taking with maindeck moat etc is fine)

  15. #15

    Re: Bumbleberry Pie

    Quote Originally Posted by kombatkiwi View Post
    That's pretty amazing actually, I didn't consider this, maybe I will reevaluate the importance of History even in the non-Yorion version when this is a tactical option that is available.

    He often points this out like it's some kind of clever thing that makes E-Tutor significantly better ("allows keeping basic plains hands"), when in reality if your opening hand has such bad mana that you would want to pay W for tutor and 1 for labe to effectively have a 1W Mana Cylix then why wouldn't you instead just go down a card and fix your mana by taking a mulligan? Like I get that having a labe in play has a bit of extra value in your Yorion/Animatou/Teferi deck but it doesn't make much sense to me either (i.e. doesn't justify maindeck E tutor by itself but I think the approach you are taking with maindeck moat etc is fine)
    Obviously you are totally screwed if the estrids is removed or countered, but they only usually have a few turns to find the answers. If the estrids was copying something else before you will only get 1 4/4 on the first turn.

    Do you think land tax is good enough though? 1W mana cylix is horrible, but W for a lay of the land plus w for a tithe is excellent when mana screwed. Esper vial was even playing tithe over 4th ponder for a bit. With oko there aren’t really any decks that can function on 1 mana anymore ala old school thresh. Land tax is also a perfectly fine fair card in a deck with 4 brainstorm 4 Aminatou. It’s also a decent emergency estrids target if your 2 drop gets decayed or countered.

    Realized my curve is alot higher with all the tutor targets, might sub out an estrids for a heliods as suggested.

  16. #16

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    Re: Bumbleberry Pie

    On the other hand @kombatkiwi we have people playing lots of off-basics + Mystic Sanctuary, while also sporting Verdict. The main source of avoidable losses in UW comes from mana problems/conflicts. When you get the tools (Vista, Astro+E Tutor) to fix that glaring problem, you use them...or you choose to keep losing, keeping hands with Wasteland'able blue source or mulls to oblivion.

    Astro x1 is pretty free with E-Tutor, especially with the printing of Teferi. If you are on Standstill, we also note Shark Typhoon as the other way to cycle (in addition to opener of EoT tutor Shark, turn 2 Standstill). So you have to contrast that with "I can trash my manabase to use Sanctuary necro Ponder to imitate Mirri's Guile for a turn!"

  17. #17

    Re: Bumbleberry Pie

    Quote Originally Posted by Fox View Post
    Astro x1 is pretty free with E-Tutor, especially with the printing of Teferi. If you are on Standstill, we also note Shark Typhoon as the other way to cycle (in addition to opener of EoT tutor Shark, turn 2 Standstill). So you have to contrast that with "I can trash my manabase to use Sanctuary necro Ponder to imitate Mirri's Guile for a turn!"
    I think you are underrating how powerful turning extra land drops into mystical for fow is vs combo and stompy in the banticles deck. The deck can easily fow every turn from t3 onwards.
    Perhaps my deck (edit: and standstill) is not a good fit for it but it is very powerful.

    Thoughts on land tax?

  18. #18

    Re: Bumbleberry Pie

    Quote Originally Posted by Reeplcheep View Post
    I could consider an animate dead as grind option. It’s tutorable and absolutely crazy with Yorion.
    I never considered that. I still can't exactly figure the full interaction, but it seems insane. Maybe a proto-"WorldGorger Dragon" deck?

    Also, as a long time Parfait player: Land Tax is great.

  19. #19

    Re: Bumbleberry Pie

    Quote Originally Posted by aedemiel View Post
    I never considered that. I still can't exactly figure the full interaction, but it seems insane. Maybe a proto-"WorldGorger Dragon" deck?

    Also, has a long time Parfait player: Land Tax is great.
    It’s a grindy version of worldgorger. No infinite mana but you get to blink everything on both your and the opponents end step. I played it in a hybrid of kombats deck and curses during companion spring. I was running heliods pilgrim anyways to get curse of misfortunes which made it essentially free if I had a Yorion in my gy. (Since it rebuys the heliods etb)

  20. #20

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    Re: Bumbleberry Pie

    Quote Originally Posted by Reeplcheep View Post
    I think you are underrating how powerful turning extra land drops into mystical for fow is vs combo and stompy in the banticles deck. The deck can easily fow every turn from t3 onwards.
    Perhaps my deck (edit: and standstill) is not a good fit for it but it is very powerful.

    Thoughts on land tax?
    At the end of the day that's just putting a 1-for-1 on top of your deck, and burning your next draw on it. The cost is that you have to mulligan more and/or lose to Wasteland more. This isn't a risk you want to assume when not running FIRE, but still playing vs FIRE.

    [Insert colors] Oko not likely to get called on poor manabase construction with Oko/Uro/Ice-Fang/Astro. They're cheese'ing a card that should be banned (Oko). The rules they're playing by don't apply to your deck. You have to cut corners somewhere to catch up, and your main priority (with 6 Force effect and stand alone do-nothing topdecks) is minimizing mulligans and losses to manabase.

    More high-power lines of play (hand size) & ability to enact those plays (mana security) is the bread and butter of a tier 2 deck. A tier 2 deck is slanted towards higher power plays than a tier 1-1.5 deck, but it comes at the cost of raised variance. Attack variance wherever you can. Avoid trying to further max-out power with Sanctuary, you've already got that covered. You should also avoid turn 4 planning (3 Island, and then Sanctuary land drop) vs 3-drop FIRE, unless that plan is a direct answer to everything FIRE is doing.

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