Congrats tirrit and silkster! That's a close finish.
Thanks for organizing this season too. It looks fun.
Voting Round
Tirrit: Remote Farm, Wall of Shards, Peat Bog, Plague Drone, comment:
GoblinSmashmaster: Mercadian Bazaar, Goblin Pyromancer, Junktroller, Hall of the Bandit Lord, comment: Goblin smash!
FTW: Ancient Spring, Bazaar of Baghdad, Emrakul, the Aeons Torn, Metamorphosis Fanatic, comment: Judge!
Silkster: Hickory Woodlot, City of Traitors, Elvish Piper, Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre, comment: annihilating the competition
dte: Mishra's Factory, Mishra's Factory, Mishra's Factory, Mishra's Factory, comment: Four seasons
Wrath of Pie: Island, Rishadan Dockhand, Rishadan Dockhand, Rishadan Dockhand, comment: Sadly, I can't submit Elspeths
4CB Foor/Ceiling Season Entry Form and the google sheet for scores.
Tirrit: Remote Farm, Wall of Shards, Peat Bog, Plague Drone, comment:
I annihilate your whole board too quickly.
GoblinSmashmaster: Mercadian Bazaar, Goblin Pyromancer, Junktroller, Hall of the Bandit Lord, comment: Goblin smash!
Total annihilation.
FTW: Ancient Spring, Bazaar of Baghdad, Emrakul, the Aeons Torn, Metamorphosis Fanatic, comment: Judge!
I love this silliness. That last one was definitely a reader.
Silkster: Hickory Woodlot, City of Traitors, Elvish Piper, Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre, comment: annihilating the competition
dte: Mishra's Factory, Mishra's Factory, Mishra's Factory, Mishra's Factory, comment: Four seasons
Also annihilated.
Wrath of Pie: Island, Rishadan Dockhand, Rishadan Dockhand, Rishadan Dockhand, comment: Sadly, I can't submit Elspeths
Not entirely annihilated. I feel like this deck has trouble actually winning since it's hard to cast a Dockhand while needing to activate one. But a draw is as good as a win for a floor deck.
Interesting that most decks just did their own thing and ignored the opponent. I wonder if that's secretly what we all want to do.
4CB Foor/Ceiling Season Entry Form and the google sheet for scores.
GoblinFloormaster Results for "Voting Round"
Tirrit: Remote Farm, Wall of Shards, Peat Bog, Plague Drone, comment:
Pointy shards :( 0-6
GoblinSmashmaster: Mercadian Bazaar, Goblin Pyromancer, Junktroller, Hall of the Bandit Lord, comment: Goblin smash!
That's me smashing with a goblin!
FTW: Ancient Spring, Bazaar of Baghdad, Emrakul, the Aeons Torn, Metamorphosis Fanatic, comment: Judge!
Eldrazi :( 0-6
Silkster: Hickory Woodlot, City of Traitors, Elvish Piper, Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre, comment: annihilating the competition
Eldrazi :( 0-6
dte: Mishra's Factory, Mishra's Factory, Mishra's Factory, Mishra's Factory, comment: Four seasons
Too many :( 0-6
Wrath of Pie: Island, Rishadan Dockhand, Rishadan Dockhand, Rishadan Dockhand, comment: Sadly, I can't submit Elspeths
Too many :( 0-6
0 goblin points, 30 backbuild points!
Tirrit: Remote Farm, Wall of Shards, Peat Bog, Plague Drone, comment:
GoblinSmashmaster: Mercadian Bazaar, Goblin Pyromancer, Junktroller, Hall of the Bandit Lord, comment: Goblin smash!
FTW: Ancient Spring, Bazaar of Baghdad, Emrakul, the Aeons Torn, Metamorphosis Fanatic, comment: Judge!
2-2 if I understand your deck?
Silkster: Hickory Woodlot, City of Traitors, Elvish Piper, Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre, comment: annihilating the competition
dte: Mishra's Factory, Mishra's Factory, Mishra's Factory, Mishra's Factory, comment: Four seasons
Me, sporting the nicest playset of the game!
Wrath of Pie: Island, Rishadan Dockhand, Rishadan Dockhand, Rishadan Dockhand, comment: Sadly, I can't submit Elspeths
6-0. The archetype I came prepared for!
My Eldrazi annihilates you, but FTW can't cast Emrakul, and Junktroller holds off the Fanatic forever.
By my quick count, both of the fine print rules are relevant (higher of two medians, earlier submitted deck counts as higher). I make lots of play mistakes though, so we'll see.
4CB Foor/Ceiling Season Entry Form and the google sheet for scores.
FTW: Ancient Spring, Bazaar of Baghdad, Emrakul, the Aeons Torn, Metamorphosis Fanatic, comment: Judge!
I wanted to do something silly, like 4CB Miracles (cast a card from library in a format with no library). I was going to play Sister Repentia, but Metamorphosis Fanatic is funnier. This is a great rules trap: so close to working in many ways, but never does.
If you try to draw-discard to get both Miracle & Eldrazi shuffle triggers at the same time (stacking Miracle on top, then casting Fanatic while Emrakul is in the grave), it doesn't work because Bazaar discards the Fanatic out of hand and it's in the wrong zone when the Miracle trigger resolves. The 4CB random rule also means you always draw the cards in the worst possible order. Depending on library order, you can try tricks: Bazaar on upkeep, Bazaar in response to Miracle, or Bazaar on opponent's turn. But the stack always resolves in the wrong order to make Emrakul. The deck perpetually tries to make Emrakul and misses each time.
In the end, it's only turn 4 4/4 lifelink (recurring infinitely).
Tirrit: Remote Farm, Wall of Shards, Peat Bog, Plague Drone
Your wall is too big, and my lifelink accelerates your clock. LL 0-6
GoblinSmashmaster: Mercadian Bazaar, Goblin Pyromancer, Junktroller, Hall of the Bandit Lord
T4 4/4 gets you down to 12-16 life before you make T6 Junktroller. Then you only get 3-5 Pyromancer attacks (15-25 damage) before running out of life to activate Hall, and I've gained a ton of life. DD 2-2
Silkster: Hickory Woodlot, City of Traitors, Elvish Piper, Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre
Your Eldrazi actually enters the battlefield, too good. LL 0-6
dte: Mishra's Factory, Mishra's Factory, Mishra's Factory, Mishra's Factory
If you stay on defense, you can block as 5/5 factory so I can't attack for value. But attacking leaves you open to trading resources and then falling behind. DD 2-2
Wrath of Pie: Island, Rishadan Dockhand, Rishadan Dockhand, Rishadan Dockhand
Edit: You can't beat my threat, but you can Port Ancient Spring so I can never Miracle cast it. LL 0-6
4 points (4 draws, 6 loss)
Last edited by FTW; 10-30-2024 at 06:42 PM.
We are missing Reeplcheep's (legal) submission of Bazaar, Rootwalla, Rootwalla, Vengevine
That was a fun target deck to start with.
Wrath of Pie: Island, Rishadan Dockhand, Rishadan Dockhand, Rishadan Dockhand, comment: Sadly, I can't submit Elspeths
Tirrit: Remote Farm, Wall of Shards, Peat Bog, Plague Drone, comment: - DD
GoblinSmashmaster: Mercadian Bazaar, Goblin Pyromancer, Junktroller, Hall of the Bandit Lord, comment: Goblin smash! - WW
FTW: Ancient Spring, Bazaar of Baghdad, Emrakul, the Aeons Torn, Metamorphosis Fanatic, comment: Judge! - WW - FTW was just too convincing.
Silkster: Hickory Woodlot, City of Traitors, Elvish Piper, Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre, comment: annihilating the competition - DL
dte: Mishra's Factory, Mishra's Factory, Mishra's Factory, Mishra's Factory, comment: Four seasons - LL - This is my favorite entry.
4w3d = 15 points
Last edited by Wrath of Pie; 10-29-2024 at 10:21 PM.
Can you resolve your 4/4? I hadn't thought of the possibility of using Bazaar on upkeep, but as you mention the miracle trigger is too slow. I think you're 1-4 depending on whether Wrath of Pie has time to resolve the second Dockhand.
Factory only blocks as a 5/5 (or two 3/3's), but 5/5 is still big enough to hold you off.
It would be interesting to start with the Vengevine deck again since this time it would be a very high floor deck!
4CB Foor/Ceiling Season Entry Form and the google sheet for scores.
Oh yeah. I didn't expect the Bazaar draw, and it's still not relevant, but somehow it confused me. I think this means that Wrath of Pie overtakes you as third place. And I already had 3 decks in my gauntlet against a year's worth of factories.
Oh, so it's really turn 4.
4CB Foor/Ceiling Season Entry Form and the google sheet for scores.
Tirrit: Remote Farm, Wall of Shards, Peat Bog, Plague Drone, comment:
A fun synergy that's totally useless in practice. It seemed like a nice entry for a voting round.
GoblinSmashmaster: Mercadian Bazaar, Goblin Pyromancer, Junktroller, Hall of the Bandit Lord, comment: Goblin smash!
These goblins don't interact with what I'm doing and I can block. 6-0
FTW: Ancient Spring, Bazaar of Baghdad, Emrakul, the Aeons Torn, Metamorphosis Fanatic, comment: Judge!
At first I thought you could reanimate Emrakul, but if you can't then I can definitely block and eventually get there. 6-0
Silkster: Hickory Woodlot, City of Traitors, Elvish Piper, Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre, comment: annihilating the competition
Eldrazi are scary. 0-6
dte: Mishra's Factory, Mishra's Factory, Mishra's Factory, Mishra's Factory, comment: Four seasons
You can't really punch through the wall so you eventually die. 6-0
Wrath of Pie: Island, Rishadan Dockhand, Rishadan Dockhand, Rishadan Dockhand, comment: Sadly, I can't submit Elspeths
I don't resolve plague drone until turn three, but I resolve wall on turn 2. This means you can't quite get enough creatures in play to actually kill me (even on the play) before you are forced to tap my land every turn. 2-2
20 points
Wrath of Pie coming in at 15 points, one ahead of dte (who would have won the tiebreaker), wins the honour of being the first floor deck.
This means a very minimal banlist:
Rishadan Dockhand is banned.
4CB Foor/Ceiling Season Entry Form and the google sheet for scores.
Note that North America changed their clocks yesterday, so lists will be posted after 11am EST (S is standard in America, as opposed to the S in CEST that stands for summer). It's possible I'll be late though.
SHA-256 hash of "<card1>, <card2>, <card3>, <card4>; <comment>": c1ee9ab8c7aeb31c66cedd54ec1f9a19ff912a37e94eec3ba2d2e36c045275c6
4CB Foor/Ceiling Season Entry Form and the google sheet for scores.
Floor Round 1
GoblinSmashmaster: Crystal Vein, Simian Spirit Guide, Goblin Flotilla, Ornithopter, comment: Goblin.. paddle?
Reeplcheep: Dandan, Noble Hierarch, Ornithopter, Tropical Island, comment:
FTW: Island, City of Brass, Deserted Temple, Merfolk Assassin, comment: City of Draws
Wrath of Pie: Cascade Bluffs, Simian Spirit Guide, Merfolk Assassin, Phage the Untouchable, comment:
dte: Rainbow Vale, Rainbow Vale, Rainbow Vale, Merfolk assassin, comment:
Silkster: Tropical Island, Merfolk Spy, Merfolk Spy, Heart of Yavimaya, comment: predicting 2 merfolk assassins
Tirrit: Tarnished Citadel, Grayscaled Gharial, Thoughtbound Phantasm, Wood Elemental, comment: I can't figure out how to handle islandwalk, so let's see if someone else has.
4CB Foor/Ceiling Season Entry Form and the google sheet for scores.
I thought I would still have game against non-Assassin decks, but I basically have two 2/2s and that's just too much. So I 6-0 the assassins and 0-6 everything else. Merfolk Assassin was the first list I made, and the second was Tropical Island, 1/1 islandwalker, 2x Rushwood Legate, which would have been better this week. I was prepared for the legates, but I wasn't prepared for anyone to block. Somehow there just wasn't any blocking in my gauntlet.
4CB Foor/Ceiling Season Entry Form and the google sheet for scores.
FTW: Island, City of Brass, Deserted Temple, Merfolk Assassin, comment: City of Draws
As soon as I found Merfolk Assassin, I feared a bunch of DD 2-2 mirrors with Assassin + bad mana sources. That card is too hilarious at mimicking 1/2 blue creature while beating the target deck.
Then it came down to small edges. Rhystic Caves to lose to better lands? Rainbow Vale is funny.
I ended up trying City of Brass (in case anyone was on Rishadan Port) and Island (vs Islandhome & Legates). Temple was to beat Dockhand while still forced to play BOTH Island and City.
GoblinSmashmaster: Crystal Vein, Simian Spirit Guide, Goblin Flotilla, Ornithopter
I kill your Islandwalking Goblin but can't beat a 0/2 DD 2-2
Reeplcheep: Dandân, Noble Hierarch, Ornithopter, Tropical Island
5/2 fatty wrecks me LL 6-0
Wrath of Pie: Cascade Bluffs, Simian Spirit Guide, Merfolk Assassin, Phage the Untouchable
Mirror DD 2-2
dte: Rainbow Vale, Rainbow Vale, Rainbow Vale, Merfolk assassin
Mirror DD 2-2
Silkster: Tropical Island, Merfolk Spy, Merfolk Spy, Heart of Yavimaya
You came ready to beat Assassins WW 0-6
Tirrit: Tarnished Citadel, Grayscaled Gharial, Thoughtbound Phantasm, Wood Elemental
2/2 is 2 big DD 2-2
14 points (2 loss, 8 draw, 2 win)
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