4CB Ceiling Season Entry Form and the google sheet for scores.
ROUND 5 OF SEASON 14: WUBRG is now open.
I have PM'ed myself my deck for round 5, and for fun I made a salted hash at https://emn178.github.io/online-tools/sha256.html which is 560a8bac81ffa5c47558e3b49941a779a66b77700e924e973cbcd7cde766c9cf
[B]DEADLINE: Tuesday November 22st at 1:00pm Eastern Standard Time (GMT-5).
The way you send your deck to me matters. Please send it in the way described below, so it doesn't cost me an hour of editing before I can post all the decks.
Please send your deck as follows:
silkster: Storm Crow, Storm Strike, Sandstorm, Rain of Blades.
So with name, colon, and card tags around each card, and not above each other, and with your Username and 4CB S14R05 in the topic.
Usually you should keep an eye on the banned list, found in the second post and in the spreadsheet. Remember that the card pool is Vintage minus Unfinity.
After the deadline has passed, I will post all decks on the forum here, and you can start puzzling out your scores.
If you have any questions, please read the first two posts of this thread first. If you can't find the answer there, drop a message here. We'll answer a.s.a.p.
Happy listbuilding!
PHP Code:
name and 4CB S14R05
YOURNAME: [cards]A[/cards], [cards]B[/cards], [cards]C[/cards], [cards]D[/cards].
4CB Ceiling Season Entry Form and the google sheet for scores.
Bladestorm needs to be a card.
We're at 9 entries right now. Hopefully we get to our full 12 by the deadline. If not, I think my default plan is to wait one hour and then post.
Also my morning outing is a bit later than usual, so I might be a bit late anyway, though that would only be like ten or twenty minutes.
4CB Ceiling Season Entry Form and the google sheet for scores.
A bit late since I didn’t realize failure to comply was banned. Sent
We're now at 11 entries, which is pretty good. I found a phone on the road on my way home, so I was sorting that out, so I'm going to have lunch and then assemble the decklists. I got FTW's entry, and the only one that I'm still hoping for is jfb1337's. I expect to post lists around 2:15pm EST (which is in 65 minutes).
4CB Ceiling Season Entry Form and the google sheet for scores.
Season 14: Round 5 Lists
1. silkster:Negate, Assassin's Trophy, Saprazzan Cove, Shark Typhoon
2. FourDogsinaHorseSuit: Leyline of Singularity, Karakas, Sigarda, Host of Herons, Misdirection
3. Dooey: Containment Priest, Phyrexian Revoker, Outland Liberator, Swan Song
4. dte: City of Traitors, Retrofitter Foundry, Power Sink, Blackmail
5. Asthereal: Karakas, Leyline of Singularity, Barbed Shocker, Memory Lapse
6. GoblinSmashmaster: Leyline of Singularity, Karakas, Quagnoth, Force of Negation
7. Wrath of Pie: Treetop Village, Golgari Rot Farm, Elixir of Immortality, Assassin's Trophy
8. Symbi: Surrak Dragonclaw, Simic Growth Chamber, Treetop Village, Void Rend
9. RoosterCocoa: Sand Silos, Kozilek, Butcher of Truth, Memory Lapse, Abeyance
10. Reeplcheep: Elite Spellbinder, Fountain of Cho, Consign // Oblivion, Chancellor of the Annex
11. FTW: Chancellor of the Annex, Solitude, Restoration Angel, Flusterstorm
Hashed entry: Negate, Assassin's Trophy, Saprazzan Cove, Shark Typhoon, typhoon shark do doo do do do do do
Direct link to round 5 in the spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets...#gid=904352205
4CB Ceiling Season Entry Form and the google sheet for scores.
The most egregious of errors: I carefully counted the number of doos for my hashed entry and then typoed an extra one.
4CB Ceiling Season Entry Form and the google sheet for scores.
11. FTW: Chancellor of the Annex, Solitude, Restoration Angel, Flusterstorm
Should have played my 2nd choice deck. Picked a bad week to play creatures into Leyline+Karakas field. I was worried about it, but did not expect 3 copies!
1. silkster: On T0 I evoke Solitude and attempt to Resto Angel it. If you try to Trophy in response, I Flusterstorm with 4 copies and you can't stop that. Instead you let me get a 3/2 and 3/4. Then you could Trophy the 3/4 on the next turn, paying 1 for Chancellor, and you still have 2 to pay for Fluster. My 3/2 lifelink is too slow to race Shark Typhoon. T6 you can make a 2/2 to draw or T8 you can make a 4/4, so you're fast enough to draw but not win. Alternately I do nothing and you can't stop my removal killing the Shark. DD 2-2
2. FourDogsinaHorseSuit: I can't beat this and you can pay for Chancellor. LL 0-6
3. Dooey: I play Angel and beatdown. You get to play 2 bears. Solitude exiles Liberator (or Priest if you use up your mana without playing Liberator). Angel races 1 bear. WW 6-0
4. dte: Edit: Retrofitter is better than I thought. I can't race or even draw, since your discard pressures me if I do nothing. LL 0-6
5. Asthereal: Can't beat this. But if you cast Barbed Shocker and pay the tax, you can't Memory Lapse, so I can exile with Solitude to draw. DD 2-2
6. GoblinSmashmaster: Can't beat this, but you can't play Quagnoth through Chancellor. DD 2-2
7. Wrath of Pie: Chancellor Tax + Flusterstorm slow you down, but I still can't win before you Trophy 2 times. Instead I draw with Solitude on Village. DD 2-2
8. Symbi: Both your cards are immune to Chancellor tax. If I lead off Solitude+Angel, you can Void Rend 1 and Surrak races the other. If I just play Angel, you Void Rend it, I Solitude Surrak, then your land wins. So I do nothing.
If you ever make Surrak and attack, I Solitude it and blink with Angel. Void Rend kills Angel but then Solitude draws with the Village. But I think you can win by attacking with Village first? LL 0-6
9. RoosterCocoa: I play Angel. Since it races Kozilek, you must respond with Abeyance paying the Chancellor tax, forcing Flusterstorm, then Memory Lapse Angel. I can't win, but I can Solitude Kozilek to draw. DD 2-2
10. Reeplcheep: If I move first, paying for the Chancellor tax disrupts my ability to counter your Consign, so you could remove my 3/4 & trade with my 3/2 until your Chancellor wins. If you play Spellbinder first, I respond to the ETB trigger with Solitude + Angel, exiling Spellbinder. However you can wait to do that until you have mana to cast Chancellor afterwards and then I lose to Chancellor. LL 0-6
16 points (2 wins, 10 draws)
2nd choice scores 54. Harsh.
Last edited by FTW; 11-23-2022 at 01:02 AM.
10. Reeplcheep: Elite Spellbinder, Fountain of Cho, Consign // Oblivion, Chancellor of the Annex
Since a lot of the non-banned decks were discard based I tried a tax/midrange strategy.
1. silkster:Negate, Assassin's Trophy, Saprazzan Cove, Shark Typhoon
You can’t cycle from exile and I have 2 creature threats. WW 6-0
2. FourDogsinaHorseSuit: Leyline of Singularity, Karakas, Sigarda, Host of Herons, Misdirection
OTP I can bounce Leyline with no other valid targets and then exile sigarda. OTD I can cast chancellor or bounce Leyline but I don’t have time to do both. WL 3-3
3. Dooey: Containment Priest, Phyrexian Revoker, Outland Liberator, Swan Song
Unless I am missing smothering here you can only resolve 2 spells. I don’t care about the creatures’ effects as revoker can’t name lands. WW 6-0
4. dte: City of Traitors, Retrofitter Foundry, Power Sink, Blackmail
You don’t care about my taxes. LL 0-6
5. Asthereal: Karakas, Leyline of Singularity, Barbed Shocker, Memory Lapse
You can’t protect the shocker through annex. I bounce it and then save up infinite white mana to attack with my 2 creatures. WW 6-0
6. GoblinSmashmaster: Leyline of Singularity, Karakas, Quagnoth, Force of Negation
Annex will still counter quagnoth. If you put in Leyline I bounce it, if you keep it to pitch I just lead on spellbinder. Either way you have 0 non quagnoth castable spells. WW 6-0
7. Wrath of Pie: Treetop Village, Golgari Rot Farm, Elixir of Immortality, Assassin's Trophy
I assume I lose this. LL 0-6
8. Symbi: Surrak Dragonclaw, Simic Growth Chamber, Treetop Village, Void Rend
If you flash in surrak in response to spellbinder i bounce him with consign and you don’t have black for rend. if you rend the spellbinder for 4, you won’t have enough for dragon claw so I can bounce the spellbinder, to later trade with village. I eventually win with chancellor. WW 6-0
9. RoosterCocoa: Sand Silos, Kozilek, Butcher of Truth, Memory Lapse, Abeyance
I’m pretty sure I can either beat down with spellbinder or castoblivionchancellor + consign on kozilek in time. ?? WW ??
11. FTW: Chancellor of the Annex, Solitude, Restoration Angel, Flusterstorm
WW 6-0 per above.
15 W 0D 5 L for 45/60, but quite possibly less.
Last edited by Reeplcheep; 11-24-2022 at 09:28 AM.
GoblinBeastmaster Results for Round "Karakas"
1. silkster: Negate, Assassin's Trophy, Saprazzan Cove, Shark Typhoon
Quagnoth smash! 6-0
2. FourDogsinaHorseSuit: Leyline of Singularity, Karakas, Sigarda, Host of Herons, Misdirection
That's me! Angel smash :( 0-6
3. Dooey: Containment Priest, Phyrexian Revoker, Outland Liberator, Swan Song
Quagnoth smash! 6-0
4. dte: City of Traitors, Retrofitter Foundry, Power Sink, Blackmail
Quagnoth smash, then Blackmail 3-3
5. Asthereal: Karakas, Leyline of Singularity, Barbed Shocker, Memory Lapse
That's me! Quagnoth smash, then shocker smash 3-3
6. GoblinSmashmaster: Leyline of Singularity, Karakas, Quagnoth, Force of Negation
That's me for real!
7. Wrath of Pie: Treetop Village, Golgari Rot Farm, Elixir of Immortality, Assassin's Trophy
Quagnoth smash! 6-0
8. Symbi: Surrak Dragonclaw, Simic Growth Chamber, Treetop Village, Void Rend
Quagnoth smash! 6-0
9. RoosterCocoa: Sand Silos, Kozilek, Butcher of Truth, Memory Lapse, Abeyance
Quagnoth smash! 6-0
10. Reeplcheep: Elite Spellbinder, Fountain of Cho, Consign // Oblivion, Chancellor of the Annex
Chancellor :( 0-6
11. FTW: Chancellor of the Annex, Solitude, Restoration Angel, Flusterstorm
Chancellor :( 2-2
Total: 38 beast points!
Last edited by GoblinSmashmaster; 11-23-2022 at 02:59 PM.
1. silkster:Negate, Assassin's Trophy, Saprazzan Cove, Shark Typhoon
2-0 Hexproof limits your Trophy target to Leyline or Karakas. You can't stop SIgarda getting cast. To not have me Karakas your shark you need to trophy Karakas or leyline, which adds too much time to make a 5/5.
2. FourDogsinaHorseSuit: Leyline of Singularity, Karakas, Sigarda, Host of Herons, Misdirection
Did I finally do it? There has to be a ton wrong with my math.
3. Dooey: Containment Priest, Phyrexian Revoker, Outland Liberator, Swan Song
2-0 My bigger creature means I'll always get to attack first. Which means I holdup Misdirection for Swan Song and race
6, 12
4. dte: City of Traitors, Retrofitter Foundry, Power Sink, Blackmail
1-1 On the play I just attack, misdirect your Power Sink. On the draw, if I drop Leyline to try and karakas your tokens, I can't misdirect Blackmail to keep Karakas in my hand long enough to play it. If I don't drop leyline, then you play city and foundry before blackmailing me. If I let blackmail resolve you take karakas or Sigarda and I lose. if I misdirect it, you powersink for 2 (or more). Even if I pay it I'll be locked out of Sigarda.
3, 15
5. Asthereal: Karakas, Leyline of Singularity, Barbed Shocker, Memory Lapse
1-1 Race you on the play (misdirection for Memory Lapse, Hexproof for Karakas), discard my hand on the draw.
3, 18
6. GoblinSmashmaster: Leyline of Singularity, Karakas, Quagnoth, Force of Negation
2-0 Sigarda Races Quagnoth
6, 24
7. Wrath of Pie: Treetop Village, Golgari Rot Farm, Elixir of Immortality, Assassin's Trophy
0-0-2 You spend all your mana undoing my attacks which leaves you with none for Treetop Village
2, 26
8. Symbi: Surrak Dragonclaw, Simic Growth Chamber, Treetop Village, Void Rend
2-0 The ability to bounce your bigger, naturally legendary, creature means you can hit me with it once for 6 (I tap out for sigarda, you flash it in), and that six point head start isn't enough for village.
6, 32
9. RoosterCocoa: Sand Silos, Kozilek, Butcher of Truth, Memory Lapse, Abeyance
0-0-2 When I cast Sigarda you cast Abeyance, I can respond with misdirection but then you'll respond with memory Lapse on Sigarda. However, there's no way for you to untap with Kozilek vs my Karakas.
2, 34
10. Reeplcheep: Elite Spellbinder, Fountain of Cho, Consign // Oblivion, Chancellor of the Annex
1-1 On the play Play Sigarda and beat you down.On the Draw you Spellbind Sigarda, and then charge up a ton of mana. One hundred charge counters. Now you can cast both Chancellor and Spellbinder (which I bounced long ago). I can bounce one on your turn, then another when you attack. But then you cast them both again and I can only bounce one attacker a turn. basically you need to spend 5 (7 and then 3) on average every turn to deal 4. So it's 101 charge counters.or Just bounce the leyline.
3, 37
11. FTW: Chancellor of the Annex, Solitude, Restoration Angel, Flusterstorm
2-0 I'll pay the one.
6, 43
Season 14: Round 5 Lists
1. silkster:Negate, Assassin's Trophy, Saprazzan Cove, Shark Typhoon
Revoker can name typhoon, but swan song alone doesn't protect from assassin's trophy -> negate, so you kill it and eventually make a big shark.
LL, 0 points
2. FourDogsinaHorseSuit: Leyline of Singularity, Karakas, Sigarda, Host of Herons, Misdirection
You outrace me and/or bounce all my stuff
LL, 0 points
3. Dooey: Containment Priest, Phyrexian Revoker, Outland Liberator, Swan Song
It me
4. dte: City of Traitors, Retrofitter Foundry, Power Sink, Blackmail
OTP I lead revoker. If you power sink for 4, I swan song and play liberator, which can attack through your swan once it flips. If you power sink for 3, I pay for it leaving you without a threat.
OTD Iz crazy. Best line I see for you is you blackmail me, I hide liberator, you take revoker. You can play city, letting you power sink for 5 to counter liberator, but if you ever tap out to play foundry, you can only power sink for 3, which I can pay for, and liberator flips then destroys foundry, so you can force a draw with blackmail, pass. If you race to a servo instead, I land liberator, you make a servo, you can blackmail to stop it from flipping, upgrade to flying, but not upgrade to 4/4 before I can destroy it. I'm not super confident on this one, but I think you just hold me to a draw.
WD, 4 points
5. Asthereal: Karakas, Leyline of Singularity, Barbed Shocker, Memory Lapse
I have to kill leyline and have a threat or blocker left over, and I don't see a line that lets me do that that you can't play around.
LL, 4 points.
6. GoblinSmashmaster: Leyline of Singularity, Karakas, Quagnoth, Force of Negation
Can't stop your thread and it's bigger than mine.
LL, 4 points.
7. Wrath of Pie: Treetop Village, Golgari Rot Farm, Elixir of Immortality, Assassin's Trophy
Liberator and revoker stare at village and swan.
DD, 6 points.
8. Symbi: Surrak Dragonclaw, Simic Growth Chamber, Treetop Village, Void Rend
Your threat is too big.
LL, 6 points.
9. RoosterCocoa: Sand Silos, Kozilek, Butcher of Truth, Memory Lapse, Abeyance
If you spend none of the starting mana, you get kozilek out on turn 7. But if you spend none of the starting mana, I swing for 5 4 times and win the race. If you spend 2 on lapse, I swan song and still get two threats. You can trade the swan with the 2 toughness one, but delay kozilek until turn 9, and liberator alone kills you in 7 hits. If you abeyance into lapse, you delay kozilek until turn 11, I play another 2 power thread, and a 2 power threat alone kills you in 10 hits.
WW, 12 points.
10. Reeplcheep: Elite Spellbinder, Fountain of Cho, Consign // Oblivion, Chancellor of the Annex
Your threat is too big.
LL, 12 points.
11. FTW: Chancellor of the Annex, Solitude, Restoration Angel, Flusterstorm
Your threat is too big.
LL, 12 points.
A lot of reanimation turned out to be the wrong prediction for this round.
1. silkster:Negate, Assassin's Trophy, Saprazzan Cove, Shark Typhoon
Shark Typhoon is one of the win conditions I thought would show up a few rounds ago.
2. FourDogsinaHorseSuit: Leyline of Singularity, Karakas, Sigarda, Host of Herons, Misdirection
I need 9 mana to make a 5/5 blocker and protect it from Karakas, which takes me until turn 6, which is too slow.
3. Dooey: Containment Priest, Phyrexian Revoker, Outland Liberator, Swan Song
I wasn't sure, but the fact that you can only make 2 of your threats means that I can kill the Revoker, Negate the Song, then grow mana until I get a 20/20 and if you ever attack, then my creature eats yours and wins at its leisure.
4. dte: City of Traitors, Retrofitter Foundry, Power Sink, Blackmail
I'm pretty sure this is a loss, but I haven't checked all the lines.
5. Asthereal: Karakas, Leyline of Singularity, Barbed Shocker, Memory Lapse
I have to spend my resources fighting off the insect, so I have nothing left to win with.
6. GoblinSmashmaster: Leyline of Singularity, Karakas, Quagnoth, Force of Negation
You kill on turn 6 and I get to 9 mana on turn 6 which lets me kill your land/enchantment and then make an instant speed blocker.
WL <-- disagreement
7. Wrath of Pie: Treetop Village, Golgari Rot Farm, Elixir of Immortality, Assassin's Trophy
Counter the Elixir, and then we assassinate each other's win conditions.
8. Symbi: Surrak Dragonclaw, Simic Growth Chamber, Treetop Village, Void Rend
I don't apply enough pressure, so you can take 3 turns off before making Surrak. Alternatively, if I kill the Village, I don't have enough time to make a big enough shark.
9. RoosterCocoa: Sand Silos, Kozilek, Butcher of Truth, Memory Lapse, Abeyance
Abeyance makes my Negate useless, but amazingly I can just make a 3/3 on your turn 1 and I win after your 7th turn, which is the turn that you cast Kozilek.
10. Reeplcheep: Elite Spellbinder, Fountain of Cho, Consign // Oblivion, Chancellor of the Annex
Spellbinder is awkwardly good against me.
11. FTW: Chancellor of the Annex, Solitude, Restoration Angel, Flusterstorm
I can't beat Solitude, but I can either Trophy the Angel or make a 4/4 blocker depending on how many threats you commit to the board.
5W, 6D, 9L = 21 points
I wanted to play two counterspells, but that left me with something like Memnite as a win condition. But I was afraid that others would find good double counterspell dekcs, so I ended up playing a threat that doesn't need to be cast. I should have known that it was Karakas's time to shine and played something untargetable. I did wonder if being more proactive was important, but I thought the instant speed growing blocker was good enough. Narrator's voice: "It was not." I got as far as hashing a different deck that would have gotten... about 30 points.
Not too many crazy surprises this week. Actually, there was less diversity than I was expecting. I hope that Karakas and Solitude earn their retirement.
I haven't looked it over, but it's quite believable. Karakas was a good choice, and you found a good threat to make with the extra white mana. I was amused that you sent in your submission before I opened the round, so I could have planned against you or even copied you, but I didn't want your one submission to overly influence my brainstorming. In the end, that probably would have been better for me! I was also planning to send you a message pointing this out and also reminding you that you could resubmit if you wanted, but I was so slow in setting up the round that I didn't get to it, and I think I'm glad I didn't. I might have accidentally talked you out of your best result, which certainly wouldn't have been the intent, but still would have felt rather unfair. I look forward to seeing what you play next week.
4CB Ceiling Season Entry Form and the google sheet for scores.
Some disagreements on my side.
1. silkster:Negate, Assassin's Trophy, Saprazzan Cove, Shark Typhoon
6-0. Negate cannot prevent retrofitter to land, I can always discard either cove, typhon or trophy.
2. FourDogsinaHorseSuit: Leyline of Singularity, Karakas, Sigarda, Host of Herons, Misdirection
6-0, disagreement:
OTP I blackmail you and win.
OTD, you have to keep leyline in hand for pitch to misdy, so it goes:
T1 Sigarda
T1 retro & token
T2 attack 20-15
T2 pass
T3 attack, make a thopter, bloc, make a 4/4 (2 initial mana remaining)
Note that if you do not attack, I just make 1/1s
T3 attack 16-15 and pass
T4 attack 16-10, make a 1/1
T4 attack for 5, pass 11-10
T5 attack, bloc with a thopter and second 4/4
T5 attack for 8 and make a 1/1 3-10 --> win
3. Dooey: Containment Priest, Phyrexian Revoker, Outland Liberator, Swan Song
1-4 Revoker and liberator, ouch!
4. dte: City of Traitors, Retrofitter Foundry, Power Sink, Blackmail
Me, playing safer
5. Asthereal: Karakas, Leyline of Singularity, Barbed Shocker, Memory Lapse
6. GoblinSmashmaster: Leyline of Singularity, Karakas, Quagnoth, Force of Negation
3-3. Disagreement.
When I am OTP, either you played leyline and I discard karakas, either you didnt and I win.
7. Wrath of Pie: Treetop Village, Golgari Rot Farm, Elixir of Immortality, Assassin's Trophy
6-0 I discard farm and counter elixir. You can pay but then you cannot activate it.
8. Symbi: Surrak Dragonclaw, Simic Growth Chamber, Treetop Village, Void Rend
6-0. I discard the chamber, and you will only play one of your spells. either alone loses to foundry.
9. RoosterCocoa: Sand Silos, Kozilek, Butcher of Truth, Memory Lapse, Abeyance
6-0 I kill faster and do not care about lapse.
10. Reeplcheep: Elite Spellbinder, Fountain of Cho, Consign // Oblivion, Chancellor of the Annex
6-0. I do not care about the tax
11. FTW: Chancellor of the Annex, Solitude, Restoration Angel, Flusterstorm
6-0, disagreement.
Very complicated MU. One one hand, play and draw does not matter, and as fluster, blackmail and power sink are useless, it is just 2CB. On the other hand, it is terrible combat math.
But I think I win comfortably, attacking for lethal 3 turns before FTW can threaten lethal:
T0-1 2 creatures
T1 foundry and token
T2 attack 23-14
T2 pass
T3 attack with angel only or lose the lifelinker to a 4/4, block with thopter and make a 4/4 (2 remaining)
T3 pass
T4 attack with angel 23-11, make a 1/1
T4 attack with 4/4, 19-11
T5 attack, thopter block and second 4/4, no more mana
T5 attack with 1 4/4, keep 1 for blocks 15-11
T6 attack 15-8, make a 1/1
T6 attack for 8, 7-8
T7 attack 7-5, make a thopter
T7 attack for 8, solitude block 1 token, 6-5
T8 attack, block with thopter and make a third 4/4, still 6-5
T8 attack for 12 and win. It would require three more attacks for FTW to win, as I can chump once with a thopter token.
You did it! Congrats. You had enough bad luck earlier. Well-earned.
Interesting. This is complicated combat math.
Angel kills in 7 attacks. It seemed like you could not make 4/4s and race in fewer than 8 activations, but I did not realize how useful the starting mana was for enabling multiple activations per turn, speeding up your clock if you don't waste mana attempting Power Sink. That buys you a few turns.
If Solitude gets so few attacks, what if I just play Angel alone and then Solitude your first 4/4 to slow you down? If you try to Blackmail it from my hand or Power Sink Solitude, the Chancellor tax and Flusterstorm makes you waste even more mana, slowing down Retrofitter.
On your play:
GSM does not reveal Leyline
You cast Blackmail. GSM reveals 3 nonlands. If you discard Quagnoth it goes back to hand, so you discard Force of Negation.
GSM casts Quagnoth. Can't be countered.
Can you make 2 4/4s before Quagnoth kills you? It is bigger than my creatures.
Same for the FourDogs matchup with the 5/5 Angel.
If you play angel alone, I spend 4 manas getting rid of solitude by discard.
T1 angel - token
T2 20-17
T2 pass
T3 20-14 thopter
T3 pass
T4 chump, 4/4
T4 16-14
T5 16-11, 1/1
T5 11-11
T6 11-8, thopter
T6 7-8
T7 chump, second 4/4 --> I win comfortably at 8 life
I dont even have to. Quagnoth has no evasion nor trample. Every turn it got blocked by a 1/1 that becomes a thopter, or a thopter that becomes a 4/4, while being beaten to death by anything.
And if leyline is not revealed, I do not cast blackmail. Leyline decision is before start.
This one I detailed:
T1 Sigarda
T1 retro & token
T2 attack 20-15
T2 pass
T3 attack, make a thopter, bloc, make a 4/4 (2 initial mana remaining)
Note that if you do not attack, I just make 1/1s
T3 attack 16-15 and pass
T4 attack 16-10, make a 1/1
T4 attack for 5, pass 11-10
T5 attack, bloc with a thopter and second 4/4
T5 attack for 8 and make a 1/1 3-10 --> win
Foundry is really better than it looks!
Asthereal's result for round 5:
1. silkster:Negate, Assassin's Trophy, Saprazzan Cove, Shark Typhoon DD
You can kill my threat before it eats your hand, but then can't stop Karakas so we draw.
2. FourDogsinaHorseSuit: Leyline of Singularity, Karakas, Sigarda, Host of Herons, Misdirection WL
OTP I eat your hand and win, OTD you drop Sigarda with protection, and Karakas can't touch her so I lose.
3. Dooey: Containment Priest, Phyrexian Revoker, Outland Liberator, Swan Song WW
OTP I just eat your hand. OTD I have to slowplay: drop Leyline and Karakas and that's it. The only way you can get a result is by killing Leyline with Liberator, but that costs 3 mana. I can then Memory Lapse your next threat and you don't have mana to Song or cast something else, so I'll then be in the clear to drop Shocker and kill you with it.
4. dte: City of Traitors, Retrofitter Foundry, Power Sink, Blackmail WL
OTP I eat your hand, OTD you get to do many things, which I assume are too good for me to beat, or hold against, without Karakas, which I lose to Blackmail.
5. Asthereal: Karakas, Leyline of Singularity, Barbed Shocker, Memory Lapse <-me
This time I remembered that there might be overpowered stuff still available, and seeing the Smiter-like dudes fail made me gamble on the Shocker.
6. GoblinSmashmaster: Leyline of Singularity, Karakas, Quagnoth, Force of Negation WL
OTP I eat your hand, OTD you drop Noth which can't be Karakassed.
7. Wrath of Pie: Treetop Village, Golgari Rot Farm, Elixir of Immortality, Assassin's Trophy WL
OTP I eat your hand after Lapseing Trophy and I win. OTD you cast Elixir off WUBRG mana for W and play Village. I drop Shocker and attack. You Trophy, I Lapse, then attack. You lose your stuff, but EOT use the remaining BR to Elixir it all back. from here, if you draw Elixir, you play it. If you draw the land, you play it and lose the Village, if you draw Trophy you lose it, but that's okay. At some point you will have a grave with Village and Trophy, a board with Farm and either Elixir in play or you'll draw it and then play it (not sure about the order, but it doesn't seems to matter for anything else than how long everything takes-i.e. how low on life you go). You cast and next turn use Elixir to get your stuff back. From here, if you draw Elixir, you play it, if you draw Trophy you can cast it on Shocker, if you draw Village you play it. I can't stop this, so Shocker will die and Leyline doesn't make Village legendary so I lose to it.
8. Symbi: Surrak Dragonclaw, Simic Growth Chamber, Treetop Village, Void Rend LL
Karakas gets rid of Surrak, Void Rend gets rid of Shocker, I die to Village.
9. RoosterCocoa: Sand Silos, Kozilek, Butcher of Truth, Memory Lapse, Abeyance DD
Karakas gets rid of Kozilek, your defence suite stops my stuff (i.e. Abeyance in response to casting Shocker, then after it resolves but before Shocker does, you Memory Lapse Shocker).
10. Reeplcheep: Elite Spellbinder, Fountain of Cho, Consign // Oblivion, Chancellor of the Annex LL
Shocker plus Lapse costs 7 mana, which I don't have. But OTP you need to use Consign to bounce my Shocker or you lose all your stuff, so my Leyline survives and I can Karakas your guys. Only problem: you tick up your land to a million mana, then cast both guys. I can bounce one EOT and one on my turn, but then you recast both in the same turn again, after which I can only bounce one and you get a hit in. Your win will take something like 200 turns, but it'll get there eventually.
11. FTW: Chancellor of the Annex, Solitude, Restoration Angel, Flusterstorm DD
Karakas keeps me safe but I can't win through your counter and removal.
Total: 24 points
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