I'm up to ten submissions now, so I'm going to post them shortly unless I find illegal entries. I might be a few minutes late.
4CB Foor/Ceiling Season Entry Form and the google sheet for scores.
Season 14: Round 7 Lists
1. silkster: Thoughtseize, Negate, Strip Mine, Nils, Discipline Enforcer
2. dte: Decisive Denial, Eater of Days, Ancient Tomb, Anointed Peacekeeper
3. Asthereal: Barren Glory, Lotus Petal, Lotus Petal, Thoughtseize
4. Reeplcheep: Simian Spirit Guide, Electrodominance, Wheel of Fate, Lingering Souls
5. Dooey: Prismari Command, Funeral Charm, Leyline of the Void, Mother of Runes
6. jfb1337:Forbidden Orchard, Sudden Substitution, Summoner's Pact, Assassin's Trophy
7. Wrath of Pie: Treetop Village, Golgari Rot Farm, Assassin's Trophy, Elixir of Immortality
8. Symbi: Mardu Charm, Negate, Swarm Shambler, Forest
9. FTW: Wistful Thinking, Remand, Cenn's Tactician, Tundra
10. GoblinSmashmaster: As Foretold, Restore Balance, Durkwood Baloth, Thoughtseize
Hashed Entry: Thoughtseize, Negate, Strip Mine, Nils, Discipline Enforcer, which really looks like five cards when I type it out here
Direct link to round 7 on the googlesheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets...gid=1491769699
4CB Foor/Ceiling Season Entry Form and the google sheet for scores.
9. FTW: Wistful Thinking, Remand, Cenn's Tactician, Tundra
1. silkster: OTP Wistful Thinking your hand, Remand Negate. OTD you Thoughtseize me, I Remand (or you take Remand), you Negate, then play Nils and win. WL 3-3
2. dte: OTP Wistful Thinking your hand, Remand your counter. OTD you play Peacekeeper first. If I Remand, you Decisive Denial. I can pay 3 and play Cenn off Tundra, but then I lose to Eater. Or I let Peacekeeper resolve, then you name Cenn, I might be able to discard your Eater but lose to Peacekeeper. WL 3-3
3. Asthereal: OTP Wistful Thinking your hand. OTD you Thoughtseize me, I Remand it to hand. Now if you play Barren Glory, it won't trigger (Thoughtseize stuck in hand) and Cenn wins. Instead you use the 2nd Petal to replay Thoughtseize to take Cenn and draw. WD 4-1
4. Reeplcheep: If you ever try to Electro-Wheel, I Remand Wheel to your hand. Then you have enough mana to play Lingering Souls only once, which gets raced by Cenn. If you don't Wheel and hardcast Lingering Souls for 2W, I Remand it to hand, then you lack the mana to recast or Wheel+flashback and can't make tokens. WW 6-0
5. Dooey: I can't win through Prismari Command & Funeral Charm, so I just save Remand to answer Mother and draw. DD 2-2
6. jfb1337: OTP Wistful Thinking your hand and win. OTD I can Remand Pact to your hand after Sudden Substitution resolves (my version needed Therapy to clear counters), then discard Trophy and win with Cenn. WW 6-0
7. Wrath of Pie: OTP Wistful Thinking your hand and win. OTD you play 1 land and Elixir first. I can Remand Elixir, but you replay it, then Elixir gets back your hand if I discard it. WL 3-3
8. Symbi: OTP you can Negate my Wistful Thinking, but I Remand back, then you Mardu Charm in response (making 2 1/1s), but Cenn beats 2 1/1s. So instead you must use Mardu Charm's discard proactively. On upkeep you try to discard me, I Remand, you Negate, Charm resolves taking Wistful Thinking. Then Swarm Shambler and Cenn stare at each other.
Edit: OTD you play 2 1/1s and Swarm Shambler, Negating my Remand. I play Cenn. We both grow to 20/20. Then you can attack to force a trade before I can safely multi-block, so the tokens kill me. DL 1-4
10. GoblinSmashmaster: OTP Wistful Thinking your hand and win. OTD you Thoughtseize me, drawing out Remand, then you can suspend Baloth and Balance to win. WL 3-3
31 points (9 wins, 4 draws, 5 loss)
I considered Tropical Island + Chronomaton instead, in case someone tried to Sudden Sub with Summoner's Pact. Forgot about Swarm Shambler!
Last edited by FTW; 12-13-2022 at 03:47 PM.
It seemed to me that discard and t1 combo were best, so I went with t0 combo.
1. silkster: Thoughtseize, Negate, Strip Mine, Nils, Discipline Enforcer
I’m not fast enough to get through all the taxes. LL 0-6
2. dte: Decisive Denial, Eater of Days, Ancient Tomb, Anointed Peacekeeper
I can always pay the 3 to draw. OTP 4 spirits will definitely race with the head start from eater and tomb. WD 4-1
Edit: DD 2-2
3. Asthereal: Barren Glory, Lotus Petal, Lotus Petal, Thoughtseize
T0 combo beats t1 combo. WW 6-0
5. Dooey: Prismari Command, Funeral Charm, Leyline of the Void, Mother of Runes.
I can always wheel for the draw if needed. If you do nothing on my upkeep, souls hold priority electrodominance you for 2 wins the race. If you command me SSG & 2 Spirits beat charm and mom. If you charm me SSG and 2 spirits also wins.
WW 6-0
6. jfb1337:Forbidden Orchard, Sudden Substitution, Summoner's Pact, Assassin's Trophy
T0 combo > T1 combo. WW 6-0
7. Wrath of Pie: Treetop Village, Golgari Rot Farm, Assassin's Trophy, Elixir of Immortality
Elixir is not memories journey thankfully. WW 6-0
8. Symbi: Mardu Charm, Negate, Swarm Shambler, Forest
You charm, I force out the negate, and shambled wins the race. LL 0-6
9. FTW: Wistful Thinking, Remand, Cenn's Tactician, Tundra
LL 0-6
10. GoblinSmashmaster: As Foretold, Restore Balance, Durkwood Baloth, Thoughtseize
T0 combo > T1 combo. WW 6-0
10 W 2D 6 L for 32/54
Last edited by Reeplcheep; 12-14-2022 at 03:10 PM.
1. silkster: Thoughtseize, Negate, Strip Mine, Nils, Discipline Enforcer
Mardu Charm not being able to hit creatures really bites me in the butt. LL 0-6, 0 total.
2. dte: Decisive Denial, Eater of Days, Ancient Tomb, Anointed Peacekeeper
Same again. LL 0-6, 0 total.
3. Asthereal: Barren Glory, Lotus Petal, Lotus Petal, Thoughtseize
Take barren glory and counter thoughtseize. WW 6-0, 6 total.
4. Reeplcheep: Simian Spirit Guide, Electrodominance, Wheel of Fate, Lingering Souls
Counter Electrodominance. WW 6-0, 12 total.
5. Dooey: Prismari Command, Funeral Charm, Leyline of the Void, Mother of Runes
I counter Prismari Command, but then mom and shambler stare at each other. DD 2-2, 14 total.
6. jfb1337:Forbidden Orchard, Sudden Substitution, Summoner's Pact, Assassin's Trophy
Discard sudden substitution and counter trophy. WW 6-0, 20 total.
7. Wrath of Pie: Treetop Village, Golgari Rot Farm, Assassin's Trophy, Elixir of Immortality
I discard the elixir and counter trophy, then swarm shambler beats treetop village. WW 6-0, 26 total.
8. Symbi: Mardu Charm, Negate, Swarm Shambler, Forest
That's me!
9. FTW: Wistful Thinking, Remand, Cenn's Tactician, Tundra
OTP I cast swarm shambler and make tokens with Mardu charm, negating remand if it shows up. Then you cast Cenn's Tactician on your turn. I then leave swarm shambler to block. If you attack in, I block and pump swarm shambler. If you don't attack, I grow shambler EoT, and you do this alongside me. Then, when shambler gets to 20, I attack in and you must block and grow the tactician. But this leaves you dead to the tokens. OTD I must use charm to discard Wistful, but then you cast tactician and our creatures end up in an eternal arms race. WD 4-1, 30 total. <-- Disagreement here.
10. GoblinSmashmaster: As Foretold, Restore Balance, Durkwood Baloth, Thoughtseize
Discard restore balance, counter thoughtseize, and swarm shambler beats the baloth. WW 6-0, 36 total.
If you just make 3 creatures, I can still stall because Shambler and Tactician pace each other. Chronomaton mirrors are draws.
e.g. When you can attack as a 20/20, I have a 20/20 that can block and grow to 21/21. Cenn survives, I take 2 damage, then next turn Cenn can block and kill both your tokens. So instead you never attack and we keep growing forever.
Cenn's Tactician can also block 2 creatures.
6. jfb1337:Forbidden Orchard, Sudden Substitution, Summoner's Pact, Assassin's Trophy
Missed the last couple of rounds; my laptop was being repaired so I couldn't access the forums for a while.
dte learned that this idea with pacts struggles against mana sources.
FTW learned that this idea doesn't work with mana clash.
How well can I make it work with a way to deal with mana sources at the expense of not dealing with counterspells?
Answer: not that well.
1. silkster: Thoughtseize, Negate, Strip Mine, Nils, Discipline Enforcer
LL - If I go for the combo you negate pact. On your turn you thoughtseize sub, play nils, and negate trophy.
2. dte: Decisive Denial, Eater of Days, Ancient Tomb, Anointed Peacekeeper
LL - By your post
3. Asthereal: Barren Glory, Lotus Petal, Lotus Petal, Thoughtseize
WD - OTP I combo, OTD you take sub and I trophy glory.
4. Reeplcheep: Simian Spirit Guide, Electrodominance, Wheel of Fate, Lingering Souls
LL - You discard my hand in my upkeep
5. Dooey: Prismari Command, Funeral Charm, Leyline of the Void, Mother of Runes
DD - You make me discard 3, but I still have trophy for mother
7. Wrath of Pie: Treetop Village, Golgari Rot Farm, Assassin's Trophy, Elixir of Immortality
WW - I combo and trophy village so you can't pay
8. Symbi: Mardu Charm, Negate, Swarm Shambler, Forest
LL - You negate pact and make tokens with mardu charm
9. FTW: Wistful Thinking, Remand, Cenn's Tactician, Tundra
LL - You remand pact and make me discard
10. GoblinSmashmaster: As Foretold, Restore Balance, Durkwood Baloth, Thoughtseize
WL - OTP I combo, OTD you make me discard
Total: 4W 3D = 15
Quick explanation: To grow the creature, you need an untap step. As I am OTP, I will always have one more untap step with the creature than you have during my turn. This means that I grow the creature the same number of times as you, but I also get one extra untap step so I can attack and force a trade.
1. silkster: Thoughtseize, Negate, Strip Mine, Nils, Discipline Enforcer
2. dte: Decisive Denial, Eater of Days, Ancient Tomb, Anointed Peacekeeper
3. Asthereal: Barren Glory, Lotus Petal, Lotus Petal, Thoughtseize
4. Reeplcheep: Simian Spirit Guide, Electrodominance, Wheel of Fate, Lingering Souls
2-2. I force you to electrodominance-wheel through tax 3.
5. Dooey: Prismari Command, Funeral Charm, Leyline of the Void, Mother of Runes
6-0. I eat our days.
6. jfb1337:Forbidden Orchard, Sudden Substitution, Summoner's Pact, Assassin's Trophy
6-0. I Counter pact if I control it.
7. Wrath of Pie: Treetop Village, Golgari Rot Farm, Assassin's Trophy, Elixir of Immortality
6-0. Name and counter trophy.
8. Symbi: Mardu Charm, Negate, Swarm Shambler, Forest
6-0, eater wins
9. FTW: Wistful Thinking, Remand, Cenn's Tactician, Tundra
10. GoblinSmashmaster: As Foretold, Restore Balance, Durkwood Baloth, Thoughtseize
6-0. OTD, you lead with thoughtseize, which I counter. If you decide to pay, your remaining mana is not enough to beat either of my threats. If you do not pay, you cannot cast as foretold, or peacekeeper will name balance. if you suspend balance, I win before it resolves.
Edit: 3-3, as per below.
BalothSmashmaster Results for Round "Combo again"
1. silkster: Thoughtseize, Negate, Strip Mine, Nils, Discipline Enforcer
Baloth smash, then 2 answers 3-3
2. dte: Decisive Denial, Eater of Days, Ancient Tomb, Anointed Peacekeeper
Baloth smash, then 2 answers 3-3
3. Asthereal: Barren Glory, Lotus Petal, Lotus Petal, Thoughtseize
Baloth smash, then combo 3-3
4. Reeplcheep: Simian Spirit Guide, Electrodominance, Wheel of Fate, Lingering Souls
Turn 0 :( 0-6
5. Dooey: Prismari Command, Funeral Charm, Leyline of the Void, Mother of Runes
Balance 2-2
6. jfb1337:Forbidden Orchard, Sudden Substitution, Summoner's Pact, Assassin's Trophy
Baloth smash, then combo 3-3
7. Wrath of Pie: Treetop Village, Golgari Rot Farm, Assassin's Trophy, Elixir of Immortality
Baloth smash, then elixir 3-3
8. Symbi: Mardu Charm, Negate, Swarm Shambler, Forest
Turn 0 :( 0-6
9. FTW: Wistful Thinking, Remand, Cenn's Tactician, Tundra
Baloth smash, then 2 answers 3-3
10. GoblinSmashmaster: As Foretold, Restore Balance, Durkwood Baloth, Thoughtseize
That's me, on nongoblin combo
Total: 20 points
7. Wrath of Pie: Treetop Village, Golgari Rot Farm, Assassin's Trophy, Elixir of Immortality
1. silkster: Thoughtseize, Negate, Strip Mine, Nils, Discipline Enforcer LL
2. dte: Decisive Denial, Eater of Days, Ancient Tomb, Anointed Peacekeeper WW - I missed the powerful add mana modes, apparently.
3. Asthereal: Barren Glory, Lotus Petal, Lotus Petal, Thoughtseize LL
4. Reeplcheep: Simian Spirit Guide, Electrodominance, Wheel of Fate, Lingering Souls LL
5. Dooey: Prismari Command, Funeral Charm, Leyline of the Void, Mother of Runes DD
6. jfb1337:Forbidden Orchard, Sudden Substitution, Summoner's Pact, Assassin's Trophy LL
8. Symbi: Mardu Charm, Negate, Swarm Shambler, Forest LL
9. FTW: Wistful Thinking, Remand, Cenn's Tactician, Tundra WL
10. GoblinSmashmaster: As Foretold, Restore Balance, Durkwood Baloth, Thoughtseize WL
4w2d = 14 points
Last edited by Wrath of Pie; 12-14-2022 at 12:15 PM.
Do you even win on your play? You can't play everything out at once while holding up a counter.
D: Tomb. Peacekeeper naming Balance. [UGRB remaining, 18 life]
G: Balance & As Foretold are futile. Instead, Thoughtseize taking Eater, paying WUR for Denial. Suspend Baloth.
The 3/3 gets 5 attacks [G=3], then Baloth resolves and stabilizes.
Playing Eater on turn 1 (either with Peacekeeper or alone) allows turn 1 Balance & G wins, so allowing Balance seems worse.
I had that problem when I tried to make turn 0 decks. I could react with all the answers, but couldn't actually win.
5. Dooey: Prismari Command, Funeral Charm, Leyline of the Void, Mother of Runes
1. silkster: Thoughtseize, Negate, Strip Mine, Nils, Discipline Enforcer
OTP I get mom out, mom stares at nils. OTD you thoughtseize mom and win with nils. DL, +1, 1.
2. dte: Decisive Denial, Eater of Days, Ancient Tomb, Anointed Peacekeeper
Can't stop 2 threats. LL, +0, 1.
3. Asthereal: Barren Glory, Lotus Petal, Lotus Petal, Thoughtseize
OTD I get mom out, OTD you thoughtseize mom. WD, +4, 5.
4. Reeplcheep: Simian Spirit Guide, Electrodominance, Wheel of Fate, Lingering Souls
You make spirits and win the race. LL, +0, 5.
6. jfb1337:Forbidden Orchard, Sudden Substitution, Summoner's Pact, Assassin's Trophy
Keep assassin's trophy and stare. DD, +2, 7.
7. Wrath of Pie: Treetop Village, Golgari Rot Farm, Assassin's Trophy, Elixir of Immortality
Keep assassin's trophy and stare. DD, +2, 9.
8. Symbi: Mardu Charm, Negate, Swarm Shambler, Forest
Keep shambler and stare. DD, +2, 11.
9. FTW: Wistful Thinking, Remand, Cenn's Tactician, Tundra
Keep remand and stare. DD, +2, 13.
10. GoblinSmashmaster: As Foretold, Restore Balance, Durkwood Baloth, Thoughtseize
Keep balance or baloth and stare. DD, +2, 15.
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