SLIDERS is a Experimental and Work-In-Progress FORMAT (criticism and constructive feedbacks are welcome)
The name SLIDERS is base from the 90s TV series SLIDERS that is about :
a group of people who travel ("slide") between different Earths in parallel universes
Hi I'm Arth a UI and UX Designer, I like temporal restricted set formats but also I always wanted a format that can still change over time and get creative with newer cards and new mechanics without too much tracking and too many new complex game mechanics loaded in your mental stack. So I tried to optimize the user tracking and find a way to reduce time figuring out during play.
-Goal #1 to eliminate evaluation time on new card mechanic interaction encountered in every turn and game session by avoiding the the usual 99-singleton library with a mixed combination of modern, standard and supplementary set mechanics that creates complexity.
-Goal #2 More engagement than discussion and easy to familiarize to each other deck, while still having fun and being creative with a certain focus few recurring cards outside the Premodern sets.
-This is like the 4th fixed version of Sliders
-Right now it's a 20 life, 50 Card Min-Deck-Size plus 6 Sliders Card.
-Can be played Multiplayer or Two Players(One-Versus-One) type of game.
You can change and adjust the life total and Minimum deck size base on your casual playgroup.
Feel free to comment your experience regarding the format.
-I'm distancing from the usual EDH base template to avoid complicated and complex introduced gameplay mechanics in the said format
-The Library is mostly Premodern base Card Errata. To keep the gameplay complexity only to the SLIDER cards that is not restricted to Premodern set
-Despite The Library color identity being base on 6 cards, the individual cards in the library has strong color composition and association with the color pie. Since Premodern era has still the color unique abilities are more intact compare to Modern era starting from Ravnica, Timespiral and so on.
-Cost efficient to build library mostly less powerful spells, lands and creatures than cards in supplementary sets and modern sets than EDH singleton
-No strict Card-Frame restriction on the Singleton Premodern Library unlike the actual Premodern Format.
-Less Tracking No-Command Zone, No-Command Tax and No-Command Damage
The idea why I made this format,
- I want a build-a-team type deck, that an use non-creature janky legends cards
- I want a casual format that uses more than two Legends and also use Planeswalkers
- A creative fun easy to pick up and play format
- More engagement and fast pace turn exchange interaction
- Simplified tracking on Legends and Planeswalker, Because isn't base from EDH Template
- Deal only with few complex mechanics every play session
- Quick to get familiarize on your opponent deck
- Less mental load on players and more color pie base library of spells
What are Sliders - Is consist of only One-Planesshifter and 5-Ensembles
- The Planesshifter Role can only be assigned to your Planeswalker. You cannot have more than one Planesshifter in your Sliders
- The Ensembles are your 5 Legend Cards, You cannot have more than five assigned Ensembles in your Sliders
- The Color Identity of your Premodern library is based on all of your Sliders combined
- There are no temporal restriction and limitation on your Sliders, Unlike your library.
- Your Sliders starts from outside the game ready to Slide
- Un-set, Silver-bordered cards, Non-legally playable cards and non-publicly sold or distributed cards are not playable in Sliders.
What is a Planesshifter? - A Planeswalkers that Shifts your 5-Legends to the battlefield
- Planeswalkers are the only allowed a Planesshifter
- Legendary permanent cannot be assigned as a Planesshifter
- You cannot Slide your Active-Ensembles If you don't control your Planesshifter in the battlefield
- Every time a Planesshifter had Slide in the battlefield all your Inactive-Ensembles are Shift
What are Ensembles? - Are the legends that you Slide to the battlefield
- The Ensembles can be a combination of legends from creature, non-creature and spells
- Your Ensembles can include lands and non-permanent spells like sorcery and instant as long they are legendary
- You may only include no greater than one of a land, sorcery and instant as part of your Ensembles
- You can have Ensembles that can turn/transform/change into a Planeswalker
- There are no temporal restriction and limitation to your Ensembles unlike your library that is restricted to Premodern sets.
Inactive and Active status - Are your Sliders status and state
- Sliders that were Exiled, Countered/Destroyed/Discarded, OnGraveyard, Stole or Shuffled in library are Inactive
- Sliders that were Shift to outside the game are Active
- Sliders that are in the battledfield and in your hand are also Active
- Whenever your Planesshifter is in the battlefield, you may Slide any number of your Active-Ensembles to the battlefield
- Everytime your Planesshifter had Slide in the battlefield you may Shift any number of your Inactive-Ensembles from anywhere
- The Inactive-Ensembles that were InLibrary, Stolen & OnGraveyard needs to be Shift first before being Slide again
Shift - Is the way to pullout your Planesshifter and your Inactive-Ensemble that either had been Exiled(spell/ability), (Countered/Destroyed/Discarded) on Graveyard, Stole(Opponent's control) or Shuffled in within your library
- Whenever you Shift an Inactive-Ensemble, that Ensemble is remove from the game with all of it's copy and card with the same name from everywhere in the game(Library, Hand, Graveyard and etc.) All kinds buff and effects are also remove. And that Ensemble becomes an Active-Ensemble.
- Inactive Cards that are remove from the game due to being Shift becomes an Active Card. Not to be confused to an exiled Ensemble cause by an effect and spell that turned it Inactive. Shift and Slide are both Player Action
- Shuffle your library whenever you Shift a Slider from within your library
- An Inactive-Ensemble that is Shift becomes an Active-Ensemble. An Active-Ensemble is ready to be Slide.
- You can only Shift Inactive-Ensembles and you cannot Shift an already Active-Ensembles
- Whenever you Shift a Planesshifter, that Planesshifter is remove from the game with all of it's copy and card with the same name from everywhere in the game(Library, Hand, Graveyard and etc.) All kinds buff and effects are also remove.
Slide - Is the way to play your Planesshifter and your Active-Ensembles from the outside of the game.
- You can only Slide Active-Ensembles to the battlefield whenever your Planesshifter is also in the battlefield
- You cannot Slide your Inactive-Ensembles, you need to Shift it first to become Active-Ensembles
- You may Slide your Planesshifter from outside of the game, without the need to be Shift.
- Unlike your Ensembles your Planesshifter does not required to be Shift to be able to Slide back in the battlefield.
- Blink effects doesn't cause your Planesshifter to Slide in the battlefield. Entering the battlefield isn't the same as Slide.
- Playing your Planesshifter from your hand doesn't also cause your Planesshifter to Slide in the battlefield
Playing with your Ensembles
- You cannot Slide an Inactive-Ensembles.
- You can Slide one or more Active-Ensembles you own in one turn.
- You can only Slide an Active-Ensembles from outside the game.
- You can only Slide an Active-Ensembles when your Planesshifter is in your battlefield
- Your Exiled Inactive-Ensembles that were Shift can be Slide from outside the game
With Ensembles, Now you try your MELD Cards, experiment with Janky cards like Kaldra Equipments, Build a team of Weatherlight or a Phyrexian Team instead. How about something modern like Bolas Zombie Gods Invasion Team or go beyond build your team Autobots and Avengers.
- Library of 50-Cards-Premodern-Singleton, Why 50 Cards Minimum? because you already have 6 accessible cards
- Color-Identity of Library is base on your SLIDERS and *not* only from your Planesshifter
- The Library is only built with cards that was original printed in Premodern Set
- Reprints with a different card frame are welcome as long those cards were originally printed in a Premodern Set
Banning - Some sub-mini-game mechanics and abilities can be banned directly instead of individual cards
Banned Static Ability for your Ensembles and Planesshifter
- Protection from Everything
- Protection from Colored Spell
- Protection from Player
- Banding, Band
- Indestructible -
- The 3-Kaldra Weapons that generate a indestructible 4/4 token is not-banned but cards like Konda Lord of Eiganjo is banned.
- Archangel Avacyn(SOI) is not-banned but Avacyn Angel of Hope is banned because it's indestructible is a static ability
Banned Activated Ability/Triggered Ability for your Ensembles and Planesshifter
Ability Banlist - Venture-into-the-dungeon and Day-and-Night are
Other Banlist
Banned as Sliders (Temporary) - EDH Multi & CEDH Commander/General Banlist
Banned in Library (Temporary) - Premodern Banlist
Win and Lose condition - I have added a bit of mind games with the win and lose condition. You can turn off some lose and win condition on non-1v1 multiplayer casual play session.
- You lose the game if five of your Ensembles are all Inactive at the same time in the end of a turn.
- If your Planesshifter is Inactive while 3 or more of your Ensembles are also Inactive at the end of a turn. while your opponent has a controlled Planesshifter in the battlefield. You lose the game
- If both players trigger a lose game condition, the one that has a remaining safe Planesshifter in the battlefield under his/her control wins over the one without a controlled Planesshifter in the battlefield.
- You win the game if you complete all your Sliders in the battlefield under your control and the enemy player has only one or less Sliders in the battlefield at the end of a turn.
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Last edited by MTGSliders; 11-01-2023 at 03:14 AM.
Slider's Simplicity and Difference to other EDH Template Format
- There is NO-CommandZone and there is also NO-CommandZone equivalent used in Sliders. So there are no abilities that triggers at the CommandZone
- There are NO-CommanderTax and NO-CommanderDamage or something similar to the two. Win condition and limitation works very differently
- Slide and Shift are both Player Action. InActive and Active are just status of your Sliders. There are NO-SpecialZone in Sliders.
- Tracking in Sliders is designed to be simple like "Boolean" that is On/Off or True/False
Last edited by MTGSliders; 11-01-2023 at 03:13 AM.
The quick and short introduction with tutorial to Sliders
How to you start playing and building Sliders
- Form your Sliders - One-Planesshifter(Planeswalker) and 5-Ensembles(Legend-Cards)
- Assemble your Ensembles - Ensembles are combination of legendary cards from creature and non-creature. You can also include lands and non-permanent spells as long they are legendary but you may only include no greater than one type of a land, sorcery and instant as part of your Ensembles.
- Build your Premodern Singleton 50 Card-Library - The Color Identity is based on the combination of your Sliders
- The Starting life is 20 like standard MTG and it can be played either Multiplayer or Two Players(One-Versus-One)
The Role of your Planesshifter
- Whenever your Planesshifter is in the battlefield, you may Slide any number of your Active-Ensembles to the battlefield
- Everytime your Planesshifter had Slide in the battlefield you may Shift any number of your Inactive-Ensembles from anywhere
Playing with your Sliders
- Your Sliders starts from outside the game ready to Slide
- You Slide your Slider to the battlefield is simply to play/cast your Active-Sliders from outside the game to the battlefield.
There are NO-SpecialZone in Sliders.- To Shift your Slider is simply to pull-out an InActive-Slider from anywhere in game and put-it from outside the game as an Active-Sliders ready to be Slide again to the battlefield.
- Slide and Shift are both Player Action.
- Sliders that were Exiled, OnGraveyard, Stolen or Shuffled in library are InActive
- Sliders that were Shift, InBattledfield and in your hand are Active
Playing and building with your Premodern Library
- Reprints with a different card frame are welcome as long those cards were originally printed in a Premodern Set.
Other ways to Win and Lose
- You win the game. If all your Sliders are Active in the battlefield and your enemy has one or less Active-Slider at the end of a turn
- You lose the game. If five of your Ensembles are all Inactive at the same time in the end of a turn.
- You lose the game. If your Planesshifter with the other 3 or more of Sliders you own are Inactive while your enemy has an Active-Planesshifter in the battlefield at the end of a turn
Last edited by MTGSliders; 11-01-2023 at 03:13 AM.
Update Version 5
- Burn Spell now can target Planeswalker like the same current Burn Spell errata
- The Planesshifter can now Shift any number of times (Remove the 3x Shift limitation)
Currently there are many versions of this game but for me that's not my neighbor is still the best game and makes me unable to stop playing.
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