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Thread: Tog Smash

  1. #1
    Weapon X's Avatar
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    Tog Smash

    Guess I’m finally trying to play hulk smash again. Notably I’m going to try a tempo delver shell so that psychatog can be a finisher. This is going to be my starting point:

    2 psychatog
    3 dark confidant
    4 baleful strix
    4 delver of secrets
    2 berserk
    3 sinkhole
    4 force of will
    4 brainstorm
    3 daze
    1 force of negation
    3 stifle
    3 ponder
    3 assassins trophy

    2 misty rainforest
    1 bayou
    1 tropical island
    4 polluted delta
    4 underground sea
    3 wasteland
    1 yavimaya, cradle of growth
    2 island
    1 swamp

    3 mindbreak trap
    3 fatal push
    1 grist the hunger tide
    2 flusterstorm
    2 energy flux
    2 chains of Mephistopheles
    2 surgical extraction

    Not sure how good this will actually be, but delver is proven so there is that. At worst I’ll get to play a deck idea I’ve been wanting to for a while. Sideboard is going to be tricky but will probably look like my maybe board… like grist.
    The Parfait Meta-Game

  2. #2
    The green Ancestral
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    Re: Tog Smash

    A single Life from the Loam would work with the mana-denial angle and has the side benefit of growing Psychatog. Does Yavimaya hurt your mana-denial plan?

  3. #3
    Weapon X's Avatar
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    Re: Tog Smash

    I was thinking about a loam, much like I considered darkblast. I think this comes down to how often I expect tog to be relevant. The whole idea was to bring back berserk and tog, but in the tempo shell it just replaces a murktide. With that said I’ve done more goldfishing and as expected, non blue lands are bad. Yavimaya has become the 4th wasteland. At first I felt I needed green, but just drawing hands shows you can play without green. Green really is just giving me access to assassins trophy. Being able to main deck such a versatile removal spell is the reason for green. Loam feels secondary to need, but could still be a sideboard option.
    The Parfait Meta-Game

  4. #4

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    Re: Tog Smash

    If you're playing BUG tempo with Berserk, I think the 1 drop you want is either Death's Shadow or Dreadnought, not Delver. It would involve changing a few other slots but then at least your other threat is a significant clock and gets value out of Berserk.

    Strix could go. It's a defensive midrange card, not an aggressive tempo card.

  5. #5
    Weapon X's Avatar
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    Re: Tog Smash

    Deaths shadow was the first concept, but I wanted to pair that with doomsday. That reminded me of wanting to try to play tog again however.

    Yeah I don’t feel excited about strix. It was an easy include because it cantrips and is blue. It’s easily one of the weakest links.
    The Parfait Meta-Game

  6. #6

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    Re: Tog Smash

    It could easily be replaced by Bowmasters at 2 mana. Not blue, but more proactive play.

  7. #7
    Weapon X's Avatar
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    Re: Tog Smash

    Got some ideas that are looking to change things a bit. I may finally have a home for pteramander!
    The Parfait Meta-Game

  8. #8
    Weapon X's Avatar
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    Re: Tog Smash

    3 psychatog
    3 pteramander
    1 brazen borrower
    4 delver of secrets
    1 berserk
    4 force of will
    4 brainstorm
    3 daze
    2 force of negation
    4 ponder
    3 assassins trophy
    3 careful study
    4 Sauron’s ransom

    2 misty rainforest
    2 tropical island
    4 polluted delta
    4 underground sea
    4 wasteland
    2 island
    1 swamp

    3 mindbreak trap
    3 fatal push
    1 ethereal forager
    2 flusterstorm
    2 snapcaster mage
    2 null rod
    2 surgical extraction

    This is what I ended up playing. I regret not sticking to energy flux. The deck played well and I think I may have to go cunning wish if I am to play it again. Berserk felt like a bad card every time it wasn’t going to win the game, even if it was green removal. Pteramander was great. The forager was just something I wanted to try, but it definitely doesn’t jive with the deck on the whole. I did keep some bad hands, but surprisingly to me, the deck was playable off of a single island. The ring likes psychatog.

    Overall deck was fun and felt powerful. Definitely worth delving more into.
    The Parfait Meta-Game

  9. #9

    Re: Tog Smash

    I think pteramander should be replaced with death shadow. Having both delver and ds. Psytog wants some number of troll of khazadoom and street wraiths in my opinion and they both push you towards ds which also goes nicely with beserk. edit:I also don't think careful study is where you want to be.

  10. #10
    Weapon X's Avatar
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    Re: Tog Smash

    Why does psychatog want either of those? Do you have any reasoning for them as it comes off as random cards that you happen to know that don’t do anything relevant to the plan.
    The Parfait Meta-Game

  11. #11

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    Re: Tog Smash

    Troll, Wraith and Lorien Revealed are good for Psychatog (fill graveyard faster).

    Shadow doesn't do much with Tog, but it's another good body to Berserk. Berserk is pretty bad with Delver and just OK with Pteramander.

    If you're cutting Berserks instead of adding more creatures good with Berserk, then why not play red instead of green? Red offers DRC for another good 1 drop that's amazing at filling the graveyard. You can still play 1-of Temur Battle Rage or whatever.

    Psychatog is basically 2003 Murktide, so it should work with DRC & Delver + spells.

  12. #12

    Re: Tog Smash

    Why are we playing tempo instead of madness? Psychatog is much much worse than beaters like murktide. But it’s not that much worse as a discard outlet than Lotleth Troll and Putrid Imp. At least there is an argument that it is a better topdeck to compensate for being slower.

  13. #13

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    Re: Tog Smash

    What madness payoffs would you play? Rootwalla is not exciting on turn 3. The 4/4 wurms aren't so hot anymore when you can make a 3/3 flying for R. Putrid Imp is better in that you can vomit out Vengevine and Hollow One on turn 1, but doing that on turn 3 is much worse and lacks synergy with Tog.

    Circular Logic might still be playable?

  14. #14
    Weapon X's Avatar
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    Re: Tog Smash

    Playing tog because that was the goal. I wanted to be able to play hulk smash again.

    Honestly after playing that list I did feel reanimator had potential. It does something there that I like, create an option low to the ground. The problem there is why not just be full on reanimator. That I feel is the main problem with where to go. I went tempo because tog is generally good in a control shell and it gave me a big finisher that is the only graveyard interaction I needed to play. If I can blank hate I’d argue that’s good. Berserk as I mentioned only felt good with tog, and off chance removal is cute, but I do think cunning wish would play better. I mainly want green for sideboard options and access to berserk.

    To go grixis the madness plan could be interesting. It could add something to hollow one builds.
    The Parfait Meta-Game

  15. #15

    Re: Tog Smash

    Quote Originally Posted by Weapon X View Post
    Why does psychatog want either of those? Do you have any reasoning for them as it comes off as random cards that you happen to know that don’t do anything relevant to the plan.
    wrath is a 0 mana hidden card neutral way to grow tog. Lorien and troll help fix your colors when you're playing wastelands in a 3c deck, they can even be played off of wasteland, being more cards your opponent might not think about that can grow your tog. Growing your tog at instant speed is important to play around combat and burn and doing so in ways your opponents can not see at a glance is even stronger. If you're already playing troll/lorien and street wraith which to me seem like a no brainer, they pair extremely well with shadow which is a significantly better card than pteramander.

  16. #16

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    Re: Tog Smash

    For Tog, you still have that

    DRC > Delver
    Faithless Looting > Careful Study

    So red looks good. Example:

    //Creatures: 14
    4 Dragon's Rage Channeler
    4 Orcish Bowmasters
    3 Psychatog
    3 Troll of Kazadum

    //Spells: 25
    4 Force of Will
    4 Brainstorm
    4 Ponder
    3 Lightning Bolt
    3 Drown in the Loch
    3 Sauron's Ransom
    2 Lorien Revealed
    1 Force of Negation
    1 Temur Battle Rage

    //Artifacts: 3
    3 Mishra's Bauble

    //Lands: 18
    4 Wasteland
    3 Polluted Delta
    3 Scalding Tarn
    3 Underground Sea
    2 Volcanic Island
    2 Badlands
    1 Island

    Bauble is a free GY filler like Wraith, except even better with DRC.

    DRC is the best graveyard filler in the format, seems much better to have it in the deck.

    Drown in the Loch seems good in a GY-filling plan.

    Temur Battle Rage is poor man's Berserk
    Last edited by FTW; 11-29-2023 at 02:26 AM.

  17. #17
    Weapon X's Avatar
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    Re: Tog Smash

    I forgot about battle rage. Double strike makes me feel better.
    The Parfait Meta-Game

  18. #18

    Re: Tog Smash

    Someone created a modern deck that reminded me of this thread. Thought it might be useful for future theorycrafters.

  19. #19
    Weapon X's Avatar
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    Re: Tog Smash

    I rebuild this deck every once in a while because I loved hulk smash and always want to give a run. Frog is a better tog in that it permanently stays big so I will revisit this again at some point. I have ideas but it’s not my current focus.
    The Parfait Meta-Game

  20. #20

    Re: Tog Smash

    Quote Originally Posted by Weapon X View Post
    I rebuild this deck every once in a while because I loved hulk smash and always want to give a run. Frog is a better tog in that it permanently stays big so I will revisit this again at some point. I have ideas but it’s not my current focus.
    Mind writing your ideas down or is it super secret deck tech? I just figure ideas being written down could help others who might be interested in experimenting with it.

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