From Avocadro:
vs. dte (6-0):
I play Swarm Shambler on T2, paying tax. Even on draw, I only take 15 before Swarm Shambler can block as a 3/3 to trade.
vs. Silkster (0-6):
Ghost Quarter buys some time, but Kalonian Hydra still comes down on T5 and attacks T6 as an 8/8. At best, I have two 3/3s to block.
vs. GoblinSmashmaster (6-0):
Ghost Quarter beats Hickory Woodlot, so Boggart Ram-Gang never comes out. Swarm Shambler outgrows Ignoble Hierarch.
vs. Wrath of Pie (0-6):
Swarm Shambler comes down faster, but Hangarback dies into flyers.
vs. FTW (2-2):
Wasteland destroys Ghost Quarter. Then the Shamblers grow at the same rate. (Minor note on FTW's solution: I get one use out of Ghost Quarter before it's destroyed, so I don't have to take a turn off to play the second Shambler. But it's moot - neither player has good attacks.)
Total: 14 points
Aside: I really wanted to make a deck with Walking Ballista + Heliod, Sun-Crowned, but it's tough to be fast enough while still not being able to play Walking Ballista on T2 on the play. Radiant Fountain + Azorius Chancery lets you combo on T5 after gaining 4 life to stall a little.
4CB Foor/Ceiling Season Entry Form and the google sheet for scores.
dte: Oakshade Stalker, City of Traitors, Elvish Spirit guide, Chancellor of the Annex, comment:
Me, trying tempo.
Silkster: Rushwood Grove, Rushwood Grove, City of Traitors, Kalonian Hydra, comment: don't wanna play ghostquarter but don't wanna lose to it either
6-0. Exactly the kind of decks I was targeting.
GoblinSmashmaster: Hickory Woodlot, Boseiju, Who Endures, Ignoble Hierarch, Boggart Ram-Gang, comment: Goblin smash!
2-2. I do some damage early, then we stare.
Wrath of Pie: Silverbluff Bridge, Tanglepool Bridge, Hangarback Walker, Hangarback Walker, comment:
T4 walker is too slow vs T5 clock.
FTW: Tanglepool Bridge, Wasteland, Swarm Shambler, Narnam Renegade, comment: Chrono is too good
0-6, deathtouch beats bigger dude.
avocadro: Tanglepool Bridge, Swarm Shambler, Swarm Shambler, Ghost Quarter, comment:
Minor disagreement: you go down to 2life, as I attack for 6 on T2.
4W, 4L, 2D
Edit: should be 4-1 vs Silkster, kill T5 vs casting hydra T5.
Last edited by dte; 02-02-2025 at 06:35 AM.
Wrath of Pie: Silverbluff Bridge, Tanglepool Bridge, Hangarback Walker, Hangarback Walker, comment:
dte: Oakshade Stalker, City of Traitors, Elvish Spirit guide, Chancellor of the Annex, comment: - LL
Silkster: Rushwood Grove, Rushwood Grove, City of Traitors, Kalonian Hydra, comment: don't wanna play ghostquarter but don't wanna lose to it either - LL
GoblinSmashmaster: Hickory Woodlot, Boseiju, Who Endures, Ignoble Hierarch, Boggart Ram-Gang, comment: Goblin smash! - WW - You can't cast Ram-Gang and also activate Boseiju, and even with wither I still get enough counters to have a surviving Hangarback.
FTW: Tanglepool Bridge, Wasteland, Swarm Shambler, Narnam Renegade, comment: Chrono is too good - WW
avocadro: Tanglepool Bridge, Swarm Shambler, Swarm Shambler, Ghost Quarter, comment:[/QUOTE] - WW
6w = 18 points
Hangarback did what it does best.
GoblinSmashmaster Results for "Final Round"
dte: Oakshade Stalker, City of Traitors, Elvish Spirit guide, Chancellor of the Annex, comment:
Goblin stare 2-2
Silkster: Rushwood Grove, Rushwood Grove, City of Traitors, Kalonian Hydra, comment: don't wanna play ghostquarter but don't wanna lose to it either
Not a GoblinMathmaster :( 2-2?
GoblinSmashmaster: Hickory Woodlot, Boseiju, Who Endures, Ignoble Hierarch, Boggart Ram-Gang, comment: Goblin smash!
That's me, playing only Goblins!
Wrath of Pie: Silverbluff Bridge, Tanglepool Bridge, Hangarback Walker, Hangarback Walker, comment:
Thopter smash :( 0-6
FTW: Tanglepool Bridge, Wasteland, Swarm Shambler, Narnam Renegade, comment: Chrono is too good
Shambler smash :( 0-6
avocadro: Tanglepool Bridge, Swarm Shambler, Swarm Shambler, Ghost Quarter, comment:
Shambler smash :( 0-6
4 goblin points
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