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Thread: [CMM] Commander Masters: Top 10 Horizon Cards To Poison the Masters Band

  1. #1

    [CMM] Commander Masters: Top 10 Horizon Cards To Poison the Masters Band

    Commander masters is a masters set, please don't think it's a horizions set. We know how mad you are about the last one. But also there's new cards in the set. No not the set, please still buy! We put them in the commander decks (but also booster fun'd them into the boosters too)
    My Slivdrazi Monstrosity assures me that actually Slivers and Eldrazi are seperate and have their own decks.
    See? They even have two seperate commanders!

  2. #2
    Sushi or Meat and Eggs
    Cire's Avatar
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    Apr 2007


    Re: [CMM] Commander Masters: Top 10 Horizon Cards To Poison the Masters Band

    In a Leyline Deck? 3 Leylines is pretty easy and then drop this Turn 2 if you don't have Opalescence?
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Safety View Post
    You sir are a ninja of fine quality.

  3. #3

    Re: [CMM] Commander Masters: Top 10 Horizon Cards To Poison the Masters Band

    At least almost everything is 15 mana without any relevant free spell mechanic.

    I found these note worthy:

    Not sure if enchantress can make use of it or something else combos/values with it.

    No coco but could be potentially be better in Elves.
    Getting ~4 elves with flashback is pretty solid.

  4. #4

    Re: [CMM] Commander Masters: Top 10 Horizon Cards To Poison the Masters Band

    This guy seems neat.
    No idea how good the other new colorless cards are.

  5. #5

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    May 2015



    Re: [CMM] Commander Masters: Top 10 Horizon Cards To Poison the Masters Band

    Quote Originally Posted by Zoid View Post

    This guy seems neat.
    No idea how good the other new colorless cards are.
    Too many hoops to jump through to manifest a Dreadnought. Also this guy lacks a sacrifice button to trigger on command.

  6. #6
    Barook's Avatar
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    Germany, Germering, Munich


    Re: [CMM] Commander Masters: Top 10 Horizon Cards To Poison the Masters Band

    Quote Originally Posted by Zoid View Post

    This guy seems neat.
    No idea how good the other new colorless cards are.
    This would probably kinda nifty in the Modern Scales decks if it was legal there. Cards like Ravager or Patchwork Automaton would feed it quite well. Not being an artifact sucks, though, as the normal sac outlets don't work in those kind of decks.


    What about this one? Copying Wasteland, fetchland activations, Saga activations + triggers and the like.

    Rules question: How does the copy ability work with The One Ring's activated ability? Does the counter get put on the original Ring, the you draw X cards + 1 due to it?

  7. #7

    Re: [CMM] Commander Masters: Top 10 Horizon Cards To Poison the Masters Band

    Quote Originally Posted by Zoid View Post

    This guy seems neat.
    No idea how good the other new colorless cards are.
    I thought so too.
    One problem though it's that the cards that make it big, ravager, ballista, zabaz, hangerback, are not cards that like being manifested.

    I didn't think the other colorless cards were that interesting.
    Rise of the eldrazi is enrakul for 4 less and no body.
    The 4 cost enchantment costs 4, but it's a very powerful effects if you didn't play any of your creatures before it.

  8. #8

    Re: [CMM] Commander Masters: Top 10 Horizon Cards To Poison the Masters Band

    Quote Originally Posted by Barook View Post
    This would probably kinda nifty in the Modern Scales decks if it was legal there. Cards like Ravager or Patchwork Automaton would feed it quite well. Not being an artifact sucks, though, as the normal sac outlets don't work in those kind of decks.


    What about this one? Copying Wasteland, fetchland activations, Saga activations + triggers and the like.

    Rules question: How does the copy ability work with The One Ring's activated ability? Does the counter get put on the original Ring, the you draw X cards + 1 due to it?
    I was thinking more along the lines of a mana sink for mono brown decks but Ballista is probably better.

    Rings of Brighthearth doesn't see competitive play outside of commander so I'm not sure if this is better.
    At least it has 4 toughness.
    I would think copying the ring draw works.
    707.10b A copy of an ability has the same source as the original ability. If the ability refers to its
    source by name, the copy refers to that same object and not to any other object with the same
    name. The copy is considered to be the same ability by effects that count how many times that
    ability has resolved during the turn.

  9. #9

    Re: [CMM] Commander Masters: Top 10 Horizon Cards To Poison the Masters Band

    Quote Originally Posted by Barook View Post
    This would probably kinda nifty in the Modern Scales decks if it was legal there. Cards like Ravager or Patchwork Automaton would feed it quite well. Not being an artifact sucks, though, as the normal sac outlets don't work in those kind of decks.


    What about this one? Copying Wasteland, fetchland activations, Saga activations + triggers and the like.

    Rules question: How does the copy ability work with The One Ring's activated ability? Does the counter get put on the original Ring, the you draw X cards + 1 due to it?
    Adding the counter is part of the resolution, so if you copy the ability, the copy will draw x+1 cards (because it resolves first, always) and the original draws x+2

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