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Thread: 4 Card Blind: The Silkster Seasons

  1. #1061

    Join Date

    Sep 2011


    Re: 4 Card Blind: The Silkster Seasons

    Quote Originally Posted by dte View Post
    Exactly the same :)
    You and Wrath don't have Island, so how do you lose to Dandan?

  2. #1062

    Re: 4 Card Blind: The Silkster Seasons

    GoblinSmashmaster Results for Round "Merfolk vs Goblins"

    GoblinSmashmaster: Crystal Vein, Simian Spirit Guide, Goblin Flotilla, Ornithopter, comment: Goblin.. paddle?
    That's me with a Goblin!

    Reeplcheep: Dandan, Noble Hierarch, Ornithopter, Tropical Island, comment:
    Goblin paddle 0-6

    FTW: Island, City of Brass, Deserted Temple, Merfolk Assassin, comment: City of Draws
    Assassinated 2-2

    Wrath of Pie: Cascade Bluffs, Simian Spirit Guide, Merfolk Assassin, Phage the Untouchable, comment:
    Assassinated 2-2

    dte: Rainbow Vale, Rainbow Vale, Rainbow Vale, Merfolk assassin, comment:
    Assassinated 2-2

    Silkster: Tropical Island, Merfolk Spy, Merfolk Spy, Heart of Yavimaya, comment: predicting 2 merfolk assassins
    First strike 6-0

    Tirrit: Tarnished Citadel, Grayscaled Gharial, Thoughtbound Phantasm, Wood Elemental, comment: I can't figure out how to handle islandwalk, so let's see if someone else has.
    First strike 2-2

    14 goblin points

  3. #1063

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    Feb 2014


    Re: 4 Card Blind: The Silkster Seasons

    Quote Originally Posted by FTW View Post
    You and Wrath don't have Island, so how do you lose to Dandan?
    No need, I lose to exalted thopter.
    WoP too, dandan can block as well

  4. #1064

    Re: 4 Card Blind: The Silkster Seasons

    Tirrit: Tarnished Citadel, Grayscaled Gharial, Thoughtbound Phantasm, Wood Elemental, comment: I can't figure out how to handle islandwalk, so let's see if someone else has.

    I was stumped this week. I thought of this very simple deck and then I could not for the life of me figure out a way to lose to it. I've never had that occur before, where I literally cannot come up with a way to lose to (or win vs) a deck at all. I did not think of legate, which would have done it. Luckily for me no one played it.

    GoblinSmashmaster: Crystal Vein, Simian Spirit Guide, Goblin Flotilla, Ornithopter, comment: Goblin.. paddle?

    Reeplcheep: Dandan, Noble Hierarch, Ornithopter, Tropical Island, comment:
    Ornithopter flies over and races gharial both because of tarnished citadel costing me life, and also because on the draw ornithopter can come down by itself and block for one turn before playing island on turn two in order to play hierarch and start racing. LL 6-0

    FTW: Island, City of Brass, Deserted Temple, Merfolk Assassin, comment: City of Draws
    city of draws indeed 2-2

    Wrath of Pie: Cascade Bluffs, Simian Spirit Guide, Merfolk Assassin, Phage the Untouchable, comment:

    dte: Rainbow Vale, Rainbow Vale, Rainbow Vale, Merfolk assassin, comment:

    Silkster: Tropical Island, Merfolk Spy, Merfolk Spy, Heart of Yavimaya, comment: predicting 2 merfolk assassins
    you trade one pumped spy for my wall then the other spy gets pumped and races gharial. LL 6-0

    4 losses and 8(!) draws for 20 points

  5. #1065

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    Sep 2011


    Re: 4 Card Blind: The Silkster Seasons

    Quote Originally Posted by tirrit View Post
    I did not think of legate, which would have done it. Luckily for me no one played it
    Rushwood Legate or creatures like Dandan lose to 1/1 Islandwalk.

    If you play your own Island to lose to those, then 1/1 isn't enough to beat the Dockhands, so you'd have to play bigger threats.

    I thought that would deter people from playing 1/1 Islandwalk. In reality, it created a Rock-Paper-Scissors between Merfolk Assassin+Island, Islandwalk, and "needs Islands" decks. You and silk picked the right one for this meta.

    Looks like you're the ceiling deck!

  6. #1066

    Re: 4 Card Blind: The Silkster Seasons

    Quote Originally Posted by FTW View Post
    Rushwood Legate or creatures like Dandan lose to 1/1 Islandwalk.
    Yeah I thought of islandhome but I couldn't figure out how to make it work. The fact that you have to play a second threat (so they can't draw by doing nothing) and also play an island and somehow have enough mana to cast an islandhome creature big enough to punch through 3 1/2s makes it tough. Reep made it work but he had to make his second threat powerful enough that he could just race the 1/1 islandwalk

  7. #1067

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    Re: 4 Card Blind: The Silkster Seasons

    Quote Originally Posted by FTW View Post
    Looks like you're the ceiling deck!
    So is the new round started?

  8. #1068

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    Re: 4 Card Blind: The Silkster Seasons

    Quote Originally Posted by dte View Post
    So is the new round started?
    @silkster, any news?

  9. #1069

    Re: 4 Card Blind: The Silkster Seasons

    Yeah, sorry, the new rounds go automatically in my mind. Tirrit won with
    Tarnished Citadel
    Grayscaled Gharial
    Thoughtbound Phantasm
    Wood Elemental,
    so those are banned and are the ceiling. Rishadan Dockhand is also banned. I'll post lists during the day if the usual ones are in.

    4CB Foor/Ceiling Season Entry Form and the google sheet for scores.

  10. #1070

    Re: 4 Card Blind: The Silkster Seasons

    Ah, I realized my deck beat the ceiling deck, but I haven't look at the entries yet, so I'm updating. Will look now and post if they're all there.

    4CB Foor/Ceiling Season Entry Form and the google sheet for scores.

  11. #1071

    Re: 4 Card Blind: The Silkster Seasons

    Just missing Reeplcheep. I'm going to wait until tonight, about 12 hours total from usual deadline.

    The submissions look legal to me.
    4CB Foor/Ceiling Season Entry Form and the google sheet for scores.

  12. #1072

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    Feb 2014


    Re: 4 Card Blind: The Silkster Seasons

    Quote Originally Posted by silkster View Post
    Yeah, sorry, the new rounds go automatically in my mind.
    So for next rounds, as soon as the target deck is figured out, we just submit in the form, correct?

    Quote Originally Posted by silkster View Post
    Just missing Reeplcheep. I'm going to wait until tonight, about 12 hours total from usual deadline.
    Looking forward to see those.

  13. #1073

    Re: 4 Card Blind: The Silkster Seasons

    4CB Foor/Ceiling Season Entry Form and the google sheet for scores.

  14. #1074

    Re: 4 Card Blind: The Silkster Seasons

    Round 2 - Ceiling

    GoblinSmashmaster: Volcanic Island, Goblin Lackey, Skoa, Embermage, Merfolk Spy, comment: Goblin smash! LL
    Silkster: Subterranean Hangar, Xathrid Acolyte, Vesuva, Phantasmal Forces, comment: upkeeps! LL
    dte: Rushwood Legate, Rushwood Legate, Tropical island, Mistbreath Elder, comment: LL
    Wrath of Pie: Island, Island, Reef Shaman, Volatile Stormdrake, comment: LL
    FTW: Cathedral of War, Island, Deeptread Merrow, Gilded Drake, comment: LL
    Tirrit: Island, Elvish Spirit Guide, River Boa, Signal Pest, comment: LL

    0 points!

    I found Volatile Stormdrake and it just hurt my brain that some decks were better because they played slightly worse cards. Everything seemed so flat. I wanted to do something different. And I did achieve difference. But my 10-turn clock using your island is just not good enough. My illegal deck used Junún Efreet instead of the Acolyte, but copying the Hangar gave too much mana too quickly.

    And yes, the entry form is always open for submissions and I never look at it between the time that I copy the lists for this post and the time that I make my salted hash post. If it looks like there's doubt about the target deck, I might make a post declaring it. Otherwise if you submit really early and it changes, you can just resubmit.
    4CB Foor/Ceiling Season Entry Form and the google sheet for scores.

  15. #1075

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    Feb 2014


    Re: 4 Card Blind: The Silkster Seasons

    GoblinSmashmaster: Volcanic Island, Goblin Lackey, Skoa, Embermage, Merfolk Spy, comment: Goblin smash!
    6-0, frog smash!

    Silkster: Subterranean Hangar, Xathrid Acolyte, Vesuva, Phantasmal Forces, comment: upkeeps!
    6-0. Vesuva is nice in betting everone plays island without necessarily playing it.

    dte: Rushwood Legate, Rushwood Legate, Tropical island, Mistbreath Elder, comment:
    Me, playing legate in a ceiling round!

    Wrath of Pie: Island, Island, Reef Shaman, Volatile Stormdrake, comment:
    6-0, two islands mean I can protect my frog from the frog thief!

    FTW: Cathedral of War, Island, Deeptread Merrow, Gilded Drake, comment:
    6-0, frog thief! But drake + 2 legates race a slow growing frog.

    Tirrit: Island, Elvish Spirit Guide, River Boa, Signal pest

    The frog worked very well, even against the ones who found it tasty and wanted to steal it.

    Quote Originally Posted by silkster View Post
    Round 2 - Ceiling

    0 points!
    Sine l play this game, I think it is the first time I see you scoring 0 with a legal deck :/

    Quote Originally Posted by silkster View Post
    And yes, the entry form is always open for submissions and I never look at it between the time that I copy the lists for this post and the time that I make my salted hash post. If it looks like there's doubt about the target deck, I might make a post declaring it. Otherwise if you submit really early and it changes, you can just resubmit.

  16. #1076

    Re: 4 Card Blind: The Silkster Seasons

    GoblinSmashmaster Results for Round "lose to 1/1"

    GoblinSmashmaster: Volcanic Island, Goblin Lackey, Skoa, Embermage, Merfolk Spy, comment: Goblin smash!
    That's me, smashing with 1/1s!

    Silkster: Subterranean Hangar, Xathrid Acolyte, Vesuva, Phantasmal Forces, comment: upkeeps!
    Goblin smash! 6-0

    dte: Rushwood Legate, Rushwood Legate, Tropical island, Mistbreath Elder, comment:
    Froglin smash :( 0-6

    Wrath of Pie: Island, Island, Reef Shaman, Volatile Stormdrake, comment:
    Merfolk smash! 6-0

    FTW: Cathedral of War, Island, Deeptread Merrow, Gilded Drake, comment:
    Goblin smash! 6-0

    Tirrit: Island, Elvish Spirit Guide, River Boa, Signal Pest, comment:
    Goblin smash! 6-0

    24 goblin points!!

  17. #1077

    Re: 4 Card Blind: The Silkster Seasons

    Wrath of Pie: Island, Island, Reef Shaman, Volatile Stormdrake, comment:

    GoblinSmashmaster: Volcanic Island, Goblin Lackey, Skoa, Embermage, Merfolk Spy, comment: Goblin smash! - LL - That Merfolk is a traitor.
    Silkster: Subterranean Hangar, Xathrid Acolyte, Vesuva, Phantasmal Forces, comment: upkeeps! - WW
    dte: Rushwood Legate, Rushwood Legate, Tropical island, Mistbreath Elder, comment: - LL
    FTW: Cathedral of War, Island, Deeptread Merrow, Gilded Drake, comment: - WL
    Tirrit: Island, Elvish Spirit Guide, River Boa, Signal Pest, comment: - LL

    3w = 9 points

    Really should not have played two Islands.

  18. #1078

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    Sep 2011


    Re: 4 Card Blind: The Silkster Seasons

    FTW: Cathedral of War, Island, Deeptread Merrow, Gilded Drake, comment:

    I thought River Boa was illegal (Regenerate too good), so I played this 2/1 instead. But I did not consider fast mana, since I was stuck on Cathedral + Island-typed land to play Drake. Fast mana also makes you race a turn faster, clever!
    I also picked the inferior Drake. Hexproof matters in the mirror!

    GoblinSmashmaster: Volcanic Island, Goblin Lackey, Skoa, Embermage, Merfolk Spy
    T1 Cathedral / Lackey
    T2 Merrow / Spy. Lackey attacks
    If I block & trade, Spy kills me. I don't block. [F=19]
    If you hold back Skoa, then I just race 3 damage Islandwalk vs 2 from you & win the race.
    So you play Skoa now & kill Merrow.
    T3 Drake swap with 4/4 / Attack 3 flying + 1 islandwalk [F=15]
    T4 Attack 5 exalted [G=15] / Attack 5 back [F=10]
    Even stealing your 4/4, I'm too slow.
    LL 0-6

    Silkster: Subterranean Hangar, Xathrid Acolyte, Vesuva, Phantasmal Forces
    T2 3/2 Islandwalk vs T5 4/1 flying, and I can slow you down by swapping with your flyer WW 6-0

    dte: Rushwood Legate, Rushwood Legate, Tropical island, Mistbreath Elder
    I did not even know that Frog existed, great threat! You have to grow to at least 3/3 to attack, then Drake can swap & Merrow can trade with 1 Legate. But 4/4 (with exalted) is still too slow to race 3/3 flyer + 2/1 Legate. I can grow Frog by not blocking Legate yet, but then I take more damage and am not fast enough to catch up. LL 0-6

    Wrath of Pie: Island, Island, Reef Shaman, Volatile Stormdrake
    OTP I get Merrow down first, so you can't play Drake (otherwise you get a 2/1 Islandwalk and I get a 4/3 flyer).
    OTD you get T2 Drake, I can't swap, so I play T2 Merrow. Your evasive 3/2 attacks before my evasive 3/2, so you win the race. WL 3-3

    Tirrit: Island, Elvish Spirit Guide, River Boa, Signal Pest
    T1 Cathedral / Boa
    T2 Merrow / Pest [F=18]
    If I try to race 3 vs 3:
    17 / 15
    14 / 12
    11 / 9
    8 / 6
    5 / 3
    2 / 0 <-- I lose first exactly at 0. Did you calculate this race in advance? Very smart vs 3/x Islandwalk mirror without fast mana.

    If I swap with Drake instead..

    T3 Drake swap, attack 3/2 Merrow into 3/3 Drake (you can't block or Boa wins for me) [T=17] / Drake+Pest attack [F=14]
    Then we race 4-power flying vs 4-power Islandwalk (no exalted):
    13 / 10
    9 / 6
    5 / 2
    1 / -2 <-- You win this race too.
    LL 0-6

    9 points (3 wins, 7 loss)

  19. #1079

    Re: 4 Card Blind: The Silkster Seasons

    Quote Originally Posted by FTW View Post
    Did you calculate this race in advance? Very smart vs 3/x Islandwalk mirror without fast mana.
    I thought that it would be important to be able to play my threat on turn 1 in case people are running discard, and attacking first seems important if no one can block. I didn't really calculate anything though.

  20. #1080

    Re: 4 Card Blind: The Silkster Seasons

    Quote Originally Posted by dte View Post
    Sine l play this game, I think it is the first time I see you scoring 0 with a legal deck :/
    It's a good thing I made the scoring system kind to such a thing! It's certainly easier to get 0 or 6 round points with fewer players. I think my Inquisition deck was my first time getting 6 round points. I can hardly remember anyone scoring 6 round points before my Inquisition deck. I even have strong memories someone in the pauper season playing Swamp, Ritual, Duress, Skittering Skirge and they went 6-0 in every matchup except for one 3-3 because it was the closest I'd seen to a full sweep.

    For this week, we have a clear winner.
    Rushwood Legate, Rushwood Legate, Tropical island, Mistbreath Elder is the target deck, and
    Tarnished Citadel,
    Grayscaled Gharial,
    Thoughtbound Phantasm,
    Wood Elemental are also banned.
    4CB Foor/Ceiling Season Entry Form and the google sheet for scores.

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